Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1706 Kongming Island

Chapter 1706 Kongming Island

I have met Zhou Yiyang's father, but he left in a hurry last time and didn't have time to exchange greetings.

This time we met, Zhou Yiyang's parents were [-]% enthusiastic towards me, they quickly invited me to a seat, and immediately thanked me for coming so far to save Zhou's family last time.

I exchanged pleasantries with their two elders, and said that it was all right, our two families were family friends before, and Zhou Yiyang and I got along with each other again, and we were willing to do anything for our brothers, but now I am in trouble, it is different He also relied on the Zhou family to take care of him.

The two elderly people were very happy and hurriedly let me eat. During the dinner, Yiyang's mother kept bringing me food, praised me as a good boy, and asked me if I had a partner. She also said that Yiyang had a girl who was very good-looking. nice.

As soon as I heard her talk about it, I immediately felt uncomfortable. The old man is messing up the mandarin ducks. Zhou Linger's sister is good-looking, but she and Xue Xiaoqi are a couple, so I can't talk about it .

Later, Zhou Yiyang quickly changed the topic and avoided an embarrassment.

During the meal, we also talked about the old man Su Mo, the snake king who migrated to the border jungle. When we talked about this person, Father Zhou said that there was such a person, and then he had the old man of the Zhou family and Su Mo brought over. A group photo of the old man when he was young. It was an old black and white photo. At that time, they were all in their thirties, wearing sanitary attire, handsome and energetic. Mr. Su Mo looked like standing next to the old man of the Zhou family. Very happy and very handsome. I didn’t expect that the white-haired old man Su Mo was so good-looking when he was young. It’s a pity that he has stayed in the jungle all his life, associating with snakes. Yiyi Yang said that he will definitely go to Cangzhou when he has the opportunity in the future. I met Mr. Su Mo for a while in the jungle on the border.

This meal was very warm and harmonious, as if I was a member of the family, and the two elderly people also regarded me as one of their own.

The following period of time has been uneventful.

I spend most of every day squatting in the Yiyiyang family's villa, concentrating on practicing and recovering my body. The injuries I suffered during the previous fight with Xuanwu and Elder Baihu are also recovering quickly, one day at a time.

A few days later, I made another phone call to Fatty Jin and asked about Haohai Shenni. Fatty Jin told me that he had some clues. The Haohai Shenni was on Kongming Island on the coast of the Haohai Sea. The Kongming Island is not like an ordinary island that can be seen at a glance, but is wrapped in a magic circle. The island is surrounded by sea fog all year round, shrouding the island, making it impossible for ordinary people to find that place. , even if you find it, it is difficult to get close to the island, because there are many sea animals around the island, the most common ones are sharks, and the climate there is not very good, with frequent storms, thunder and lightning, and underwater whirlpools. The old fishermen did not dare to get close to the island. Once they entered, the boat would easily sink and the people would fall into the sea. They would be snatched away by sharks and not even a bone or scrap could be found.

Unexpectedly, Li Kexin lived on such a small island.

But Fatty Jin told me that it was said that someone had been to that island a long time ago. The environment on the island was very beautiful, very different from the conditions around the island, and the climate was very stable. The nun who lived in Haohai Shenni The nunnery is on a hill in the middle of Kongming Island. It can be found easily once you get to the island.

Then, I asked what the current situation was in Yan country and whether they had any plans for me.

Fatty Jin told me again that almost all of the Yan Kingdom's special task forces are busy cleaning up Gui Yong Dao, because the last time they encountered people from Gui Yong Dao, the special task force suffered heavy losses, with nearly a hundred casualties. The general administration's side was so furious that they had no time to take care of my affairs, but don't hit the muzzle of the special task force's gun, they will still deal with it. In addition, Dan Chengshan's side certainly has not given up on pursuing me. Kill, Dan Chengshan seems to be discussing how to find me now.

After all, the person who died was the son of Headmaster Dan Chengshan. There must be a conclusion to this matter, otherwise Dan Chengshan would lose all face.

Fatty Jin told me that I must be careful of Dan Chengshan, even if I am not in Yan country, I must be careful of them.

Although I didn't tell Fatty Jin that I came to Zhouyi District, I guess he should know where I am. He is so well-informed that he must have heard about it. Furthermore, Wanluo Sect also has eyes and ears in Zhouyi District. There's no way to cover this up.

I thanked Fatty Jin, and then hung up the phone. When I return to Yan Kingdom, I will definitely go to Kongming Island to find Li Kexin. This is just a preparation in advance.

In a blink of an eye, nearly 20 days have passed. These days, my injuries have basically recovered. On that day, I called Xue Xiaoqi again and asked about Yue Qiang's situation. He said that Yue Qiang's condition was getting better day by day, but he hadn't woken up yet. The two old men were trying their best to treat him, so it would probably take some time.

Then, I joked with Xue Xiaoqi about when I would get married to Zhou Ling'er. I had been so unlucky recently, so I wanted to have a glass of wedding wine to celebrate and get rid of all the bad luck in my body.

When he talked about this, Xue Xiaoqi felt a little embarrassed and said that he had to wait, at least until I came back safely. Even if they get married now, I can't make it.

This is the truth.

In the blink of an eye, I stayed at Yiyue Yang's house for a month. I had been recovering from my injuries some time ago. After I recovered from my injuries, I had time to calm down and ponder the seventh sword style of Xuantian Sword Technique. The seventh sword The style is called Fire Dragon Jingtian, a very powerful sword move. I have only practiced it for more than ten days, but it has not seen much effect. Sometimes the sword soul can spurt out a little fire, but the sign is not big.

Zhou Yiyang is a busy man. He has to go to the company every day to take care of his family's property. We don't meet often.

During this period, the leader of Sihaimen's Dragon Gate also came to see me two or three times, but it was nothing serious. He just chatted to deepen our relationship and left after less than half an hour. I was also polite to him.

One evening, Zhou Yiyang came to see me and said that I could stay calm even though I could not leave the front door or the second door of their house. He would take me out to look around tonight to see the customs and customs of Zhouyi District. , otherwise it would be in vain.

At this moment, when I saw Yiyiyang, I suddenly remembered something, so I asked him: "Yiyang, since the last time we went to Guimen Village, I haven't seen that fat worm thousand-year-old Gu on you. What's going on with it now? Has it improved after swallowing the poison from the Five Poison Gu Master and the Flower-skinned Lizard?"

(End of this chapter)

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