Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1701 Acceptance of Inspection

Chapter 1701 Acceptance of Inspection

When it comes to setting off, I feel a little panicked for no reason. I have been so unlucky recently and everything goes wrong. I am afraid that I will be robbed by someone from the special task force at sea. That is the most painful thing.

The point is that I am currently injured, and my condition is slightly stronger than that of an ordinary person. If I want to fully recover, I will have to recuperate for ten days and a half months to fully recover my cultivation base.

Even beatings won't work, and scolding won't work. It's indeed a bit difficult in a place like the sea where you can't reach the world or touch the ground.

During the meal, I also discussed with Xiao Wang, otherwise I would use water-proof beads to stay in the sea, follow their cargo ship, and follow them all the way back to Zhouyi District. If I were to be arrested and searched in the sea, I would be arrested. The people from the special task force found out. If I were caught by them, it would not be worthwhile if I were to implicate the Zhou family again.

When I called Zhou Yiyang during the day, Zhou Yiyang told me that he felt someone was staring at him, so he went back to Zhouyi District. Even if he went back, I think

But Xiao Wang shook his head and said no, the Zhou family does a lot of business here and has a very good relationship with the customs department and local authorities. Before that, Zhou Yanggang had fed them so easily. There will be people who dare to touch the Zhou family's ship. The economy of this area is still driven by the Zhou family's industrial chain.

Although I say that, I also believe in the strength of the Zhou family, but what kind of department the special task force is is not as simple as he imagined. They are not restricted by any immediate agency at all and can mobilize all available resources. As long as they They said they wanted to search the ship, but no one dared to stop them.

I told Xiao Wang about the situation. Xiao Wang said that if I was worried, I could make two preparations. At first, I would stay in the boat and pretend to be their staff. If there was any trouble, I would jump directly into the sea. Take refuge, take a photo of me soon, and get a work permit to take with you.

In this way, we packed up, I put on a set of their work clothes, and got a work permit to take with me, and then Xiao Wang drove me straight to the dock.

Before going to sea, the ship was inspected to see if it was carrying any prohibited items. However, the relationship between the Zhou family had been established, and the inspection was just a formality. It passed very easily and passed the first level. My mind finally calmed down a little bit.

Hopefully, nothing will happen again along the way.

After getting on the ship, I was arranged in a well-decorated room in the cabin. Xiao Wang told me that he would go to the deck to keep an eye on it, and would come to inform me in advance if there was anything to do. I'll take a good rest, maybe even take a nap.

I responded and found a place to sit down. Before I sailed out of the waters of Yanguo, my heart kept tugging, and how could I sleep peacefully? So I had to sit cross-legged on the sofa, start practicing, and then recover. Take a look at your injuries.

Just like that, I don’t know how long it has passed while sitting in the cabin. I felt quite uneasy staying here. I always felt that something was going to happen. I guess I was overthinking it. Anyway, as soon as I was unlucky, this bad thing would happen. One thing after another, there is an endless stream. This time, I don’t think it will be so smooth.

However, things were just as I thought. After the rumor floated on the sea for several hours, suddenly, Xiao Wang rushed in and told me that a patrol boat from the sea was approaching. This is also strange, I have never encountered this situation before.

When something goes wrong, something bad is going to happen.

I didn't dare to complain, so I quickly followed Xiao Wang out of the cabin. However, I saw several patrol boats speeding over not far away, approaching us. They were still far away, over there. He used a loudspeaker to shout for us to stop the boat for inspection.

When Xiao Wang saw so many boats heading towards us, he was at a loss and said to himself: "Today is really strange. We encountered a sea fishing inspection two years ago and it was just one boat. Why are there so many here today? "

At that moment, I said to Xiao Wang: "Let's go according to my plan. I will hide in the sea first. After they finish the inspection, I will get on the boat when they are approaching the waters of Zhouyi District."

Xiao Wang nodded, and then I found a place, got off the boat, picked up the water-proof beads, and first hid in a dark corner of the hull, secretly observing the surrounding movements.

Not long after, the other party's patrol boat came over. When Chuan approached, ladders were set up on both sides. Soon some heavily armed personnel arrived on the Zhou family's boat. Then, I saw another patrol boat coming from another boat. A group of people in Yixian uniforms came off the boat, some of whom I knew. It was Li Yi and the bald man who came with a dozen people from the special team.

This kid Li Yi, I really beat him lightly last time. I warned him not to let me touch him a second time, but he still dared to come over. He was simply looking for death.

But what puzzles me is, how could this bastard Li Yi find his way here?
I was puzzled. Every time I moved to a place, someone could accurately locate me. Whether it was the special team, Dancheng Mountain, or Guiyong Road, it was very easy to find me. They were careful enough, and they were able to find this. What was the reason?

After Li Yi and the others got on the boat, they asked the coastal defense personnel to start searching the boat. Their attitude was very arrogant. Xiao Wang went up to say a few words, but was pushed aside by Li Yi.

Dozens of coastal defense personnel searched the ship for a full 10 minutes before they finally got together. Someone told Li Yi that there was nothing.

But I heard Li Yidao: "How is it possible... The intelligence we received said that Wu Jiuyin is on this ship, and he was seriously injured. How could he not be found?"

But I heard the bald man say: "I heard that the person who rescued Wu Jiuyin that day was a descendant of Chen Ting's ancestor, a woman named Chen Qingan. That woman was proficient in the art of disguise and could change people's faces easily. If you can't tell, why don't we gather everyone together and check one by one, we will definitely be able to find that boy Wu Jiuyin."

Li Yi immediately agreed and gathered everyone on the ship together to inspect them one by one. Li Yi even personally pulled their faces. Damn it, it would be weird if they could be pulled off.

The group of people worked for a long time, but still found nothing. Li Yi suddenly became a little angry, so he detained all the people on the ship and took them back for inspection one by one.

Xiao Wang suddenly became anxious and said that this batch of goods had to be transported back to Zhouyi District tonight, and they could be held in custody. They must compensate for the loss.

(End of this chapter)

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