Chapter 1709
It was interesting to hear what Zhou Yiyang said. I felt that the strength of these two forces was quite good. No wonder they dared to touch the Dragon Sect Master.

In fact, I think the tripartite situation in Zhouyi District is quite good, and they can restrain each other. This is just like the six states. Once one party is destroyed, the remaining two forces will often go to death. If we fight, the people will not be able to make a living, and the entire prefecture will never be stable.

However, once the situation becomes chaotic, the official government of Zhouyi District will definitely come forward.

I was afraid that I would get involved with the officials of the old dynasty when this happened. Once they knew that I was in Zhouyi District, it would probably be worse than being chased by a special task force.

I originally wanted to stay in Zhouyi District and not cause any trouble, but this seems unlikely.

Zhou Yiyang talked to me all the way, and I listened carefully. As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. Before fighting, you must have an understanding of the opponent.

We never take the initiative to stir up trouble, but as long as others make trouble for us, we will definitely not be happy and can only accept others.

Since the Tianyi Alliance and Wenshan Association are going to cause trouble, it would be a good time to take advantage of this incident and directly let the Sihaimen gather these two forces together. If the Sihaimen can be allowed to annex them, that would be the best. In the future, the Zhou family will It was a peaceful life, and I guess even people from the old dynasty didn't dare to mess with him at that time.

In this way, I will be safer.

For more than 100 miles, Zhou Yiyang drove like an airplane, and he arrived near the so-called Paiyun Villa in less than half an hour.

There was still a long way to go from Paiyun Villa, so Zhou Yiyang stopped the car so as not to alert others.

We hid the car in a dark place, and heard shouts of death coming from a distance, and a strong smell of blood wafted over.

After being stunned for a moment, I asked Yiyang Yiyang: "Yiyang, such a big thing has happened, and the old dynasty in your Zhouyi District won't come forward to take care of it?"

"This is a battle between rivers and lakes. In this regard, Zhouyi District is consistent with Tianzhou. Regardless of the battle between rivers and lakes, as long as they don't attack ordinary people, the officials of Zhouyi District also hope that all the people from these forces will die. It will be easier to manage this way. After the fighting on both sides is finished, the officials from Zhouyi District will come and collect the bodies." Zhou Yiyang told me.

I'm going, so ruthless.

The two of us stayed near Paiyun Villa for a while, and the sound of fighting inside was very sparse, so it was probably almost over.

Obviously, the other party came prepared, it is estimated that the Dragon Gate Master must be unable to hold on, we must act as soon as possible.

At this time, it was already dark. Zhou Yiyang and I both hunkered down and quickly approached the direction of Paiyun Villa. Not long after walking forward, we soon discovered that we were a mile or two away from Paiyun Villa. There is a group of men in black ambushing them. These must be the people Yi Meng and Wenshan will arrange to break up the rear here that day. I am afraid that some people from Sihaimen will escape and are waiting here specially.

At this moment, Zhou Yiyang and I were at full strength. Even though they were well ambush, they were discovered by Yi Yiyang and me.

At that moment, I waved my hand to Zhou Yiyang, indicating that we should attack from both front and back, and quietly kill these ambushing people first, and do it quickly.

At that moment, Zhou Yiyang and I quickly separated. I walked around in front of those people, while Zhou Yiyang walked around behind those people.

I saw some men in black squatting in the grass, and I quietly took out the copper coin sword. I activated the magic formula, and the copper coin sword energy came out.

When the copper coin sword separated with a "clatter", the sound excited the men in black who were ambushing, and someone suddenly shouted: "Who is it!?"


I cursed loudly, and the Copper Coin Sword Formation was suddenly inspired by me. It turned into thousands of Copper Coin Sword Qi and suddenly crashed towards the ambush people.

As soon as I took action, there were muffled sounds coming from behind those people. Zhou Yiyang had already taken action one step ahead of me.

Before those people could react, thousands of copper coin sword energy appeared in a fan shape and swept across, leaving holes in their bodies and causing them to fall into a pool of blood.

This group of people all died within two to three seconds, and the people on Zhou Yiyang's side died even faster.

I walked over to Yiyang Yang and took a look, and found that those people were really miserable. Some were bleeding from all their orifices, and some had livid faces. They all had their eyes wide open, looking like they were dead.

Needless to say, Zhou Yiyang must have used the Thousand Year Gu to kill these people.

This scary little thing is really scary. With this little guy in Zhouyang, there are not many people who dare to confront him head-on. Anyway, what I am most afraid of is this kind of powerful Gu insect, which mainly eats Too bad, last time in Guimen Village, I was almost swallowed by the Five Poison Gu Master.

After killing these people, Zhou Yiyang and I quickly walked towards the manor, then secretly climbed up the courtyard wall and walked quickly on the roof. Along the way, everyone on the ground was There were corpses scattered everywhere, with blood flowing in rivers. There were many people holding knives to touch up the corpses on the ground, hoping that there might still be some survivors.

If you come out to hang out, you will have to pay back sooner or later. This is a true portrayal of the forces in Zhouyi District, a cruel comparison.

Zhou Yiyang and I, both of whom are of high cultivation, climbed over the wall and over the ridge, and soon arrived in front of a large open space in the manor, which was a place similar to a small square.

In this small square, at least 500 people gathered, forming a large circle. Within the circle, I saw the Dragon Sect Master covered in blood, and there were three or four people beside him. They were all covered in blood, and blood was dripping from their bodies.

And there was a layer of faint golden light surrounding the Dragon Sect Master and others, which should be something like a protective barrier to prevent someone from taking advantage of others.

There are at least a hundred corpses around Longmenzhu and others, spread all over the floor, and the strong smell of blood hits the nose.

We just arrived here, but we saw an old man with a face as white as a ghost. He took a step forward and said sternly: "Long, you are such a bear. Why don't you surrender quickly? If you surrender now, maybe Mr. Bai When I'm happy, I'll keep your whole body, and when I take you down later, I'll cut it into pieces and feed it to the dogs."

"Bai Luoqing, screw you, you dare to hack me secretly. Even if Mr. Long turns into a ghost, he won't let you go!" said the leader of the Dragon Sect, somewhat out of breath.

"Hahaha... Since you want to be a ghost so much, then I will help you! Kill him!" Bai Luoqing waved his hand...

(End of this chapter)

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