Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 178 follow me

Chapter 178 follow me

Time passed quickly and another half month passed. My body completely recovered and I was able to walk around and walk around. I was no different from ordinary people. I thought it was due to the super self-recovery inherited from our old Wu family. Ability, Dantian Qihai is healed without treatment.

But when I sat down to perform Qi exercises, I found that my Dantian was completely empty. There was nothing, not to mention the Qi field, and I couldn't even feel the Qi flow. It seemed that I was really disabled.

Sometimes when forcefully expelling qi, there will be severe pain in the dantian, the pain is so painful that I am dying, sweating profusely, after trying it once or twice, I dare not try again, I am afraid that this will kill me life.

When I was bored, I walked around and found that I lived in a very tall building, probably in Tiannan City. But when I wanted to go out for a walk, I would be harassed by some people wearing Yixian clothes. He politely stopped me and said that it was an order from above not to allow me to move around. I thought this was an order from the old man. I don’t know why, but I could only obey the order and continue to stay in that big house.

After a few days of being so bored, I found that I had gained several pounds. One morning, my grandfather suddenly appeared in my room. He still looked dusty and had a very solemn expression. , I found that he had a lot more white hair, and he seemed to be much older. Seeing the old man like this, I couldn't help but feel a little distressed. I think he must have been working hard on my things these days.

After all, I am his grandson, and he will definitely do his best to take care of my trouble-making grandson.

After grandpa saw me, he just said lightly: "Follow me."

I didn't know what grandpa meant, but looking at his appearance, I didn't dare to ask any more questions, so I just followed him and walked outside.

We took the elevator and went straight to the first floor. We appeared in a large courtyard. Grandpa was walking in front of him silently. There was no one in the courtyard. Only at the door, there was an old man guarding the door. , holding a dry tobacco pot in his hand, smoking, looking at our grandfather and grandson with a smile.

When we walked to the door, without waiting for the old man to speak, my grandfather said to him politely: "Old man, are you free?"

The old man took a puff of dry cigarette, nodded, pointed the cigarette pot at me and said, "Xiao Wu, is this kid your grandson?"

"Well, it's from our old Wu family." The old man nodded and said.

"It's not bad. You're quite aggressive, just like you were when you were young. You must be worried, right?" The old man said with a smile.

Grandpa glanced at me and said: "Call me..."

I took a look at the old man and found that his eyes were sparkling, as penetrating as those of a three or four year old child. He was definitely a master of spiritual practice, so I politely called him "Master".

The old man laughed loudly, slapped my butt, and said: "This kid looks cool, I like it, be good, follow your grandpa, maybe you will be a different person when you come back..." …”

This old man slapped me very hard, and my butt was so painful. As a young man in his early twenties, it felt weird to have his butt slapped. But don’t look at this old man’s slovenly appearance. He felt free. The majesty is there, and I don't dare to say anything at the moment.

The old man nodded to the old man and took me out of the yard.

I originally thought that Brother Luo Weiping would drive and wait outside, but I didn't see my grandfather's Lamborghini when I came out. It was probably because Brother Luo Weiping didn't follow.

I didn't dare to ask where the old man was taking me, I just followed him. I really wanted to ask who the old gatekeeper was, but I didn't dare to ask. Now I'm like a child who has done something wrong. I can only be obedient. Obedient, I am afraid of making the old man angry again. I have been afraid of him since I was a child.

After I left the house, the old man took a taxi, asked me to get in, and told the driver an address that I didn't know. Of course, the driver didn't know either, but the old man said to let him drive first. I don't know. He came to show the way and paid double the price. Naturally, the driver was very happy.

The car quickly left Tiannan City and kept going north. It seemed that it also passed Gaogang Village, and then continued north. It was not until the afternoon that the old man let me get out of the car and paid the driver.

After I got out of the car, I discovered that this was a wilderness of mountains and ridges, a place I had never been to before.

The old man still didn't say a word, and he walked through the barren mountains and ridges with him, climbing over the mountains and ridges. He walked for an hour or two without taking a break. At this time, I really felt the pain of the Qihai Dantian being destroyed. After walking for a while, I started sweating profusely, panting from exhaustion, and my whole body seemed to fall apart.

On the contrary, the old man was calm and relaxed, and he didn't even take a breath during the walk.

I finally couldn't bear it anymore and sat down on a big rock and slumped down, as if I was about to die. At this time, the old man turned to look at me and said in a deep voice: "Don't pretend to be dead, keep following me."

"Grandpa... do you want to exhaust me to death? I really can't walk anymore. Can you let me take a breath?" I said out of breath.

"It was very exciting when it caused trouble, why are you being cowardly now?" the old man teased.

I looked helpless. Are you waiting for me here?

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I was exhausted, so I just kept walking. I didn’t believe that he could exhaust his grandson to death, so I stood up and continued to walk forward with one deep foot and one shallow foot. After more than an hour, I finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Grandpa... where are we going?"

"You'll know when we get there, don't ask anything now." The old man replied to me.

Well, pretending I didn’t say anything, I picked up a branch from the ground and used it as a walking stick, almost moving forward with difficulty.

After walking for almost half an hour, the old man took me into the hinterland of mountains. On a flat land, the old man finally stopped, turned to me and said, "Sit there and wait for a while. "

Hearing these words, I finally breathed a sigh of relief and fell limply to the ground. At this time, the old man suddenly started making hand gestures and took Gang Steps on the spot, taking three steps to the left and five steps to the right. Step... After struggling like this for four or five minutes, something weird happened. I found that fog was rising from the ground here. It came from all directions and enveloped the old man and me. Everything around us was visible. Not here.

"Xiaojiu, kneel down!" the old man suddenly said with anger.

 There are some things today, so I updated them late. Sorry, don’t forget to vote~
(End of this chapter)

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