Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1708 The Lord of the Dragon Sect is in trouble

Chapter 1708 The Lord of the Dragon Sect is in trouble

Zhou Yiyang and I looked at each other and were both stunned for a moment. Zhou Yiyang glanced at the person being held up and recognized it immediately, and said immediately: "Big insect, how did you end up like this?"

The big insect broke free from the hands of Zhou Yang's two men, walked to Zhou Yang's side, and grabbed Zhou Yang's arm with a pair of blood-stained hands. He was covered in blood and couldn't figure it out. Is it his blood or someone else's? He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood foam, covering Yiyang Yang's body, but Yiyang Yang didn't care and dragged the man's body with his hands.

Da Chong said with some difficulty: "Young Master of the Zhou family... our Dragon Gate Master was ambushed by the thieves from the Tianyi Alliance and Wenshan Society... The people around the Dragon Gate Master suffered heavy losses, and the Dragon Gate Master was also injured. I... I I finally managed to fight my way out and escaped. I beg Master Zhou, considering the friendship between Master Longmen and you in the past two years... go over and save his life..."

As he said that, the big insect knelt directly in front of Zhou Yang. At this time, I could see clearly that his body was covered with knife wounds, his skin and flesh were turned out, dripping with blood, and his bones were exposed in some places. If he was not treated in time, I am afraid that Life is not guaranteed.

"Don't worry, Da Chong, I will definitely save the Dragon Sect Master. Where is he now?" Zhou Yiyang asked eagerly.

"In...at Paiyun Villa..." Da Chong said these words with difficulty, and then he fainted as soon as he fell down. I squatted down and checked his breath, and found that he was still alive. Monday Yang quickly ordered the two men: "Quickly...take the person away quickly and get treatment quickly. Use the private doctor at home to save me!"

The two men came over quickly and carried the big insect away. The blood was spread all over the place. It looked like it would be difficult to save the big insect.

As soon as the people over there left, Zhou Yiyang said: "This person is a close confidant of Master Longmen, and he has a very good relationship with Jiang Yong. Jiang Yong was killed in Yishan Kingdom, and now Master Longmen is the only one he can trust. In fact, Wenshanhui and Tianyi Alliance have always been eyeing Sihaimen. Especially after the old sect leader Lu Gangming was killed by us, these two forces coveted Sihaimen even more. I always thought they would because of our surroundings. The relationship between my family and Sihaimen is a bit scary, I didn’t expect them to start taking action so soon.”

With that said, Zhou Yiyang looked at me and said, "Brother Xiaojiu, what do you think we should do about this?"

In fact, there is no need to ask about this matter. People must help. The relationship between Sihaimen and the Zhou family is so good, so even Wenshan Society and Tianyi Alliance dare to touch it. It is obvious that they do not take the Zhou family seriously. As long as Sihaimen is Those two forces have been wiped out, and the rest must want to annex the Zhou family. I found that the forces in the Yi District of this state are not as good as Gui Yongdao's people who understand the rules and dare to do anything when their brains are hot.

"Yiyang, the Master of the Dragon Sect is not bad to you. Whether it was Tong Nanzhou and his party or the last time I was captured alive by the Southwest Department, this Master of the Dragon Sect has worked hard and sacrificed his life. Now that he is in trouble, we can't just die without saving him. , Besides, once everything is over at Sihaimen, your Zhou family will probably suffer as well, so don’t say any more and leave quickly." I said.

"Thank you, Brother Nine." Zhou Yiyang said gratefully.

"Thank you so much, we are brothers." I said.

"Wait a minute then. I'm anxious for a group of people to go over first. Since they dare to touch the Dragon Sect Master, they must have strong people and strong horses. We must also be prepared." Zhou Yiyang said.

"No, when you gather people together, the master of Longmen is probably dead, just the two of us are enough, don't you even have this confidence?" I said to Zhou Yiyang while walking towards the outside of the manor .

"I feel down-to-earth when I'm with Brother Xiaojiu. But how are your injuries? Can you fight with others?" Zhou Yiyang asked worriedly.

"It's been fine for a long time. It was almost recovered a week ago." I said.

"Prepare the car, hurry up!" Zhou Yiyang shouted suddenly.

The people at the door immediately became busy. When we got there, a brand new off-road vehicle was already placed there. I got in the passenger seat and Zhou Yiyang drove, because I was not familiar with the route.

According to Zhou Yiyang, the Paiyun Villa is almost more than 100 miles away from here. It is a property belonging to Sihaimen. It is a very large manor. Wenshan Society and Tianyi Alliance must be prepared to take action there.

After the Lord of the Dragon Sect accepted the Sihaimen, there has been no peace, because there are still some Lu Gangming's subordinates in the Sihaimen. On the surface, they surrendered to the Lord of the Longmen, but secretly they are not convinced. The one who framed us in Tongnan Continent last time Mu Feng was one of Lu Gangming's subordinates. I don't know which one of them made the mistake this time and directly sold the leader of the Dragon Sect.

In the car, Zhou Yiyang briefly told me about the situation of Wenshan Society and Tianyi League.

Before Lu Gangming was killed by us, Sihaimen was naturally the dominant family in Zhouyi District. But after Lu Gangming and the other deacons died, Sihaimen was not as strong as before. In Zhouyi District District, Tianyi League and Wenshan Society have formed a tripartite situation. On the surface, these three forces seem to be able to get over it, but secretly, some dirty things often happen. We know that the contradictions are getting bigger and bigger, and sooner or later these three forces will have a fight.

But Zhou Yiyang didn't expect that they would take action so quickly.

On the road, Zhou Yiyang drove the car as fast as he could, talking to me while driving. The bumpy road was like riding a roller coaster.

In addition, the leader of the Tianyi League is called Lu Guanru. He is a very vicious character. As the leader of the Tianyi League, he can be regarded as inheriting his father's legacy. This Tianyi League is also an old force in Zhouyi District. This man is 50 years old. Go up and down, make good use of a pair of mourning sticks, dance with sinister winds, and make ghosts cry and howl. As long as you are hit by the mourning sticks, you will lose half your life even if you don't die. There are many powerful soldiers under this kid's hands. The most famous one is the Eighteen Arhats beside him, who look almost the same as the Eighteen Bronze Man from Shaolin Temple. They have also mastered a set of stick formations, which are extremely powerful and should not be underestimated.

The sect leader of the Wenshan Society is called Bai Luoqing, known as the White-faced King of Hell. He is about 60 years old. This man is very powerful. He basically founded the Wenshan Society. Anyone who offends him will not have a good end. Rumor has it that This Bai Luoqing's ancestor was the manager of the mysterious department of the Wen Dynasty, the Blood Drop, and Bai Luoqing also used a magic weapon like the Blood Drop, which could decapitate people from a hundred meters away. His methods were very ruthless. Everyone in the Wenshan Club is like a ghost, and most of the killers on the ground in Zhouyi District are from the Wenshan Club.

(End of this chapter)

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