Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1704 Scary Dreams

Chapter 1704 Scary Dreams

After the car stopped, I followed Zhou Yiyang out of the car, and then Team Leader Long came to greet me personally and invited me to a lobby. After passing through the lobby, there was a very spacious room. There was a huge round table, which was filled with steaming wine and food, including birds and animals, as well as delicacies from the mountains and seas. In the middle of the table, I even saw a whole roasted deer. It was such a luxury. My index finger moved when I saw it. I'm really hungry.

As soon as I came in, the leader asked me to sit in the main seat, saying that I was a guest and an honored guest, so I had to sit in the main seat.

This is the main branch of Sihaimen. How could I snatch the position of the leader of the dragon group? After repeated delays, the leader of the dragon group still took the chair. Then Zhou Yiyang and I sat on both sides of the leader of the dragon group. Some people came in, including the current deacons of the five branches of Sihaimen.

The deacons of Sihaimen were all killed by us. These deacons were re-selected and appointed. They came here to accompany the wine.
As soon as I came up, Master Longmen first introduced me to the deacons of several branches that he had trusted for a short time. Those deacons stood up and saluted me one after another, saying that they had admired me for a long time. I also stood up and returned the salute to them one by one. This is a courtesy. It still needs to be taken care of.

In fact, I don't like to participate in such occasions, mainly because of Zhou Yiyang. His family in Zhouyi District must have a good relationship with Sihaimen, so naturally I can't neglect them.

The age of the deacons of these trust branches ranges from 40 to 60 years old, and all of them are quite good in cultivation. However, compared with the previous deacons of the branches in Sihaimen, they are really far behind and cannot be compared to the same. , from this point of view, the strength of Sihaimen is really not as good as before.

During the banquet, everyone chatted happily and exchanged glasses. As they chatted, they talked about the fact that I was hunted down by the special task force, Dan Chengshan and Guiyong Taoist in Tianzhou.

Leader Dragon and others were also very curious and asked me how I was able to escape from so many powerful enemies. Everyone was very enthusiastic, so I simply said it. Although it was simple, everyone who listened was impressed. I was frightened and gasped. The deacons of the various branches of the Dragon Group were only polite on the surface at first, but when they heard that I had escaped from so many powerful enemies and came all the way to Zhouyi District, their eyes were full of reverence. color.

In particular, Zhou Yiyang also mentioned a series of things including our fight for the Golden Toad and Snow Lotus in the Yan Kingdom, going deep into the Guimen Village to kill the Huaxi Granny, etc. After hearing this, everyone was even more impressed with me. Only then did they understand why the Dragon Sect Master He treated me like a guest and was very polite.

We had this meal very late, as the sky was getting brighter, everyone dispersed and left. When leaving, Master Longmen specially sent two deacons to take Zhou Yiyang and me home.

The place where Zhou Yiyang lives is not in the noisy urban area, but in a manor not far from the urban area. Naturally, it is not that big. There are many servants in the family alone. The last time I came to Zhouyi District , the Zhou family happened to be in trouble, and they didn’t have much contact with Yiyang Yang’s family all the way through the fighting. This time, we just had the opportunity to have a chat with Yiyang Yang’s family. After all, our two families are family friends.

But not today. Zhou Yiyang said that I was tired from the trip and wanted me to go back and have a rest. If I have anything to do, I can wait until I wake up to talk about it.

Due to my injuries, I had not had a good rest for so many days and my body was very tired. Then, I was arranged by Zhou Yiyang to stay in a guest room on the third floor of his villa, and a servant was assigned to me. The waiter is always waiting at the door to take care of you.

I was very tired, so I washed myself briefly, put on my clothes, fell on the bed, and fell asleep. I slept until ten o'clock in the afternoon, and then I had a daydream. The scene in the dream was very terrifying. I dreamed I actually dreamed that Chen Qinghuan and Li Kexin were fighting. Each of them was using their magic skills, and the fight was dark and dark. I wanted to go up to break up the fight, but I didn’t know who to help. I was so anxious that I was sweating. I was thinking of nothing. At that time, someone suddenly called me Brother Xiaojiu from behind. When I looked back, I found that it was the girl Tila from Pontiwa in Shiguo. She was holding a baby waiting to be fed in her arms. She smiled and said to me, Brother Xiaojiu, You see, this is our child.

My head buzzed, as if it was exploding, and then it happened so suddenly that I broke into a cold sweat.

I don't know how I had such a strange dream, it was too scary.

Maybe I think about it during the day and at night. Recently, I have been trying to ignore this complicated emotional issue, but whenever I calm down, I still can't help but think about it.

After waking up, I washed my face, took a few deep breaths, and then walked out of the house. There was a servant standing at the door. He bowed to me first, and then said politely: "Wu Sir, you're awake... Our young master said that after you wake up, he asked me to take you to the study."

I nodded and followed the man straight to the study. Zhou Yiyang heard the footsteps and came over to open the door for me. He was still holding a mobile phone in his hand and chatting eagerly with the person.

As soon as I entered the room, Yi Yiyang closed the door and said to me quickly: "Brother Xiaojiu, you're awake now. You don't know that not long after you fell asleep, Laohua and the others started to give you milk every half hour." I called you to ask if you were awake, but it annoyed me to death. You should answer the phone quickly, otherwise they will come directly..."

As soon as I guessed it was them, I quickly took the phone from Yiyang Yang. The familiar voice of Monk Hua soon came over the phone, and he came up and said: "Xiaojiu, you are really lucky, being chased by so many people." Even though he was killed, he didn’t die, and he ran to Yiyang to be happy. Remember to ask Yiyang to find you some big money horses, and have a good time..."

This guy just can't spit out ivory from his mouth. I talked to him for a long time, and then Bai Zhan snatched the phone away. I chatted with them one by one, reported that they were safe, and finally left the phone behind. In Xue Xiaoqi's hands, there was a brief exchange of greetings, and then I asked about the condition of Yue Qiang, the patient sent by Chenshan. Xue Xiaoqi told me that the situation was not optimistic. Since Yue Qiang was sent here, , has been staying in the magic circle of the two old men, and has not gotten up yet, because Yue Qiang was poisoned by a very rare poison, and the two old men are trying to detoxify him. He will definitely not die. But he couldn't tell when he would wake up, but if there was any news from Yue Qiang, he would notify me as soon as possible.

Yue Qiang must have known something, otherwise the other party would not have poisoned him.

(End of this chapter)

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