Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1702: Yandong King’s Office

Chapter 1702: Yandong King’s Office
Why did Li Yi chatter so much with Xiao Wang, so he immediately asked the coastal defense to tie him up and take them back to be checked one by one.

Xiao Wang had no choice but to argue for a few words, and then several people from the special team behind Li Yi came up and pushed him to the ground. They then punched and kicked him.

When the people on the boat saw that Xiao Wang was still like this, no one dared to resist anymore.

Soon, the twenty or thirty employees of the Zhou family on board the ship were all handcuffed and escorted one by one to the coastal defense ship.

I squatted in the somewhat cold sea water, watching this scene, and my teeth were itching with hatred. You Li Yi actually dared to show up and come to get me in person. Don't you fall into my hands and watch me fight. Even your mother won't recognize you.

At the same time, I was full of doubts. What exactly was wrong? How did the people from the Southwest Department find me again?And the position is still so accurate, I can't figure out which link caused the problem.

After working for half an hour, the people on this ship were handcuffed one by one, and escorted to another ship, and the ship I was on was taken over by the people from Haiphong.

Li Yi is based on the idea that he would rather catch a thousand by mistake than let one go. He is very convinced that I am on this ship, so he did this.

Unexpectedly, I would harm Xiao Wang in this way. I am really a broom star.

However, just when these ships were about to leave here, several large ships suddenly came from behind. They were all coastal defense ships. Seeing this scene, I was so scared that I hurriedly hid in the water.

I thought to myself, catch me alone, as for such a big battle, it's like a war, don't be scared, Xiao Beihai will be nervous.

The incoming boats stopped on the ground beside the boats brought by Li Yi, and then loudspeakers shouted, asking people from Li Yi's side to stop the boats for inspection.

I'll go, what the hell are you doing, your own people are checking your own people?

What a joke.

As soon as I heard this noise, I slowly floated up from the water, found a hidden corner to hide again, and looked towards the ships that had just arrived, but I saw a big ship in the front. There were also a dozen people wearing Yixian uniforms standing, blocking the way of Li Yi and others.

As soon as Li Yi saw the other party coming, he immediately walked up to the splint, took out a loudspeaker and shouted: "We are special commissioners from the Southwest General Administration, and we are here to arrest important criminals in the waters of Yizhou. Which department are you from?"

But I saw a person on the opposite side, about 60 years old, with extraordinary appearance, and said with full of official air: "We are from the special investigation team of Yandong Department. My name is Wang Chengbin. The person on the other side listen carefully. Yes, but you went to the ground of our Yandong Bureau to take people, but you didn't say hello to our Yandong Bureau, and you also arrested so many investors in our Zhouyi District, which seriously damaged the local economic construction and stability This is absolutely not allowed in the great situation of unity, you'd better let them go immediately, or I will arrest you all!"

"Ouch...it turns out to be Director Wang from the Yandong Bureau. The flood has really washed away the Dragon King Temple. I'm so sorry. I came here to arrest people on orders from the Southwest Bureau. If Director Wang has any comments, , you can call Director Su directly to communicate..." Li Yi shouted loudly over there.

But Director Wang from the Yandong Department didn't seem to be very talkative. Seeing that he was nagging and refusing to let go, he waved his hand and said, "Detain all the people from the Southwest Department opposite!"

As soon as he finished speaking, those large ships quickly sailed towards Li Yi. When Li Yi saw that something was wrong, he quickly waved his hand towards Director Wang and said: "Director Wang, don't be angry, I Let him go now...let him go now..."

After saying that, Li Yi called to the people behind him to release Xiao Wang and others, and let them return to the cargo ship. Then, Li Yi led a group of people from the Southwest Department and left in despair. .

After Li Yi and others left, the director named Wang Chengbin sailed the boat next to the Zhou family's cargo ship, and then boarded the ship directly.

He looked around for a few times before saying to Xiao Wang: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, are you not frightened?"

"No...thank you, Director Wang..." Xiao Wang said politely.

"Okay, you can leave now and go back to Zhouyi District. Tell that boy, Director Wu of the Yanbei Department asked me to handle this matter, and I was also entrusted by others. It's a matter of loyalty." Director Wang said with a smile, and looked around a few times, and also glanced at the place where I was hiding intentionally or unintentionally, wondering if he had discovered my existence.

Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment, pretending to be confused and said: "I will definitely bring this to the Zhou family, thank you Director Wang."

Wang Chengbin patted Xiao Wang on the shoulder, then got off the boat, got to another boat, and greeted everyone to leave.

After a few minutes, all those boats sailed away, and Xiao Wang ordered people to sail the boats toward Zhouyi District.

I controlled the water-proof beads and followed Xiao Wang's boat. After sailing forward for more than ten nautical miles, I boarded the boat and met Xiao Wang. At this time, Xiao Wang was very frightened. When he saw me, he immediately He sighed and said, "Brother Xiaojiu, how could something like this happen? I've been walking on this line for two years and I haven't encountered anything like this."

"It's normal. They came for me." I said.

"It's impossible. I have arranged everything very well. There shouldn't be any mistakes." Xiao Wang said depressedly.

"The problem may be with me. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you." I added.

Xiao Wang asked doubtfully: "What's wrong with you?"

I shook my head and said helplessly: "I don't know either. Anyway, as soon as I take action, they can quickly locate my location. Let's wait until we return to Zhouyi District."

After driving forward for a while, we were about to reach the sea area of ​​​​Zhouyi District. I felt completely relieved and returned to the cabin, thinking about what Director Wang said just now. He It was said that Director Wu from the Yanbei Department asked him to handle this matter. Obviously, Director Wu is my grandfather. Before the people from the Southwest Department took action, my grandfather must have received some information, and then informed Wang The director came to the rescue.

In fact, even if Director Wang can't come, I have a way to escape. After all, I have water-proof beads in the sea. It's not very far from Zhouyi District. I can reach Zhouyi District by sneaking all the way. It just takes a lot of pain. If Xiao Wang and others are killed, they will be arrested and sent to the Southwest Department to suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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