Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1714 Kill your boss

Chapter 1714 Kill your boss
Lu Guanru couldn't dodge this sword move of Yunyun Jinglong. It was too late. He had no other choice but to force the move.

I saw the dragon soul in the sword soul pulling out a huge force of earth evil, drawing a ravine several meters wide on the ground, like a long purple dragon, and slammed into Lu Guanru.

In shock, Lu Guanru raised the mourning stick in his hand high, and then black energy suddenly emerged, forming a huge hole in front of him.

The skull composed of black evil energy quickly collided with the purple dragon, making a roar like the earth was shaking, and dust was flying for a while.

After this move was executed, I immediately ran towards Lu Guanru's direction in two consecutive steps.

I don't know if Lu Guanru blocked my move. If not, I will make up for it again.

My body was like flying, and I quickly ran to the place where Lu Guanru was standing just now, but I saw that Lu Guanru was not killed because of my move of wandering the clouds and startling the dragon. He was just thrown away. However, he was definitely injured. When I When he looked at him, he stumbled back, then rolled to the ground, and the mourning stick in his hand fell aside.

I speeded up my speed, and once again I ducked past him. Before he could get up, I slapped Lu Guanru with my palm. Lu Guanru's reaction ability was still very strong. When he saw me slap him, In panic, he also waved his palm and slapped it towards my palm.

To compete with me in palm strength, you really overestimate your capabilities.

The soft palm was mixed with the heart-destroying palm, and as he swallowed and vomited the force, Lu Guanru immediately spurted blood from his mouth, his body fell upside down, and he didn't know how many tendons were broken by the shock.

Originally, I wanted to kill him with one sword, but I quickly changed my mind. I quickly took out the Ma Feiling Powder from my body and threw it towards Lu Guanru who was lying on the ground.

After being hit by the Ma Feiling Powder, Lu Guanru couldn't move. The threat this guy posed to us was finally resolved.

I don't want to kill him because I don't want to kill him, but I still feel that it is not safe to put Lu Guanru here, fearing that his men will rescue him, so I took the second senior brother out of the Eight Treasure Bag of Qiankun. I took it out and put it next to Lu Guanru, asking him to watch him for me. If anyone dared to come and take away Lu Guanru, I would burn those people to dregs with fire.

After the second senior brother was released by me, he lay on the ground obediently. Then I turned around and looked towards Zhou Yang, but I saw that at this time, Zhou Yang was entangled with Bai Luoqing who was holding the blood drop. , and there are many subordinates around Bai Luoqing, who are using the blood drops to sneak attack on Yiyang. If it weren't for the Thousand-Year Gu around Yiyang that is dealing with those on the periphery, Yiyang will definitely eat a lot at this moment. deficit.

I just glanced at it, and with a flash of my body, I joined the battle group. With the long sword flying, I knocked two or three guys with blood drops to the ground, and then ran straight towards Bai Luoqing. , the two of us merged into one place, and attacked Bai Luoqing from front to back. This old boy was also an extremely difficult character. Zhou Yiyang and I fought him with dozens of moves, but we couldn't win him down. Finally, This kid suddenly stretched out his hand and threw a large number of silver needles towards us. The green light flashed on the silver needle, which shocked me. It must be full of poison. At that moment, I grabbed it He grabbed Zhou Yiyang and used the Eight Steps of Misconception. He instantly jumped eight steps away and dodged the poisonous silver needles. However, what neither Yi Yang nor I expected was that Bai Luoqing actually let go. After grabbing a silver needle, he turned around and fled outside the villa.

At this time, Lu Guanru was captured alive by me, leaving only Bai Luoqing, and his men were frightened by the zombies I created. He knew that the situation was over and he did not dare to stay here.

There was no need to worry about the green hills without firewood. In order to escape for his life, this boy didn't care about the life and death of his men at all.

Seeing that he was about to run away, how could we let him go so easily? At that moment, I stretched out my hand and threw the sword soul out. At the same time, I used the move of the Xuantian Sword Jue where the sword walks like a dragon and a snake, and it suddenly flew away. In front of Bai Luoqing, Wu made thousands of sword shadows, blocking Bai Luoqing's way.

Bai Luoqing had to stop and use the drop of blood to resist the sword spirit.

At this time, I took out the Copper Coin Sword again, and a few people came to his side in eight steps and entangled with him again. Soon Yiyang Yang came flying over with the thousand-year Gu, and took Bai Luo Qing away. For those who are sleepy.

For a moment, Bai Luoqing faced attacks from all sides, the sword spirit above his head, me and Yiyang Yang on both sides, and a terrifying thousand-year-old Gu hovering around him, waiting for an opportunity to move. After a few moves, Bai Luoqing , Thousand-Year Gu finally found a flaw and got into Bai Luoqing's body. Bai Luoqing suddenly screamed and fell to the ground with a "pop".

I put away the sword soul, grabbed Bai Luoqing by the collar, and walked towards Lu Guanru like dragging a dead dog.

As for Lu Guanru, the second senior brother took good care of him. At first, someone was unaware of Mingli and wanted to rescue Lu Guanru. Who knew that the figure of the second senior brother lying on the ground suddenly grew bigger, his whole body was on fire, and he breathed out a real fire essence. When Yuan sprayed out, the two of Lu Guanru's subordinates were turned into big fireballs, which were burned to ashes in an instant.

Afterwards, Lu Guanru's more than a dozen of his subordinates rushed over at the same time, and were dashed left and right by the second senior brother. They were all ignited into a big fireball, burning and screaming, and no one had the guts to trouble the second senior brother again.

Among them were the Eighteen Arhats wrapped up in Lu Guanru's body. When the second senior brother breathed his true fire essence, the so-called Eighteen Arhats were also burned into dregs.

Why didn't I think of using the second senior brother to deal with these guys at the beginning?
Seeing that I captured Bai Luoqing alive, his guys who were good at using hidden weapons also charged over, trying to rescue Bai Luoqing, but they were repelled by the thousand-year Gu. It flew around in a circle and then Seven or eight people fell to the ground, bleeding from their orifices, and it was terrible to see.

Bai Luoqing and Lu Guanru were mixed together. I grabbed Bai Luoqing, while Zhou Yiyang picked up Lu Guanru and put them on their necks respectively.

"People from Wenshan Club and Tianyi League, please listen to me and stop immediately, or I will kill your boss!" I shouted to the surroundings and used some means, and suddenly it was like Muffled thunder rolled past, echoing endlessly.

Those people who were still fighting and killing suddenly stopped their movements and looked towards us.

(End of this chapter)

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