Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1825 Trespass to Kongming Island

Chapter 1825 Trespass to Kongming Island

In a moment, more than a dozen wolf-like and leopard-like monsters emerged from the flowers on both sides, directly surrounding Li Banxian and me.

This is the first time I have seen these monsters. They look like wolves, but their heads are like leopards, and they are huge.

I found that the more inaccessible places I go, the more weird things I see. On this small island, isolated from the world, it is inevitable that some weird things will emerge.

Seeing these monsters, Lao Li and I were not too nervous. After all, we have seen all kinds of storms and waves.

However, these monsters surrounded us as if they were facing a formidable enemy, staring at us, and let out bursts of muffled roars from their throats.

After all, this is the important place of Li Kexin's school. Li Banxian and I broke in privately, which is already unruly. These monsters may be the caretakers of the home raised by Haohai Shenni. If I give them all to If I kill him, he will definitely fall out when we meet later. I thought about it and decided not to do it.

We must be kind and gentle. Haohai Shenni is not easy to talk to in the first place, especially the relationship with my great-grandfather. It is really messy if it is not cleaned up. Naturally, he does not have a good look towards me.

Li Banxian and I are not very afraid of these monsters. As long as we are not afraid of them, these monsters will have no confidence and will not dare to attack for a while.

It is said that when people are afraid, their body will emit a smell. Once those beasts smell this smell, they will rush to kill them, but if you are not afraid at all, you will naturally not have this smell on your body. Those beasts It will be afraid of you three points.

Immediately, I thought of a way to deal with it. Suddenly, I released the breath in the dantian qi sea and spread it all over my body, so that the clothes on my body bulged without wind, and a terrifying pressure spread towards the surroundings.

Feeling my terrifying aura, the monsters immediately whined in fear and kept retreating back, with a look of fear in their eyes.

However, although these monsters retreated, they did not leave, and they still looked at me and Li Banxian not far away.

When I saw that it was no longer possible, I could only unleash a ruthless move. I took the second senior brother out of the Qiankun Bag and threw it forward. After the second senior brother rolled to the ground, he shook his head, and his figure suddenly grew sharply, and his whole body was covered in flames. .

As soon as the flame Qilin beast, the divine beast in the fire prison, displayed its power, the fur on the monsters' entire bodies exploded in fright, and they all howled miserably, and ran away with their tails between their legs.

Conquering the enemy without fighting is exactly what I want.

Li Banxian and I looked at each other and smiled, then we accepted the second senior brother and continued walking along this path towards the front. We walked forward for about two or three miles, but we didn't encounter anything weird again. As we walked, Li Banxian and I looked around, and saw the flowers blooming here, and the fragrance was fragrant. It felt like a world away from home, but we didn't see the nunnery we had been looking for.

As we walked, Lao Li and I came to a peach forest. Suddenly, we saw several figures appearing in front of us. When we walked over and took a look, we found two or three little nuns picking peach trees in the peach forest. peach.

Lao Li and I were overjoyed, and hurried over, I cupped my hands, and said to the little nuns: "Dare to ask the three little masters, does the old master Hao Hai Shennen live here?"

The three little nuns were picking peaches and playing in the peach forest. Suddenly they heard my voice and were startled. They all turned to look at me, with incredible surprise on their faces. Different colors.

The three little nuns looked at me with frightened eyes for a while, then without saying a word, they turned around and ran away, not even wanting the peaches in the basket.

In the blink of an eye, Li Banxian and I were the only ones left here, looking stunned.

Why do these people feel like they’ve seen ghosts when they see us?
Li Banxian reacted quickly and said: "No strangers will come to this Kongming Island for many years. Even if someone does come, it is the Haohai Shenni who brought us here. Suddenly we two strange men appeared. They are not afraid. Strange."

Thinking about it, ordinary people can't enter this place with such a powerful magic circle outside.

At that moment, I shook my head helplessly and continued walking forward with Li Banxian.

After a short time, we walked out of the peach forest and walked forward for a certain distance. At this time, when I looked up, I saw a towering mountain in front of me. It was halfway up the mountain. Among the clouds and mist, a temple can be vaguely seen, and the scale is not small.

After all, being able to occupy a small Cave Heaven Paradise was considered a famous sect back then.

After seeing the temple, I felt happy and quickly called to Li Banxian to speed up his pace and hurried over there.

However, when I ran to a small forest at a mountain col in front of me, I suddenly felt murderous intent coming from all around. I quickly sacrificed the sword soul in my hand and slashed the sword towards the top of my head, but I could hear There was a "ding" sound, and a blue-gray figure jumped to the side.

The next moment, more than a dozen nuns in blue-gray monk robes jumped down from the top of their heads.

These sisters-in-law are not too young, all of them are at least 50 years old. Their faces are gloomy, and they surrounded me and Li Banxian from all directions.

Among them, an old aunt who looked about 60 years old stood up, pointed at me with a sword in her hand, and asked sullenly: "Who are you? You are so brave, you dare to trespass on Kongming Island, are you not afraid?" dead?"

It seems that we are not wrong. This is Kongming Island. At that moment, I put away the sword spirit, cupped my hand, and said politely: "This master, I am Wu Jiuyin from the Dongchen corpse-killing family, and I am with Kongming." We met Haohai Shenni from Mingdao once. Last time we were in Shanqing City, I was rescued by Haohai Shenni. I came here this time to express my gratitude to Haohai Shenni. I hope this master can inform me. I just want to ask for help. I can meet Haohai Shenni and her old man."

The old aunt looked me up and down, she was a bit puzzled, but her tone was not as fierce as before, and she asked with some doubts: "Master, the old man saved you?"

"It must have been saved. I can't say that nonsense. It was just a few months ago in Shanqing City. If you don't believe me, you can ask Hao Haishenni her old man." I said.

At this time, an old lady next to him came up and said to the person: "Sister, Master did go out a few months ago. At that time, Master Mingyue left privately, and Master went to chase her..."

(End of this chapter)

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