Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1705 A flower in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 1705: A flower in the world
Whether I can clear my name in the Yan Kingdom, I am now counting on whether Yue Qiang can wake up, so that I can find out who is behind this and who wants to kill me.

After chatting with the brothers, after they learned about my safety, they each felt relieved and discussed that after Yue Qiang wakes up, we brothers would return to Tiannan City to meet again.

When I talk about this matter, I feel a big regret in my heart again. When I went to Xiyanzhou to clean up the wandering corpse last time, I wanted to pick up Xiao Mengmeng from Qingshan when I came back. By the way, Looking at my parents again, what they have done now has disrupted all my plans. Xiao Mengmeng is no longer with me. I always feel that something is missing, and even less a capable assistant. Otherwise, I would When I was attacked from three sides, I wouldn't be so embarrassed.

I don’t know how Xiao Mengmeng is doing in Qingshan. She hasn’t seen me for such a long time. This little girl must miss me. In fact, I miss her too.

This farewell, I don't know when we will meet again.

After hanging up the phone on Zhou Yiyang, I thought of another person, Fatty Jin from the Wanluo Sect. I wanted to know what the situation was like in the Yan Kingdom. He must be the most knowledgeable about this news, especially last time I Being attacked from three sides, he encountered the battle between Bai Hu and Elder Xuanwu.

At that moment, I used my mobile phone to exchange a phone card and dialed Fatty Jin.

Fatty Jin was not surprised when he received my call. He didn't ask anything. Instead, he came up and asked me what news I wanted to know. He was so well-informed that he must have known that I had escaped from Yan Country.

My question is very simple, just asking how the situation of Bai Hu and Elder Xuanwu is.

Everything was as expected. After what happened last time, Baihu and Elder Xuanwu escaped, but most of the Guiyong Taoists he brought to ambush me were killed by the special team. Southwest Department The losses there were also very heavy. The people from the Southwest Department who went to capture me were almost wiped out by Young Master Xue and others, if it weren't for the backup guard team from the special task force.

In addition, two of the Taoist priests of the "Hua" generation in Dancheng Mountain were killed by Mr. Xue's men in that battle. They all died of being poisoned, with ulcers all over their bodies, and their death was very miserable. .

Su Bingyi, director of the Southwest Department, was furious and probably put all the debt on my head. Fatty Jin reminded me to be careful as there has been a lot of trouble recently and advised me not to come back and stay outside for a while.

I responded, thanked Fatty Jin, and then asked him a question that I had always wanted to ask, which was the whereabouts of the Haohai Shenni.

This is the first time I have heard of Haohai Shenni. If Li Kexin hadn't suddenly appeared, I probably would have never interacted with her in this life.

When asked about this matter, Fatty Jin was a little confused and said, "Master Jiu, what are you asking this person for?"

"What, is there anything I shouldn't ask?" I asked curiously.

"That's not true. This person was very famous seven or eighty years ago. He was known as a flower in the world. He fascinated the entire world. But for some reason, he suddenly disappeared from the world. What's more, he disappeared from the world. I worshiped and practiced in a nunnery in Haohai, and that nunnery was on a small island in Haohai. It was commonly known as the Haohai sect, but it had very few disciples. Later, when the old woman appeared again, she was a very powerful nun. Now, her cultivation level is very high. People in the world call her the Holy Nun of Haohai. She has not appeared in the world in recent decades. Master Jiu, why do you ask this old nun?" Fatty Jin asked curiously.

"It's okay, I just asked casually, by the way, what is the name of the island where Haohai Shenni lives, and how can I find it?" I asked again.

"This... this is a bit troublesome. It is said that the island where Haohai Shenni lives is also a very secret cave heaven paradise, but its scale is much smaller than the cave heaven paradise of those sects in Qingshan Dancheng Mountain. It is a little bigger than a palm. It's not that easy to find the place. If Master Jiu really wants to find out, I can ask my people to investigate, and I think we'll know the news in three to five days." Fatty Jin said sternly.

"Then there is Brother Lao Jin. You must tie me up to find out the whereabouts of this Haohai Shenni. I will be of great use." I said again.

"How can we not take the matter that Master Jiu ordered us to take to heart? Don't worry, this matter will be taken care of by me." Fatty Jin said confidently.

After chatting with the fat man for a while, I hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief. I finally felt at ease. After I went back, I had to go find Li Kexin. There were still some unresolved matters between her and me. I can't go on living in a daze. She has to give me an answer for what's going on.

When I was on the phone, Zhou Yiyang was listening all the time, and then said: "Brother Xiao Jiu, do you still have a grudge against that Haohai Shenni?"

"No..." I shook my head.

"Then why are you asking about his whereabouts?" Zhou Yiyang asked curiously.

I took a deep breath and felt that there was no need to hide this matter from Yiyang Yang, so I told Yiyang that Li Kexin was not dead but had joined the disciples of Haohai Shenni. Yiyang was shocked after hearing this. , she knew that Li Kexin was my girlfriend, who had been killed by Gui Yongdao several years ago, so she was naturally shocked to hear that she was not dead yet.

After taking a breath, Zhou Yiyang said: "Brother Xiaojiu, you must go find her. My sister-in-law can't become a nun. If she doesn't want to, we brothers will go to Haohai to kill her." Just grab it back."

"We can't force this matter. Didn't I ask Fatty Jin to inquire about it? Once we understand the situation, it won't be too late for us to take action." I said.

Zhou Yiyang nodded, and then said that dinner was almost ready, and he just invited me to meet his parents. Last time, I took a few brothers to save the Zhou family from fire and water, but their Zhou family has never been there. There was no time to thank me, so this time Yiyang’s parents wanted to thank me in person.

As for thanking or not, that's the same thing, but it is still necessary to meet Yiyang's parents.

At the moment, I followed Zhou Yiyang to their restaurant. That restaurant was at least [-] square meters. The life of rich people was really unimaginable.

I have met Zhou Yiyang's father before, but I have never met her mother. She is a very elegant-looking woman. She is well-maintained and looks like she is under 40 years old. In fact, he is already 50 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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