Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 177 Recasting Dantian Qi Sea

Chapter 177 Recasting Dantian Qi Sea
"Grandpa...how did I step into the rivers and lakes? Didn't I just kill a corpse spirit mother-in-law?" I wondered.

Grandpa's eyes widened, and he looked like he was about to get angry again. I immediately lowered my head, and Grandpa said angrily: "Do you think Granny Corpse Spirit is the only one? Doesn't he also have an apprentice named Yuan Chaochen? He will come looking for him sooner or later. You are troublesome, just like you, if he wants to kill you, what should you do?"

"Also, this Corpse Spirit Granny is quite famous in the world. Once she dies, many people in the world will know that Wu Jiuyin killed this person, and there are even many evil cults who are eyeing you. After that, there is no one in this world who does not have three or two friends, and this corpse spirit mother-in-law is no exception. When someone comes to your door, it will be the time when your boy dies. Grandpa has many important things to do, and it is impossible to be there every day. You are by my side, so you must get back what you have lost. The most reliable ability lies within yourself. It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone else, do you understand?"

I nodded and said in a low voice: "But... my Dantian Qi sea has been destroyed, and I can't hold it at all. Is there any hope that I can return to the way I was before?"

"This is not a problem for you to consider. Grandpa will come up with a solution. I will tell your parents. You don't have to worry. I will secretly arrange people to protect them. There are rules in this world. No harm to your family or those people. They probably won’t do anything to your parents. Except for Yuan Chaochen, the apprentice of Granny Corpse Spirit, who needs to take strict precautions, the others have nothing to worry about... But that kid is unlikely to show up in the recent period. The National Special Case Investigation Team Big nets have been laid out everywhere, and that kid must be caught and brought to justice!"

Grandpa said, stood up and said: "You kid, please stay here with peace of mind. During this period, you still have to drink the Shiquan Dabu Decoction every day, three meals a day, to try to make yourself recover faster. When grandpa thinks of a way, he will come to you."

As soon as I heard the Shiquan Dabu soup, I felt a little nauseous, but there was no other way, I had to drink this soup, so I just nodded silently.

The old man was about to leave with Luo Weiping, but I remembered another thing and said quickly: "Grandpa... wait a moment, I want to ask you something..."

Grandpa and Luo Weiping turned their heads and looked at me suspiciously.

I smiled and asked, "Grandpa... do you know Master Huijue of Ziliang Mountain?"

Grandpa nodded and said: "Of course I know that. Master Huijue is the current abbot of Ziliang Mountain. He has profound Buddhist teachings and profound cultivation. He is the number one master in Buddhism. Even in the entire world today, he is one of the few top masters. , you kid asked him what he was doing, could it be possible that he wants to become a monk?"

I quickly shook my head and said, "No, no, no... I don't want to be a monk. I just want to know if Master Huijue has a disciple named Shi Xin. That night, if the monk hadn't come forward to help me, I probably would have died." He was killed by Granny Shi Ling, but Monk Shi Xin got up early this morning and left, and I'm not sure if he is Master Huijue's disciple..."

Grandpa looked puzzled and turned to look at Luo Weiping. Luo Weiping pondered for a moment, shook his head and said: "Master Huijue does have a few disciples, but they are all famous monks in the world. I heard that there is a person called Shixin, it must be fake..."

Hearing what Brother Luo said, I immediately had the urge to curse. That thief Bald was really lying to me. He was a disciple of Master Huijue. He used Master Huijue's name to swindle all day long. I almost believed it. Oh, what is the origin of this smelly and shameless guy?
"Is there anything else?" Brother Luo Weiping asked again.

I shook my head and said, "No... I'll just ask later."

Brother Luo Weiping immediately nodded and followed the old man towards the outside.

Soon I was left alone in the room again, lonely, boring, miserable, and it was time to think about how to go in the future.

However, I heard from the old man that Granny Corpse Spirit was so awesome that I killed her. I, Wu Jiuyin, had such a domineering and famous fight when I first entered the world. It can be regarded as making our old Wu family famous, but this The price is too heavy.

The old man said that he would find a way to re-create my Dantian Qihai. I don’t know if this is reliable. Anyway, I feel that there is not much hope. But then I thought about it. The old man is the leader of the Yanbei region. With such a big force, I should know a lot of high-level people, maybe there is hope?
Forget it, I just have to wait anyway, it's really not on my mind.

The next few days were a bit boring. I didn’t know where the room I lived in was. I stayed here alone most of the time. When I was bored, I picked up the remote control and looked at it. TV, and the rest of the time is Shiquan Dabu soup for three meals a day, served by people in Yixian costumes.

This man was also very polite to me, but he didn't like to talk much. After feeding me Shiquan Dabu Decoction, he left. Even to go to the toilet, he had to carry me on his back, which made me feel uncomfortable.

Unknowingly, it seems that a month has passed, and in a blink of an eye, it is winter and the days of heavy snow.

But in the past month, the old man has not come here again, not even a phone call. I feel that I am probably out of luck in rebuilding my Dantian Qihai.

After all, this is a fatal blow to a practitioner, and I know that there is little hope of recovery.

However, in the past month, I have been drinking Shiquan Dabu soup every day, and my body has recovered very quickly, and I can already walk on the ground.

Occasionally, I would also think of Li Kexin. I haven't contacted her for a long time, and I don't know if she is doing well now or if she thinks of me.

I think the relationship between us should be over. This result is quite good. We haven't been together for too long, and our affection for each other is not too deep. It has not reached the point of separation between life and death.

However, I was lying to myself. The quality of a relationship is not measured by the length of time. Sometimes, it is really difficult for a person to live in my heart and want her to leave.

There is still time, and I am also thinking about the crazy monk Shi Xin. This kid is so unreliable. He was injured so badly that day and left without saying goodbye as soon as he got up early. Where could he go?

In fact, I have long regarded him as a good brother in my heart. We have a life-long friendship. If he could come over and see me again, I would like to treat him to a few more bowls of Chaos, but this kid has also disappeared. I don’t know when he can. meet.

(End of this chapter)

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