Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1830 Long Hair For You

Chapter 1830 Long Hair For You

After going through a lot of hardships, I got to this place and met her, but I didn't expect to get such a result.

That's just Haohai Shenni, but Li Kexin actually said that.

Suddenly, my heart felt like it had been stabbed hard by a knife. It hurt so much that it hurt even to breathe.

However, I still don’t know why?
The next moment, I suddenly stepped forward and reached out to grab Li Kexin. She originally wanted to dodge, but she didn't. I caught her right away. She tried to struggle twice, but she couldn't. I struggled to break away, but I held on tightly and didn't want to let go, not even for the rest of my life.

"Kexin, is Haohai Shenni threatening you and not letting you leave? Tell me, if this is the case, I will definitely take you out even if I risk my life. You believe me, I can do it." I said again.

Li Kexin shook her head, her tears were like rain, but they just kept falling. Seeing her crying made me feel heartbroken, but I was even more impatient. She neither told me the reason nor left me. What on earth was going on? What kind of trouble are you going to make?
"Kexin, let me ask you one thing, do you still have me in your heart? Do you still want to be with me?" I grabbed her slender arms with both hands and looked straight at her.

Li Kexin's eyes were evasive and she didn't dare to look at me at all. She shook her head at me first, then nodded at me, like a frightened deer, and said at a loss: "Brother Xiaojiu, let's go. I don’t know how to tell you... We are destined to have no connection in this life, and there is no way I can leave with you."

"Why?" I asked countless why today, but I didn't get any answers. All I got was Li Kexin's decisive refusal. I know she must have me in her heart, otherwise when I was besieged by Elder Xuanwu and Baihu, she It's impossible to come out and save me.

Li Kexin finally raised her head and looked directly into my eyes. Although this time, her tears were still flowing, but her tone was much firmer at that time: "Brother Xiaojiu, there are not so many reasons in this world. I have already promised Master , escaped into Buddhism, shaved her hair to become a nun, and inherited her mantle, you forget about me..."

When I heard Li Kexin say these words, it was like a bolt from the blue. My head was buzzing, the world was spinning, and my hands unconsciously let go of her body.

It seems that everything that happened before is not important anymore. She refuses to leave, so how can I force it? Everything is meaningless.

But I was still a little unwilling. Many doubts were hidden in my heart. I had to ask. I took a deep breath. I felt that the air was like a knife. It was inhaled and hurt like a knife.

"Back then, when your parents didn't agree with us, you left suddenly. Where did you go at that time? In those years, my phone number never changed. Why didn't you contact me?" I asked again.

"My father was imprisoned and given a heavy sentence for embezzlement, bribery, and misappropriation of public funds. My mother couldn't bear the heavy blow and committed suicide. I found a place to hide by myself, but I couldn't. You know how those people from Guiyong Road found me. I was the one who caused you trouble at that time. If it weren't for me, they wouldn't have attracted you there..." Li Kexin looked at me and said.

"What happened after you jumped off the cliff? I looked for you after that, but I couldn't find you for a long time. Could it be that you were rescued by Haohai Shenni?"

Li Kexin nodded and said: "Yes, the master was looking for a herbal medicine at the bottom of the cliff at that time. He happened to rescue me who was seriously injured after jumping off the cliff and brought me to Kongming Island. I was seriously injured at the time, so I I was able to get out of bed and move around only after I was able to breathe again. After a year of recuperation on Kongming Island, I was able to get out of bed and move around. After that, my master taught me the technique and accepted me as his disciple. I treated her like my own son. I couldn't let her go, so I just followed her. You leave...Brother Xiaojiu...I'm sorry, I failed you..."

As she said that, Li Kexin walked back while crying. There was a thin scar on her face that ran through her entire cheek, but it still had a kind of incomplete beauty. Suddenly, Li Kexin reached out and lifted the monk's hair on her head. The hat was taken off, and a waterfall of black hair fell down.

At this time, Li Kexin's eyes were as determined as when she jumped off the cliff, which inexplicably hurt me again.

The next moment, Li Kexin suddenly took out a sharp dagger from her body. Unexpectedly, she lifted up her waterfall-like long hair and cut it off. The hair was cut off and she held it in her hands. Her long hair was wrapped around her fingers in a circle.

"I keep my long hair for you. Today I will cut off three thousand worries and escape into Buddhism... Little Brother Jiu, I will bear you in this life. In the next life, I am willing to be a wife and concubine of a cow and a horse, always by your side..."

While talking, I saw a line of blood and tears flow out of the corner of Li Kexin's eyes. She threw her long hair towards me, then turned around and ran towards the temple.

I reached out to catch her long hair and saw Li Kexin running towards the temple door, her blood and tears flowing all the way.

And my heart seemed to have been hollowed out, and tears rolled out.

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.

What on earth am I here for?I knew everything, but I lost something. Holding that ball of beautiful hair in my hand, I stared blankly at the direction Li Kexin was going away. At this moment, the pain was as painful as a knife, and it couldn't be worse.

In the end, Li Kexin's figure turned into a black spot and gradually disappeared in front of my eyes, and my vision became blurry.

I just stood there in a daze, keeping the same movement, from day to night, the sun rose and the moon set, and the sky was filled with stars.

My mind is empty and my heart hurts.

I don't know how long I stood like this, but suddenly a long sigh came from behind: "Let's go, Xiaojiu, there is a time in life that must be there, but there is no time in life, don't force it... This is all fate."

While talking, Li Banxian walked up to me with his second senior brother.

At this moment, I took a deep breath, looked at Li Banxian and said, "Old Li, do you know everything?"

"So what if I know it all, I can't change anything, this is the most painful thing, I can't stop you, I can only accompany you here for a while, and you will not turn back until you know the result and hit the south wall , How can I not understand your temper?" Lao Li said somewhat inscrutably.

After a pause, Lao Li then said: "Let's go, your wish is over, it's time for us to go back..."

I nodded, followed by a sigh, and looked back in the direction of the temple, a deep and last look, maybe this look would become a farewell forever.

 Good night~ I feel heartbroken when it comes to emotional scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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