Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1827 Array in Array, Chain Array

Chapter 1827 Array in Array, Chain Array

What makes me depressed is that even if I block some of them with my sword spirit, the remaining old ladies can still form a powerful sword array to kill me. Looking at the way they do it, there is no ambiguity at all. Their purpose was to kill me. When I fought with them, I was so shocked that I broke into a cold sweat.

Each sect has its own secret technique, Dancheng Mountain's Tianshi Talisman, Qingshan's mainly controls ghosts and zombies, Nanshan's Heavenly Thunder Technique, and the sword formations of the old ladies on Kongming Island are too powerful. Now, those swords coming in a stream are so impenetrable that people can't breathe.

I could only rely on my own strong cultivation and use the Eight Steps of Misconception to dodge in critical moments, and I was able to dodge them again and again.

But Li Banxian was free, hiding not far away, riding on the body of the second senior brother, as if watching the excitement was not a big deal, anyway, no one dared to provoke the second senior brother's bad luck.

On the contrary, the second senior brother looked impatient. When he saw me being beaten and being beaten, he was eager to rush forward and help me out.

Li Banxian also knew the importance and held the second senior brother tightly, preventing him from coming forward.

After fighting like this for more than ten minutes, the clothes on my body were soaked and I was frightened again and again. This sword formation was really powerful, but from their sword formation, I also understood a lot of mysteries. Through constant fighting, If you fight, you can also learn a lot of each other's strengths.

After a few more minutes, I became a little impatient. While avoiding it, I shouted to Lao Li: "Lao Li, where are you watching the monkey show? How do you break the formation? Please give me some advice, or else I really have to shoot." Stop killing."

Only then did Lao Li shout from the air: "Xiao Jiu, this sword formation is very powerful. You can't always hide, you have to break through them one by one. This sword formation is a formation within a formation, a continuous formation. The fewer the number of people, the less powerful it is." , but you can still form sword formations continuously. When the sword formation reaches seven people, the power will be reduced by most of it. I can only help you here, you can figure it out yourself."

Damn it, what Lao Li said is equivalent to not saying anything, and he didn't tell me how to break the formation. This sword formation is so long ago that he probably won't be able to see many clues for a while.

Now, it's up to me.

At that moment, I made a fierce move and threw the copper coin sword in my hand away, immediately activating the Beidou copper coin sword formation. With a clatter, countless copper coin sword energy floated and swept towards the lower body of the old ladies. After they got out, I didn't dare to hurt them, so the copper coin sword energy hit their feet respectively. Moreover, these old ladies were not low in cultivation. When they saw my Beidou copper coin sword formation coming, they all Dodge.

Taking advantage of them to get out of the way, I hurriedly took eight steps and arrived in front of the two old ladies. With a wave of my hand, I threw out the Ma Fei Ling Hua Powder that Xue Xiaoqi gave me. .

Because I struck quickly and was so close, the two old ladies couldn't dodge and were hit immediately.

After spreading the Ma Boiling Spirit Powder, I rushed towards the other ladies, but now they were on guard and began to dodge.

The two old ladies who had been using Ma Feiling Hualing Powder for a long time were really very advanced. Even though they were insulted by me, they still ran forward two steps, and then their bodies softened and they fell straight down.

"Junior Sister Lingyun..." The Lingyu master exclaimed, and glanced at the two masters who fell on the ground. He was suddenly furious, and said angrily: "Well, you rascal, you still don't know what to do?" If you use poison, the poor nun will take your life!"

After saying that, he took the remaining ladies and came towards me again.

But after the two old ladies fell, there were only seven people left on their side, and four or five of them were also entangled by sword spirits on the other side.

Even if they charge up again, I feel a lot easier to deal with it.

As Lao Li said, once their number is less than or equal to seven, although they can still form a sword formation, their strength is indeed greatly reduced.

In addition, during this period of time, I have become somewhat accustomed to their sword formation, so it is not that difficult to deal with it.

After continuing to fight for two or three minutes, I took the opportunity to throw out another handful of Ma Fei Ling Hua Powder, and two more people fell down.

The power of five people is even smaller, so it can't help me. After fighting for a few minutes, there are still three people left. I can handle it with ease. After leaving, the Lingyu Master was left in the end.

Even though Master Lingyu was alone, she was unafraid of me. I saw her take a few steps back and suddenly perform a few spells. The sword in her hand turned into a shadow, like smoke. The fog is light and free, and contains infinite murderous intent.

I have seen this sword technique before. It was the Luoyan Wanxiang sword technique that Li Kexin used when he rescued me, the unique skill of Kongming Island.

It's just that before the old aunt could fully display this sword technique, I summoned the sword soul into my hand as soon as I stretched out my hand, and slashed towards the Lingyu master with a move of dragon sweeping thousands of troops.

Along with the sound of a dragon's roar, a purple sword light flew out and hit Master Lingyu directly. Master Lingyu hurriedly raised his sword to resist, and wiped out the purple sword with one strike. The air flew out, and at this moment, I had already ducked in front of her in a few steps, and reached out to grab my neck.

At this moment, there was an explosion in my ears, and a white whisk suddenly appeared out of thin air and hit my arm.

I didn't expect someone to attack secretly. The fly whisk came so fast that I couldn't hide, so I had to use my arms to block it, and by the way, I used the power of Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Break.

The whisk was so powerful that it hit my arm and sent me flying. I took several steps back, one step at a time. The footprints were at least seven or eight centimeters deep before I stopped awkwardly. Come down.

When I came back to my senses, I found an old nun suddenly appeared in front of me. This old nun was none other than the Haohai God nun who had saved my life before.

"Master... this disciple is incompetent... I can't drive away this rascal..." Master Lingyu clasped his hands together and bowed to Hao Haishennun.

Haohai Shenni still had a cold expression and said calmly: "That's all... After all, this person is a descendant of the Wu family. It is expected that you can't resist."

As soon as I saw Haohai Shenni coming, I immediately accepted the sword spirit, held it in my hand, and said with great respect: "Wu Jiuyin, a descendant of the Wu family, has met Haohai Shenni. I came here on purpose." Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace last time."

 Good night, sorry it's late.

(End of this chapter)

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