Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1713 Innocent and Unbreakable

Chapter 1713 Innocent and Unbreakable
When I saw that I was surrounded by so many ghosts, I didn't feel any fear at that time, but Mengmeng's cute and well-behaved appearance appeared in my mind.

It seems I really thought about it.

For Mengmeng, these ghosts are the best supplements to improve their moral conduct. No matter what kind of ghosts they are, for ghosts like Mengmeng, it really doesn’t matter. They can be swallowed up in minutes. It's so clean that not even the dregs are left. The days without Mengmeng are really as lonely as snow.

When I saw these ghosts, I was so stunned that Lu Guanru thought I was afraid of these ferocious ghosts in his mourning stick, so he laughed and said: "Wu Jiuyin, did you see it? It's like There are many ghosts of this level in my mourning stick. If you are afraid, kneel down and surrender quickly, otherwise you will be devoured by these ghosts. That would be really miserable... …”

"Are you confident?" I came back to my senses and looked at Lu Guanru.

"What? Do you think you can escape from my clutches?" Lu Guanru narrowed his eyes.

"Do you think you can beat Elder Suzaku of Guiyong Dao, or can you beat Dilu of Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult? They both died in my hands, and you are the only one who won't let me go." In my eyes." I said coldly.

A look of panic flashed in Lu Guanru's eyes, but he still said unconvinced: "Boy, don't be so arrogant, try my methods first, and then brag to me if you can survive!"

Having said that, Lu Guanru waved the mourning door stick in his hand, and countless screams of ghosts suddenly surrounded me. Black mist steamed around me, and countless ferocious ghost shadows shrouded me. In a moment, as the screams of ghosts continued to come from his mourning door, Ghost energy came out from the stick, and I seemed to be completely isolated in another space. No one else around me could see it, and I couldn't even hear the sound. All I could see were countless ferocious ghosts. It is also their shrill screams of ghosts.

There are so many evil spirits and evil spirits that cover the sky and the sun. If ordinary people saw them, they would be frightened to death. I don’t know where Lu Guanru collected so many evil spirits and evil spirits. It is estimated that there are at least 100 of them, some old and some young. , all ferocious and terrifying, full of resentment.

I think that among these ghosts, some of them were killed by Lu Guanru himself. I don't know what kind of demons and evil methods were used to refine the ghosts. He collected them one by one, and he was able to collect so many ghosts.

Even a Taoist priest who specializes in catching ghosts might not be able to do anything about such a battle, but we are different.

The old Wu family has a special weapon to deal with the evil spirits and ghosts. When I saw those evil ghosts roaring towards me, I stretched out my hand and took out the corpse-laying ruler from the eight treasure bag of the universe. The corpse-laying ruler Wuxie It is an extremely yin thing. Not to mention these evil ghosts, even ghosts and monsters like Mengmeng are very afraid of them.

When I took out the corpse-laying ruler, the ghosts whizzing towards me immediately retreated in fear.

Immediately, I poured my spiritual energy into the Corpse Ruler, and the little red dot at the end flashed quickly, buzzing in my hand.

The corpse-covering ruler is the most unseen thing with evil things around it, and it has a monstrous effect of devouring ghosts. At that moment, as soon as I took out the corpse-covering ruler, I rushed into the group of ghosts. The evil ghosts and ghosts of the corpse-laying ruler were instantly sucked into the corpse-laying ruler. Those evil spirits and ghosts originally looked very ferocious. When they saw such a murderous weapon as the corpse-laying ruler, they were so frightened that they dodge. In addition to the ferocious appearance just now, in less than a moment, twenty or thirty evil ghosts were swallowed up by the corpse-laying ruler. The surrounding black mist suddenly became much weaker, and the sounds of killing outside were reflected again. into the ears.

As soon as Lu Guanru saw how powerful the corpse-laying ruler in my hand was, he was immediately shocked and said, "You...what is that thing you are holding in your hand that can actually swallow the ghost spirit that I have refined?!"

I didn't bother to explain to him, so I sacrificed the sword soul with my other hand, and with one wave, I rushed towards Lu Guanru again.

Lu Guanru saw that there were so many wronged souls and ghosts that could not hurt me, but he did not dare to leave them outside to wait for me to harvest him. He immediately shook the mourning stick in his hand, and those wronged souls and ghosts were taken back again. Put it away. The mourning stick in his hand became much more fierce. The black mist was steaming, and the dark red runes were flashing. He shouted loudly and hit my head. At that moment, I had no choice but to put away the corpse-laying technique. He held the sword spirit in his hand and fought with Lu Guanru for more than ten moves.

This guy also has some abilities, especially the Sangmen Stick in his hand, which can indeed suppress me to a certain extent. This Sangmen Stick feels familiar to me. It is very similar to the soul-eating stick in Yuan Chaochen's hand, but it is smaller than His soul-eating stick was much more powerful. As soon as he hit it, black evil energy wrapped around my sword soul, and then spread towards me. I secretly used some of the power of the Heart-Destroying Palm to let the palm of my hand slide. The electric current rolled through and directly decomposed the evil spirits. After dozens of moves, I followed Lu Guanru and still couldn't tell the winner. At this time, I couldn't hold it anymore. There was no time to delay. Dragon Sect Master He was still injured, and there were so many people from the Tianyi Alliance and the Wenshan Society around. If the leader of the Dragon Sect was killed, then and Zhou Yiyang's trip would have been in vain, and they would have formed a grudge against the two families.

At that moment, I felt fierce in my heart. While fighting with Lu Guanru, I drew a few void spells with my other hand. When I pushed forward, those void spells suddenly turned into several big fireballs, heading towards Lu Guanru bumped into him.

In this way, I touched the ground with my toes, flew back a certain distance, and then once again used the move of Wandering Clouds and Shocking Dragon in the Xuantian Sword Art. Accompanied by a dull dragon roar, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sword soul glowed purple. In a blink of an eye, my move of "Wandering Clouds and Shocking Dragon" struck down at Lu Guanru fiercely.

As Lu Guanru swung the mourning stick in his hand left and right, he knocked the big fireballs away. Then, what greeted it was my most ferocious move, a long purple dragon-like sword energy that broke through the ground. It drew a deep ravine and slammed straight towards Lu Guanru. Lu Guanru had just used the mourning stick to deflect those huge fireballs and had no time to dodge.

I saw an extremely frightened look in Lu Guanru's eyes. The next moment, he raised the mourning stick high and brought it down hard.

(End of this chapter)

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