Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1828 The only way

Chapter 1828 The Only Way

The nun Haohai glanced at me, snorted coldly and said: "I think you are a drunkard, so you are not in the bar. What are you thinking, does this nun know? Okay, you go, I won't It's useless to say anything more to let you see her, otherwise don't blame the poor nun for being ruthless."

This old lady flatly rejected me as soon as I came up, but this was exactly what I expected before. Ever since I planned to come to Kongming Island, I never thought it would go smoothly.

At that moment, I said politely again: "Old senior, I have traveled thousands of miles and gone through many difficulties and dangers to get to this place. You can't let me go back empty-handed, can you?"

"Going home empty-handed?" The Haohai god nun narrowed his eyes, suddenly murderous, and said in a gloomy voice: "You don't want to take away every plant, every flower and tree on this Kongming island. If you haven't regretted it yet, you two should leave quickly, don't wait for the poor nun to get angry, it won't be that easy for you to leave again."

I found that Haohai Shenni was really hard to talk to here. I don’t know what An’s intentions were in driving me away in such a hurry.

At that moment, my face turned slightly cold, and I raised my hands again and said, "Old senior, to be honest, maybe you also know that there are some connections between Li Kexin and I. Five or six years ago, we were a pair of lovers, and I Because I provoked Gui Yong Dao, Li Kexin was abducted by the people from Gui Yong Dao Chenzhong's helm. I went to rescue him, but was surrounded heavily, and the other party threatened me with Li Kexin's life. I was forced to have no choice but to rescue Li Kexin. I turned around and jumped off the cliff. I have been looking for her for so many years. I searched all over the cliff and found no trace of Li Kexin. For this reason, I also destroyed most of Dongchen's Guiyong Road branch. ...I always thought that Li Kexin was dead, and her body was taken away by wild beasts. I didn’t expect that you, the old man, saved her. I came here for one purpose, and that is to take Li Kexin away and be my wife. I hope the old man For the sake of my deep love for Li Kexin, can you be kind enough to help us?"

Haohai Shenni's wrinkled face didn't show any waves, I think she must have known these things before.

After I finished speaking, Haohai Shenni was unmoved, but said indifferently: "Let's go, it's useless to talk too much, Mingyue is already under my Haohai Shenni, it is impossible for you to take her away."

"Old senior, this matter is not discussed?" I narrowed my eyes and said in a deep voice, feeling a little annoyed in my heart.

The Haohai Shenni still stood where he was and said, "There is no discussion."

"The junior has no choice but to be rude." I stood up and said.

"What's the matter, you kid still want to forcibly break into Kongming Island?" Hao Haishenni said calmly.

Seeing that the two of us were about to be at war, Li Banxian suddenly stepped forward, waved his hand, and said with a smile: "This is Li Banxian from the Xiangbei linen linen family. It's not easy, Wu Jiuyin has also been looking for that girl for five or six years, I don't know how much he has suffered and suffered, so he has formed a deadly feud with Gui Yongdao. Let the two of them handle this matter by themselves. As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten bridges than destroy a marriage. The Buddhist family is merciful and saves all sentient beings. I think the teacher must understand the truth of this, so there is no need for the younger generation to talk too much. ..."

The Haohai Shenni's eyes fell on Li Banxian again, and he said angrily: "Of the Xiangbei Mai family, Master Wen is the most sharp-tongued. I wonder how Wu Jiuyin could break into this magical circle." Kong Mingdao, it turns out that with you, a master from the Mai family, it’s okay for you to be a poor nun without asking any questions, but you still want to cause trouble over nothing?”

Li Banxian's face turned red when he said this, and he didn't know how to respond.

From this point of view, after all the good things were said, this old lady refused to die, so the only way left was to force her way through.

"I'm sorry, old man, since you refuse to let me go, I can only take Li Kexin away by myself." I said.

As I said that, I used the method of "eight steps of confusion" to quickly move towards the temple not far away. I used more than ten "eight steps of confusion" in one breath. Before I could stabilize my body, suddenly, He stopped the whisk in front of me and swept towards me.

I am fast, but Li Laoni is even faster. After all, she has been famous for a long time and is of the same generation as my great-grandfather. This method is definitely not weak. At the beginning, she even defeated Xuanwu and Baihu alone. Elder.

At this moment, I was really angry, so I immediately used my sword spirit and started fighting with the old nun.

She is strong, and I am not a weakling who can be bullied at this moment. As soon as we came up, the two of us fought fiercely. This old nun was very powerful. I could only fight with all my strength as soon as I came up. In the blink of an eye, dozens of moves were fought, and the ground was in a mess, with rocks flying.

Although I have tried my best, I feel that I can't compete with the opponent. This old sister-in-law's cultivation is obviously higher than mine.

At that moment, I took out my copper coin sword and turned it into countless copper coin sword energy and swept it towards the old nun. However, the old nun suddenly appeared behind me. Then, my sword spirit shook and I used it again. Taking advantage of the fire dragon's shocking move, a purple fire dragon spewed out from the sword soul and twined towards the Haohai Shenni.

The Haohai Shenni stood there motionless. She pinched a dharma seal with one hand and moved forward. She silently recited the scriptures and blessed her with powerful thoughts. A big golden "Swastika" was suspended in front of her. , just blocking the purple fire dragon.

All of a sudden, the Hao Hai Shenni appeared in front of me again, the whisk in his hand shook, and there was a bang in the air, and he slammed towards me fiercely.

I had no choice but to block it with the soul of the sword, and the whisk fell heavily, throwing me and the sword flying away. I turned over like a kite and landed steadily, but saw that the whisk in the old nun's hand changed again and turned into a Thousands of threads were entangled from all directions, directly blocking my way.

Not only that, but threads like silver needles flew out from the thousands of silk ribbons and hit me all over.

Seeing this situation, my mind flashed, and I quickly drew a few void spells and turned them into strong energy barriers, blocking them in front of me. The thousands of threads hit the strong energy barriers surrounding me. When I looked around again, I found that the thousands of threads were getting tighter and tighter, and they were wrapping around me. Before long, I would be trapped by the Haohai Shenni.

At this point, it seems that I can't do it without using my ultimate move.

(End of this chapter)

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