Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1711 8 Arhat Formation

Chapter 1711 Eighteen Arhat Formation

"I don't want to change my name at work, or my surname at home. I am Wu Jiuyin." I looked at the two of them and said.

Bai Luoqing and Lu Guanru looked at each other again, and took a breath of air at the same time, and then Bai Luoqing said: "It was you who led people to kill Lu Gangming, the former head of the Four Seas Gate, and also killed the former leader of the Four Seas Gate. How many deacons are there?"

"Yes, I did it, I admit it." I said.

"You killed Dilu, the third-ranking figure of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult in the Stone Kingdom, and escaped from their encirclement. The Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult killed and injured hundreds of people in your hands. You were also responsible for this. "?" Lu Guanru said in surprise.

"Let me state this in advance. I did not kill that Dilu. I only seriously injured him. It was my brother Bai Zhan who killed the old man with a sword. I basically killed the rest of them. ..." I said calmly.

At this time, the two people looked at me differently, showing a timid look, Bai Luoqing then said: "I heard that you have offended Dan Chengshan recently, and the special investigation team is still chasing you around , even Guiyongdao, the largest cult in your Yan Kingdom, is your mortal enemy, and you still have the guts to go to Zhou Yi District to cause trouble, you are not small."

"If you are timid, then you are not Wu Jiuyin. Gui Yong said that I would dare to die for offending you. You are nothing. If you are sensible, kneel down and kowtow to the Lord of the Dragon Sect to admit your mistake. Maybe I can spare your life if I am happy. , this is an ultimatum, don’t regret it for a while.” I said unceremoniously.

These two people have been famous in Zhouyi District for decades. It is impossible for them to be frightened by my simple words. This is what I expected.

As expected, Bai Luoqing first snorted coldly and said, "Boy, who are you trying to scare? You weren't even born when I was in the world, so why show off your power in front of me? Now that you're here, then We are not afraid. We will just kill your kid and send your head to Yanguo Guiyong Road. Maybe we can get some connections with the big guys of Guiyong Road. Hehe... It seems that we still picked it up. A big bargain.”

Oops, this old boy's calculations are pretty good. He seems to have no future at first glance, and he is still thinking about having a relationship with Gui Yongdao. I guess Guiyong Dao doesn't like such a small character very much.

It’s not speculative, and I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with the two of them. It’s useless to grind your mouth. The only way to conquer them is to convince them, so that they don’t have a little temper.

At that moment, the soul of the sword in my hand trembled, and the finishing touch in the Xuantian Sword Jue burst out suddenly, and hit Bai Luoqing. Bai Luoqing was startled, and did not dare to use the funeral weapon in his hand. The door stick went to catch the move, but dodged in a dodge.

But he was able to escape, but the people behind him suffered. They were suddenly hit by a purple beam of light that penetrated the chests of four or five people. Blood spattered five steps and they died on the spot!

Bai Luoqing and Lu Guanru knew that Zhou Yiyang and I were difficult to deal with. After I struck out with my sword, they heard Lu Guanru shout: "Eighteen Arhats, set up the formation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, eighteen bald heads suddenly jumped out from the dark crowd, each with a shiny forehead, each holding a golden stick, which looked like it should be pure copper, with carvings on it. With patterns, these eighteen bald heads had bulging temples and majestic faces. As soon as they entered the venue, they let out a loud shout and pointed the copper sticks in their hands at me and Zhou Yang at the same time.

The next moment, the eighteen bald heads suddenly tore off their shirts, revealing their tendons and bumps. It was quite shocking. I just took a general look and saw the clues. These eighteen It’s not easy to be bald. Everyone has a lot of kung fu, similar to the kung fu of the golden bell and iron cloth shirt. This method is quite powerful. It is said that it can be invulnerable, but I don’t know if it is like the legend. Resist beating.

"Master Zhou...Master Ninth...you have to be careful, this is the Eighteen Arhats stick array that Lu Guanru found from an ancient suicide note. Two of them have been broken, so don’t underestimate them." The Dragon Sect Master warned carefully from behind.

What kind of broken stick formation, I want to see it today.

Before I could respond to the words of the Dragon Sect Master, the eighteen bald heads shouted again and waved the copper sticks in their hands, hitting me and Yiyang Yang like swimming dragons.

At that moment, Zhou Yiyang and I shook up the swords in our hands and rushed into the battle group.

As soon as I rushed into the so-called Eighteen Arhat Formation, I realized how powerful this formation was. It was really terrifying. As soon as these people rushed up, some were responsible for attacking the upper plate, some were responsible for attacking the lower plate, some were attacking the middle, and some were sneak attacks from behind. , directly blocked all your possible escape routes.

Not only that, the copper sticks in these people's hands were so powerful and heavy that when the sword soul struck them, there was a stream of sparks and lightning. Even if my sword soul fell on these people, the effect would be the same as if it fell on the copper sticks in their hands. Almost, it was quickly bounced out.

There seems to be no weakness in these people, and they have practiced this stick formation very skillfully. If I didn't have the eight-step method of missing people, I would have suffered a loss if I ducked out of the way at the critical moment.

Zhou Yiyang released all the millennium Gu, and launched an attack on those so-called eighteen arhats, but he couldn't break their bodies and cast Gu on them.

These eighteen guys didn't seem to be human beings, they were just lumps of iron. For a while, I couldn't find any flaws in them.

Let me go, this Eighteen Arhats array is really not a bragging, it really has two brushes.

At this time, Zhou Yiyang's chi-kissed bone sword actually played a certain role, because there was a bit of thunder in Zhou Yiyang's chi-kissed bone sword. When it collided with the copper sticks in their hands, an electric current flowed through the copper. The stick was introduced into their bodies, and the guys who were shocked were trembling all over, but this could only work for a while, and it was still difficult to kill them.

What's even more tragic is that Bai Luoqing from the Wenshan Society recruited another group of men, and used the frightening blood droplet to deal with me and Zhou Yiyang. The blood droplet resembled a disc-shaped thing , there are barbs all around, and there is also a sharp knife inside. When it is rubbed, even a large piece of the belt can be torn off, and the blood can't stop at all. The key is, if it is buckled on the forehead by the blood drop, That was really miserable. Between pulling and retracting, a big head was picked off and flew into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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