Chapter 1712
The frightening thing is that it's not a handful of blood drops in Bai Luoqing's hand, but a large group of people under Bai Luoqing's men who can use such terrifying weapons as blood drops. At the time of the blood drop, there were dozens of blood drops flying in the air, roaring towards me. The moment I turned around to avoid it, I saw one of the subordinates beside the Dragon Gate Master, whose head was held by the blood drop, and pulled With one pull, a huge head was pulled off, and the blood spurted out several meters high.

There are eighteen Arhat formations suppressing him, and there are dozens of blood droplets circling around him. It is really a dangerous situation, with dangers everywhere. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger. It seems that you can run rampant in Zhouyi District and have the power of three major forces. Their reputations are not in vain, they all have their own terrifying killing moves.

When Zhou Yiyang and I were fighting with these people, Master Longmen and others once again fell into a sea of ​​gang fights. The whole courtyard was filled with shouts of killing, and people continued to fall in a pool of blood.

No, this stalemate cannot continue. Even if Zhou Yiyang and I can escape, the Dragon Sect Master probably won't last long.

At that moment, I gritted my teeth and once again activated the Xuantian Sword Technique. I used the move of White Dragon out of the water. Along with the sound of dragon roar, there was a huge roar from all directions, and a large amount of soil rose into the sky. People were rushed into the air by the power of the Earthly Evil, including many of the Eighteen Arhats, who were also thrown into the sky.

In this way, the blood droplets flying everywhere became much rarer.

Many people were blown to pieces, with blood and flesh all over the ground, but the Eighteen Arhats were rough-skinned and thick-flesh, and they were not injured at all.

After the eighteen Arhats landed, they still rushed towards us crazily.

Taking advantage of this brief respite, I took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell from my body, activated the magic formula, and controlled the Qingshan Emperor Bell to gently shake a few times. With a few crisp bells, I heard the sound in the courtyard. The bell rang, and for a moment, the twenty or thirty corpses that had just fallen into the pool of blood all started to tremble. In an instant, the twenty or thirty corpses ejected from the ground. Some of them have turned into red-haired zombies, mixed with two black-haired zombies, one of which is even weirder, half with red hair and half with green hair. Good guy, what kind of zombie is this?
Is it a red and green zombie?
Before, when I activated the Qingshan Emperor Bell, most of them were black-haired zombies. Now when I activated the Qingshan Emperor Bell, most of them became red-haired zombies, and there was also a strange red-green zombie. Look at it like this Come on, in recent times, my cultivation level has been subtly increasing a lot. This is a good sign. In this way, I am not far away from being able to break through the seventh level of Xuantian Sword Technique.

When these twenty or thirty zombies appear, it is no small matter. Most of them are red-haired zombies, and their lethality is very huge.

When it comes to invulnerability, the Eighteen Arhats cannot be compared with the red-haired zombies like me. This zombie is truly invulnerable, invulnerable to water and fire.

The key is that when this zombie appears, its appearance alone is scary enough. It has red hair all over its body, sharp teeth and fangs, and its nails are as sharp as knives. None of these buddies in Zhouyi District have ever seen such a zombie. I guess this is one of them. Most of them have never seen what zombies look like. Today, their eyes were opened. They saw twenty or thirty zombies at once, and they were all very good zombies.

As soon as the zombies came out, people in the Wenshan Society and the Tianyi League panicked, and there was a loud sigh.

The next moment, I urged the Qingshan Emperor Bell to join the battle group. A dozen of them all jumped around the Dragon Sect Master to help us deal with it. Most of the rest joined our side to deal with those Eighteen Arhats. And blood drops.

The Eighteen Arhats were quite tough at first. The copper stick kept attacking the red-haired zombies and made a "bang-bang" sound. However, the copper stick could not hurt the red-haired zombies at all. Instead, it was hit by the red-haired zombies. The zombies seized the opportunity and threw the Eighteen Arhats to the ground one by one, opening their mouths and biting them. However, the muscles and bones of these Eighteen Arhats were quite strong, and even the red-haired zombies couldn't bite them.

As for the blood droplets, it was even more interesting. Many of them landed on the zombie's neck, and they were pulled and retracted. As a result, the blood droplets couldn't cut off the zombie's head at all, but got stuck in the neck of the red-haired zombie. On the top, it felt like each of the red-haired zombies were wearing collars, jumping towards the outside and killing them all the way.

When Zhou Yiyang and I were fighting, we could also use those red-haired zombies to avoid blood drops, and that thing became a decoration.

The enemy was in chaos and was defeated like a mountain. Many people were frightened by these terrifying zombies and fled one after another, not daring to fight anymore.

At this time, Zhou Yiyang suddenly said to me: "Brother Xiao Jiu, let's kill these Eighteen Arhats first. They all have shields on their bodies. Their weakest point is their eyes. As long as we blind them all, we will be able to defeat them." The threat is lost.”

After saying that, Zhou Yiyang ducked to the side of one of the Eighteen Arhats, slashed his eyes with a sword, followed by a miserable howl, and one of the Eighteen Arhats covered his eyes and fell to the ground, losing the power to resist.

As soon as I saw that there was a way to do this, I quickly followed suit and attacked their eyes. Sure enough, once their eyes were hurt, they would have no fighting power. Then, with a move of Yinrou Palm, I was gone. They smashed their heads into a pile of tofu brains and died on the spot.

The most terrifying threat is the Eighteen Arhat Formation. Once the zombies disrupt the situation, the threat is gone.

Lu Guanru and Bai Luoqing, who were still watching the battle, suddenly couldn't hold back anymore, and they all carried magical weapons and came towards me and Zhou Yangyang.

Lu Guanru came towards me with two mourning sticks. The mourning sticks were very unlucky. When I was in the village, I saw someone mourning. The filial son and grandson were holding the sticks in their hands while burying their loved ones while crying. He was holding the Sangmen Stick, but the Sangmen Stick in Lu Guanru's hand was dark and shiny, with many blood-red ghost runes on it. It must have sealed countless wronged souls and fierce ghosts in it. When it hit me, I then heard the screams of countless innocent ghosts. It was very shrill. The black air filled the air, making me short of breath, extremely depressed, and feeling nauseated. As Lu Guanru kept waving his hands, After hitting the mourning stick, countless evil ghosts suddenly appeared around me, surrounding me. Each of these evil ghosts had a ferocious face and a ghostly aura. There were probably dozens of them.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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