Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1710 Killing people

Chapter 1710 Killing Hundreds of People
There were not many people left around Master Longmen, and all of them were injured. A large number of people fell around them, with piles of corpses and rivers of blood. On the other hand, the Tianyi Alliance and Wenshan Hui had strong troops and horses. There is strength in numbers. If Zhou Yiyang and I don't come, the leader of the Dragon Sect and his subordinates will definitely lose their lives here.

With a big wave of Bai Luoqing's hand, the hundreds of people surrounding the Dragon Gate Master immediately charged towards them again, and bullets continued to hit the Dragon Gate Master and them, but there was a protective barrier around the Dragon Gate Master and others. It can't hurt them for the time being.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yiyang and I looked at each other, and then we planned to take the initiative and launch a counter-encirclement and suppression campaign for them.

Immediately, I took out a group of sharp weapons such as the copper coin sword, and quickly activated the Big Dipper copper coin sword formation, and Zhou Yiyang was even more direct, as soon as he slapped his chest, the fat bug Millennium Gu flew out.

The Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation was quickly formed, and suddenly turned into thousands of Copper Coin Sword Qi, crushing towards the people of Wenshan Society and Tianyi Alliance, and as the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation continued to fly forward, every time it moved forward After a certain distance, more sword energy will be separated and come out. For a moment, a white light appears in a mighty force, illuminating the entire place.

Such a big movement quickly alarmed those members of the Wenshan Society and the Tianyi League, they all stopped their movements, turned their heads and looked in the direction of the Big Dipper Copper Coin Sword Formation, and all of them opened their mouths wide in horror.

The speed of the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation was too fast. Immediately after arriving, those people were all crowded together. Not only were they unable to react, they were unable to escape. They were crowded together, making it a bit chaotic.

In an instant, Beidou's sword formation at the same time crashed down, and the sound of "swish" could not be heard. Those people from Tianyi League and Wenshan Society seemed to have been swept by machine guns, and a large area fell down in an instant, tragically. The screams came one after another. I took a general glance and saw that there were at least 80 or [-] people killed by this sword formation.

As soon as the movement on my side stopped, Yi Yang's Thousand-Year Gu immediately took effect. I didn't see clearly where the Thousand-Year Gu flew to just now. When those who were killed by the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation just fell, While everyone was still in shock, screams rang out one after another from the other side. People fell down one by one, bleeding from their orifices. They didn't even know how they died, and their lives were wiped out.

What's even more terrifying is that after those people died, some weird poisonous insects crawled out of the seven orifices and spread around one after another. Those who didn't know yet were bitten by the sub-gu planted by the thousand-year-old voodoo. One mouthful, and you will be killed on the spot in an instant. At this time, those people no longer care about dealing with the Dragon Sect Master and others. They screamed in fear and stepped back one after another. Some people raised the magic weapons in their hands and kept beating them from those The poisonous insects crawling out of the corpses. As soon as Zhou Yanggang and I appeared, the scene there became uncontrollable and collapsed.

When I went to see Master Longmen again, he was so excited that he almost cried. He was looking far away in the direction of the Beidou Coin Coin Sword Formation, and he opened and closed his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

Thousand-year-old Gu killed dozens of people in one breath, and then suddenly flew out from a corpse, flying towards Lu Guanru, the leader of the Tianyi Alliance who looked stunned. Lu Guanru's cultivation was not weak, and he soon dared to Feeling a huge crisis, he shook the two mourning gate sticks in his hands, and boundless ghostly aura emerged, covering his whole body, protecting his life gate. Thousand-year Gu flew around him and found no flaws. , then turned back again, hovering above Yiyang Yang's head.

The next moment, Zhou Yiyang and I flew down to the field below.

Zhou Yiyang showed off the Chi Kiss Bone Sword, and my sword soul was also inspired by me, blocking the way of the Dragon Sect Master.

"Young Master Zhou... Ninth Master... you... you are here..." As soon as the Dragon Sect Master saw me and Zhou Yiyang descending from the sky, he gave Tianyi Alliance, Wenshanhui and others a powerful blow. Hundreds of them lost their lives, as if the gods had descended, and they were so excited that they didn't know what to say.

"Master Longmen, don't worry, Brother Xiaojiu and I will definitely not ignore death." Zhou Yiyang said sternly.

"Master Longmen, when you went to the Mountain of Swords for me, today I, Wu Jiuyin, will go into the sea of ​​fire for you. Don't worry, we are here!" I looked back at Master Longmen and said.

The Master of the Dragon Sect was so excited that he almost cried. He bowed to me and Zhou Yang and said in a trembling voice: "I am lucky enough to be saved by you two gentlemen today. I am very grateful. I didn't expect that the two gentlemen really came here." , I think it must be confirmed today... Nothing else, from today on, Long’s life belongs to Master Zhou and Master Jiu, and if the two masters say a word, Long will be shattered to pieces, no matter what!”

While we were talking, the group of people from Tianyi Alliance and Wenshan Society carefully surrounded us again. Lu Guanru, who was holding the mourning stick, glanced at us, narrowed his eyes, and said viciously: " I thought it was who it was, but it turned out to be Mr. Zhou from the Zhou family. Our Tianyi Alliance has no grievances against your Zhou family. Why did you come to this muddy water today? Isn’t it because you think you have a long life?”

"Nothing else, the leader of the Dragon Sect is a friend of Zhou's. If you want to kill him, you must pass my level first." Zhou Yiyang took a step forward, holding the Jieju Bone Sword.

Bai Luoqing, the boss of the Wenshan Society who was holding the blood drop, also came forward and said with a very contemptuous smile: "I have long heard that Sihaimen has become a lackey of the Zhou family and has lost its blood. Today I saw that it was true. That’s right, Zhou, if you know what’s going on, get out of here, or else you will be buried with the Dragon today!”

While speaking, the blood droplet in Bai Luoqing's hand turned rapidly, and blood continued to drip from the magic weapon.

I glanced at Bai Luoqing, chuckled, and said, "My friend, I don't like hearing what you say. Zhou Yiyang is my brother. If you want to kill him, you have to pass my test." .”

Bai Luoqing and Lu Guanru all looked at me, looked up and down, and asked in unison: "Who are you?"

"Don't you know me?" I asked.

"I don't know you!" Lu Guanru looked at me again and shook his head.

"It's okay if you don't know each other. Today I will let you know each other. The surname of a certain family is Wu, and the nickname is Wu Jiuyin. Today we will meet the two bosses." I said seriously.

As soon as they heard my name, Lu Guanru and Bai Luoqing's eyes widened at the same time, looking a little frightened. Lu Guanru was shocked and said: "You... you are Wu Jiuyin?!"

(End of this chapter)

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