Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1700 Ready to leave

Chapter 1700 Ready to leave
The reason why I climbed down is because my current injury is quite serious and I don't dare to make any big moves. In my current situation, any third-rate character can knock me down. I was a little nervous and had to be careful and careful.

After Wang Runsheng made a call, I quickly hung up. He was a little puzzled, and then he was about to call again. At this time, I appeared on his side and said in a deep voice: "Wang Runsheng?"

The young man turned his head, looked at me with a smile, and then asked: "Do you know who the ancestor of the Zhou family is?"

"Zhou Ming." I said with a smile.

"Then do you know who Zhou Ming's master is?" Wang Runsheng asked again.

"The Taoist name is Qingfeng, and my master came from Qingshan. The ancestor of the Zhou family also had a younger brother named Wu Feng, who is the ancestor of my family." I replied with a smile.

"Hello, Master Jiu." Wang Runsheng stretched out his hand and shook it with me.

This kid is pretty smart. My family's grandfather and Zhou's grandfather are rarely known in the Jianghu, especially Zhou Yiyang's grandfather, even fewer people know him, and he can count them with his fingers, because Zhou My family has always been in Zhouyi District. How could the Jianghu in Yanguo know the details of the Zhou family, and it was more than a hundred years ago.

Based on this alone, Wang Runsheng has won my trust. He is a very smart guy. No wonder he has gained the full trust of Zhou Yiyang. He is indeed a capable assistant.

After letting go of his hand, Wang Runsheng opened the car door, stretched out his hand and said, "Master Jiu, please sit on it. I will take you to sea tonight."

After I got in the car, I glanced around and found that Wang Runsheng was the only one in the car.

Seemingly seeing my doubts, Wang Runsheng immediately explained to me: "The matter of picking up Master Jiu is something that Brother Yiyang has repeatedly told you to do. You must be extremely careful. I am afraid that too many people will be distracted and the news will be leaked, so I am the only one. Someone will pick you up."

I smiled slightly and said, "Don't call me Brother Jiu. I see you are not much younger than me. You are just like Zhou Yang. Just call me Brother Jiu. We are all brothers."

"Okay, Brother Xiaojiu." With that, Wang Runsheng started the car and drove quickly towards the east.

This car is also good, it is very comfortable to sit in. While driving, Wang Runsheng chatted with me very acquaintedly. He was very enthusiastic, but he just chatted about other things. This kid is very smart, and he never asked questions. He doesn't ask too many questions. Instead, he answers everything I ask him.

On the way, Wang Runsheng told me that there is a cargo ship departing at [-]:[-] p.m. to Zhouyi District this evening. This cargo ship goes back and forth between Zhouyi District and Tianzhou twice a week, and has never appeared. I had a problem, and Zhou Yiyang opened up a relationship with Yizhou Customs for the convenience of doing business, which is almost equivalent to exemption from inspection, and few people ask. In just a few hours, I can be safely sent to the Zhouyi District before dawn, and Zhou Yiyang will pick me up in the Zhouyi District in person.

In fact, I don’t think going to Zhouyi District is completely peaceful. Last time, our brothers went to Zhouyi District to do something, turned Sihaimen upside down, and killed Lu Gangming who helped him, so he offended This time, I went to the Zhouyi District to recuperate from injuries and avoid disasters. I must be honest, and I can’t make any more troubles. I was targeted by people from the old dynasty. I want to do it again. Returning to Tianzhou is not that easy.

The last time we came back, it was because of the sea dragon that we were able to get out of trouble.

It's just that today is not what it used to be. My cultivation is much stronger than it was then. After I recover from my injury, we don't have to take those masters from the old dynasty too seriously.

After the car drove for about an hour, we arrived at our destination, which was an office building not far from the pier. I was taken into the office building by Wang Runsheng and arranged into a large office. inside.

This office is very large, at least forty or fifty square meters, with a large desk inside. The decoration in the room is simple and luxurious, and it looks very high-end at first glance.

In addition to the desk, there are also leather sofas, bathrooms, bookcases and wardrobes. I didn’t expect Zhou Yiyang to really enjoy it. This kind of place, which comes only twice a year, is so luxurious. It is worthy of being a big business. Rich people.

Thinking about it carefully, I can actually live such a comfortable life. I still have a large amount of property in Wanluo Sect. Basically all the ill-gotten wealth collected by Dilu, the third person of Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, has been collected by me. In fact, I am also very rich, although I am not sure how rich I am, anyway, I am very rich, and I should not be any worse than the Zhou Yiyang family.

Wang Runsheng told me that this office is where Zhou Yiyang works, but he can’t come here twice a year. Yi Yiyang specifically asked him to arrange me here. There is a phone on the table. If you want anything, just call me. Orders will be delivered quickly.

I chuckled and joked with Wang Runsheng: "Then if I want two beautiful girls to come over, is that okay?"

Wang Runsheng smiled shyly and said, "Theoretically, it's possible. Brother Yiyang has told us that as long as we can do it, we must do it."

I patted him on the shoulder and said again: "I'm just joking with you, but I'm a little hungry now, so I'll order some good wine and food first, and I'll leave when I'm full."

Wang Runsheng nodded and said it would be delivered in a moment, and then asked me to come and notify me when you were about to take a rest and leave.

I was bored, so I walked to Zhou Zhouyang's desk, sat down, and experienced the feeling of being a big boss. Not to mention, I felt different when I was sitting here. I picked up the phone and pressed After calling a phone number, a loud voice said: "Hello, Director Jay, what do you need me to do for you?"

"Bring me a cup of tea," I said.

"Okay, send it right away."

Three minutes later, a girl with long legs and fair skin in professional attire came in with tea, gently placed it next to me, then looked at me with a smile and asked me what other services I needed. What?

I immediately tensed up and said no need. The girl bowed slightly, twisted her waist and walked out.

Oops, I can live this little life with Zhou Yiyang.

After a while, wine and food were served. This time, Wang Runsheng brought it in person. He drank some wine with me. While drinking, he told me that after this meal, we would leave. .

 Good night, I wish all the students who are taking the college entrance examination the best. Don't read it these two days. Watch it more once you finish the exam. Youlong will cheer you on.

(End of this chapter)

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