Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1826 Drive them away

Chapter 1826 Drive them away
Chapter 1828 Drive them away

Hearing what the old lady next to him said, the man's expression changed, and he immediately whispered to the person next to him. The old lady turned around and walked away quickly. The direction was towards the place halfway up the mountain. Went to the temple.

I have mastered the method of listening to ants at a hundred steps handed down from my ancestors. Within a hundred steps, I can hear even the smallest sounds. Naturally, I heard everything that the old lady said just now. She just let the People go over and ask Haohai Shenni if ​​he knows me and if he knows that I have come to Kongming Island, and then he will pay no attention to it.

But from their conversation just now, I heard a problem. These 60-year-old ladies actually called Li Kexin their uncle. Come on, Li Kexin’s status is high enough. As soon as she came to Kongming Island The seniority directly made me become a master uncle. Then I remembered that Li Kexin was a disciple of Haohai Shenni. This status was already very high on Kongming Island.

Just now, I definitely can't say that I came here to find Li Kexin. Since Li Kexin has already worshiped under the sect of Haohai Shenni, I want to take her away and go back to be my wife. It is obvious that she is here to find trouble, but I still want to meet Na Hao Poseidon, who is moved with emotion and reason, may let Li Kexin leave this place for the sake of the deep relationship between me and Li Kexin.

If Li Kexin is really helpless and trapped on Kongming Island, I will take her out even if I risk my life.

This matter is not discussed.

After the old lady left, the remaining dozen old ladies still acted as if they were facing a formidable enemy, trapping Li Banxian and me in the middle. The atmosphere seemed a little awkward and solemn for a while.

At that moment, I handed over my hand again and said to the old lady who had spoken before: "May I ask this master his name?"

The old lady glanced at me and said calmly: "I'm a poor nun named Lingyu. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, I just know him. I would like to ask Master Lingyu if he knows someone named Li Kexin?" I asked tentatively.

Master Lingyu's expression tightened, and she asked with some vigilance: "Li Kexin is Master Mingyue's dharma name before he became a monk. Why do you ask? Do you know her?"

I chuckled and said, "It's not just acquaintance, it should be acquaintance. We knew her before she became a monk."

The Lingyu Master gave me a glare, snorted coldly, and then ignored me. I didn't know what she meant.

The way he looked at me was like looking at a libertine.

Just like that, we stood here in a daze for half an hour, and then the old lady came back and whispered a few words in Master Lingyu's ear.

I heard all those words. What she said was: "Master has an order to drive these two people out. If they insist on not leaving, they will be killed without mercy!"

Let me go, Haohai Shenni is cruel enough to give such an order to these old ladies.

As soon as the old lady finished speaking, Master Lingyu's face suddenly turned cold, she pointed her sword at me and said, "Let's go. Master said he doesn't know you."

Li Banxian and I were both stunned, and immediately I said: "How could Haohai Shenni turn her back on her and deny her recognition? She must know me. I'll trouble all the masters to get out of the way, and I'll go find Haohai Shenni myself." Ask."

"Come on! We are already very polite to you. It is a capital crime to break into Kongming Island without permission. Master is lenient and lets you go. Don't be ungrateful, otherwise we will not be polite." The Lingyu Master Tai said angrily.

My little temper soon came up, and I said very unhappy: "I have traveled thousands of miles to come here, and no one has seen me, and you just want me to leave. How can it be so easy? If I don't leave, What can you do to me?"


Master Lingyu shouted angrily, shook the sword in his hand and slashed at me.The other dozen or so old ladies were also unambiguous. The long swords in their hands swished and they all started to kill me.

It seemed that this fight was inevitable, so I shook my hand, sacrificed the sword soul, and started fighting with these old ladies.

Li Banxian was not idle either. He took out a magic weapon from his body and fought with me.

Now, my cultivation has reached such an extent that even Elder Xuanwu died in my hands, so naturally I don't take these old ladies seriously.

But when the fight started, I realized that I had underestimated the enemy.

These dozen old ladies were full of routines, and together they formed a sword formation. For a moment, I felt like there were countless swords coming towards me at the same time. The sword skills were so fast that it was difficult to guard against them. They were divided into three categories: The middle and lower groups came towards me, and I was caught off guard. They made several cuts in my clothes. Fortunately, I used the Eight Steps to hide quickly with Li Banxian, otherwise I would have been bleeding.

After I hid more than ten meters away, the old ladies immediately surrounded us again.

At this time, Li Banxian said to me anxiously: "Xiaojiu, this is a very powerful sword formation. You greet them first, and I will watch from the side to see if I can break this sword formation."

Li Banxian was originally a master of literature, and his fighting skills were not very good. If he was trapped in this sword formation, his life would definitely be at risk. At that moment, I pulled the second senior brother out of the Qiankun bag again and put it on the ground. The second senior brother instantly Swelling and burning all over, Li Banxian quickly turned over and climbed on top of his second senior brother and rushed forward.

Suddenly seeing Second Senior Brother, a monster with fire all over his body, all the old ladies were startled. No one dared to stop Li Banxian who was riding on Second Senior Brother's back. They all retreated and then came towards me to kill me.

In fact, it is not too difficult to break this sword formation. As long as I use a big move, the fire dragon in the Xuantian Sword Art is enough to drink a pot of them.

However, all my tricks are killing skills, deadly methods. After all, I came to Haohai Shenni to ask for someone. I want to ask for help from others. I don’t dare to commit murder here, otherwise there will be no way to talk about this matter. .

But I can't run away. If I can't even pass this level, I'll be in vain, let alone ask for someone from Haohai Shenni.

In an instant, those dozen old ladies entangled me again. I felt like there were sword shadows all around, coming towards me one after another. It was really hard for me to resist each one of them with one sword, but I quickly came up with a trick, and that was The Xuantian Sword Technique of Sword Walking Dragon Snake, I threw the sword soul in my hand above my head. The sword soul immediately spun quickly and turned into thousands of sword shadows, killing the old ladies in front of me. After passing by, this Xuantian Sword Technique was very domineering, trapping five or six people on the other side at once, but the other old ladies continued to kill me, so I had to take out the copper coin sword and continue to fight with them.

(End of this chapter)

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