Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1715 You are the next one

Chapter 1715 You Are Next

After seeing Bai Luoqing and Lu Guanru fall into my and Zhou Yang's hands, those from the Wenshan Society and the Tianyi Alliance all stopped what they were doing, and I also knocked down those Hong Kong people who had not been knocked to the ground by them. All the hairy zombies gathered around me and Zhou Yangyang, forming an iron wall to prevent anyone from taking advantage of us.

At this time, the seriously injured Dragon Sect Leader staggered over with a subordinate covered in blood and stood behind us.

As soon as the two arrived, they were exhausted and fell to the ground.

At this moment, I didn’t have time to help the Master of the Dragon Sect. I just took out some medicine from the Xue family to replenish qi and coagulate blood and threw it to the Master of the Dragon Sect. I said sternly: “Take the medicine, and you will bleed less. Otherwise, the Dragon Clan Master might be in trouble..."

The leader of the Dragon Sect trembled and opened the medicine bottle, took a few pills for himself, and then handed them to his subordinate, and the two of them each took some.

I don’t know how many people Lord Longmen brought this time and were ambushed here. When we first arrived, there seemed to be less than ten people around him. Now only he and a seriously injured and dying person are left. It's tragic enough that he almost became a polished commander.

After taking the medicine, Master Longmen finally took a breath and said repeatedly: "Master Zhou... Master Jiu... thank you, thank you so much..."

I nodded slightly and glanced around, but saw that there were 300 people on the other side. They once again surrounded us in a circle, and aimed their magic weapons and firearms at us.

Soon a person came forward and said sternly: "Let our boss go quickly, otherwise none of you will be able to get out of this place today!"

"What kind of dog are you, do you have a place to speak here?" Zhou Yiyang glared at that person, and the Millennium Gu immediately flew forward a few meters, and those people who were frightened took a few steps back.

In fact, we can kill the remaining people, but in this way, too many killings are really unbearable. It would be best if this matter could be resolved peacefully.

At that moment, I glanced at Bai Luoqing, who had a sword on his neck, and said in a deep voice: "Bai, please tell your men to put down their weapons quickly, otherwise the sword in my hand will see blood again."

Bai Luoqing was poisoned by the Thousand-Year Gu just now, and his body was as soft as noodles. However, the Thousand-Year Gu did not attack hard, it only temporarily destroyed his cultivation, leaving him unable to fight back. However, after all, this person is The boss of the party was not convinced at all. He looked back at me, snorted coldly, and said through gritted teeth: "Kill if you want, why bother talking so much nonsense? I fell into your hands today, I admit defeat, but you Don’t even think about going back in one piece!”

"Are you threatening me again?" I narrowed my eyes and suddenly became murderous.

Bai Luoqing didn't dare to meet my eyes at all and turned his head away.

At this time, Zhou Yiyang also threatened Lu Guanru, who was seriously injured by me and administered Ma Feiling Powder, saying: "Let your men put down their weapons, kneel down and surrender, hurry up!"

Lu Guanru was even more ruthless. He opened his mouth and spat at Zhou Yiyang. However, Zhou Yiyang could not let him succeed and threw him directly to the ground, and the spit also fell into the empty space.

After being given so much numbing powder by me, this kid still has the strength to spit, which is awesome.

It seems that the two bosses don't want to surrender obediently, which is really interesting.

If you are not afraid of death, what can you do?
Zhou Yiyang glanced at me helplessly. I saw his brows furrowed and bit his lip, and I knew that he had murderous intentions at this moment.

At that moment, I nodded towards him, indicating that he could kill one first to serve as a warning to others, otherwise these people would really think that we were vegetarians.

After Zhou Yiyang got my permission, he pointed the sword in his hand at Lu Guanru and said gloomily: "Leader Lu, I ask you one last time, will you surrender?"

"Hahaha... Little bastard of the Zhou family, if you dare, kill me. I'll see if you can leave here alive!" Lu Guanru said rather crazily.

"Okay, okay! You're looking for death, but you can't blame me!" Zhou Yang said through gritted teeth, and then blew a whistle. The Thousand-Year Gu quickly flew over and got into Lu Guanru's body. Suddenly, Lu Guanru let out a howl like a slaughtering pig. Even after being given anesthesia and boiling spirit powder, the old boy was still rolling on the ground in pain and miserable. As soon as his men saw Lu Guanru In this way, everyone shouted that the sect master was about to step forward. At this time, the second senior brother jumped out from one side and let out a huge roar. The flames all over his body doubled, frightening those who were about to step forward again. They all retreated.

At this time, when he looked at Lu Guanru, his whole body suddenly became swollen, as if his whole body had doubled in size. There were a large number of blisters on his body, especially on his face, which looked very scary with pimples. Then, Those large and small blisters and pustules burst open one after another, and thick slurry sprayed out. Lu Guanru's body began to rot quickly. Not only was it rotten, but various poisonous insects were constantly crawling out of Lu Guanru's body...

Even in this ghostly state, Lu Guanru was still not dead, he was still wailing in pain, and poisonous insects kept crawling out of his mouth.

Not to mention the rest of the people, even I broke out in cold sweat when I saw this terrifying scene, and my scalp was numb. Gosh, this Thousand-Year Gu is too scary. It was so terrifying that the poison was poisoning and killing people. Suddenly, I felt that I must have a good relationship with the thousand-year-old Gu. If this guy secretly planted a poison on me, I would not die. Know.

After a while, Lu Guanru's body was slowly decomposed. The body was hollowed out by the poisonous insects, and then turned into nutrients. Large areas of poisonous insects spread towards the surroundings, and Lu Guanru screamed. It took a while before he died in excruciating pain.

This is the most tragic way of death I have ever seen. I would rather commit suicide than die like this.

Zhou Yang's move of using the Thousand-Year Gu to kill people completely shocked everyone present. When the Thousand-Year Gu flew out from the pile of poisonous insects and hovered around Zhou Yiyang again, everyone present was stunned. There was a cry of surprise and everyone stepped back.

Who dares to provoke this thousand-year-old Gu?
I glanced at Bai Luoqing, who was under my control. This kid was so frightened that his legs were shaking.

This achieved the desired effect, and immediately I sneered in Bai Luoqing's ear: "You are next!"

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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