Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1831 Don't be nostalgic

Chapter 1831 Don't be nostalgic
I'm leaving.

Although this result was not what I wanted or what I imagined, I had to leave.

Because the person I wanted to leave with didn't want to leave with me at all.

But there are some things that cannot be forced, and I am not the kind of person who is shameless.

When Lao Li and I turned around to leave, it was already the next morning. I just stood there all night, not knowing what I was thinking.

Maybe I didn't think about it at all, I just felt that it would feel better if I stood like that.

In fact, I can understand her difficulties and feel a little sorry for her. She can't help herself.

When people are in the world, there are always times when they can't help themselves. For example, I can't stay with my parents like normal people every day. I can only let them temporarily live in Qingshan, and I can't see them for a year. Several times.

There is a reason why Li Kexin can't be with me. I know she has me in her heart, but in the past few years, a lot of feelings have developed between her and the Haohai Shenni. The Haohai Shenni is kind to her. Firstly, The grace of saving lives, the second is the grace of teaching skills, and the third is the grace of knowing and encountering.

I can also see that Haohai Shenni is very fond of Li Kexin and intends to teach her all his skills. He will inherit her mantle. In the future, Kongming Island may be managed by Li Kexin. of.

Li Kexin has excellent qualifications and is a good material for practice. I discovered this a long time ago.

When she came to rescue me, her cultivation was already very strong. It can be seen that Haohai Shenni has taught her many skills.

It is precisely because of this that Li Kexin refuses to follow me.

In fact, just now, Haohai Shenni left sadly and had already let go of Li Kexin. She was moved by my sincerity and determination, and also by the friendship between the two of us. As long as Li Kexin left me at that time, Haohai Shen Ni would never stop her, but at that time Li Kexin couldn't let it go.

In the world of rivers and lakes, who can clearly explain the grievances and hatreds?

I know that Li Kexin was suffering. It was very painful when we separated. Her father was sentenced to a severe sentence and her mother committed suicide. At that time, she didn't understand anything and was unwilling to disturb my life anymore. She lived alone.

I can imagine her helplessness and despair at that time.

Where was I then?I couldn't do anything and didn't even know where she was.

However, even though she was already so miserable, the people from Gui Yong Dao still found her and used her to ambush me. That's when she resolutely jumped off the cliff to die.

At that time, she had nothing to worry about except me. In order not to implicate me, she was willing to die.

However, the appearance of Haohai Shenni changed everything for her again. She was as kind as a mountain to her, took good care of her, and treated her as her own.

Haohai Shenni is the island owner of Kongming Island and the abbot of the nunnery. She can obviously let her disciples and grandchildren teach her cultivation skills, but Haohai Shenni likes her so much that she accepts her as a closed disciple and teaches her skills personally. , the kindness is too heavy, how can Li Kexin live up to it.

She had to choose between me and Haohai Shenni.

One is family affection and the other is love.

Li Kexin chose family love and had no choice but to give up on me.

"I keep my long hair for you. Today I will cut off three thousand worries and escape into Buddhism... Little Brother Jiu, I will bear you in this life. In the next life, I am willing to be a wife and concubine of a cow and a horse, always by your side..."

Li Kexin's words have been echoing in my ears, echoed countless times, and every time it makes my heart bleed and hurt like a knife.

It ended like this, just left like this, as if nothing had happened.

It’s just that I already have scars in my heart, and I don’t know when they will heal.

Maybe for a lifetime.

I don’t know if this is fate. My great grandfather betrayed Haohai Shenni back then, but Haohai Shenni did take Li Kexin as his disciple and let her betray me.

I once thought evilly that all this was done intentionally by Haohai Shenni.

Actually not, this is fate, this is evil fate.

But I had to accept it happily.

That's it, what else can I do?

When I turned around to leave Kongming Island, I thought a lot in my mind. I felt better and my mood was not as heavy as before.

Li Banxian has always been by my side without saying a word. Before, it was the second senior brother who led him, but now he is holding the second senior brother in his arms. We slowly walked towards the edge of Kongming Island.

When I walked to the place where I came from, I saw that there was suddenly an extra person and a wooden boat in that place.

That person was Master Lingyu who had fought with me before.

Seeing her suddenly made me a little confused.

At this time, Master Lingyu suddenly took a step forward, bowed slightly to me, and said very politely: "Amitabha...the two donors, I came here to see you off Kongming Island on the orders of Uncle Mingyue. , Kong Ming Island is surrounded by magic circles, and it is more dangerous to go out than to come in. Uncle Master was worried that you two would not be able to get out, so he asked the poor nun to send you two away."

Before I could say anything, Li Banxian suddenly took a step forward and said with a smile: "Thank you, Master, thank you for your hard work... thank you for your hard work..."

With that said, Li Banxian pulled me onto the wooden boat.

After we got on board, Master Lingyu stood at the bow of the boat and performed a few spells. The boat then drifted away and entered the mist again.

With Master Lingyu, we no longer have to go through the trouble of breaking the formation one by one like Li Banxian. We passed through the fog, turned left and right on the small boat, and left the formation in less than half an hour. During this period, I didn't encounter any danger, and I even avoided the terrifying thunder formation.

After leaving the magic circle on Kongming Island, Master Lingyu saluted us again and said politely: "Two donors, this boat is given to you. You can leave alone. Master Mingyue asked me to leave. The poor nun has a message for Donor Wu: don’t come to Kongming Island again..."

Having said that, when Master Lingyu waved, a megalodon shark suddenly floated up from the sea. Master Lingyu jumped onto the back of the megalodon shark and started again. Got into the fog.

I felt a little sad in my heart, Li Kexin still cared about me, otherwise she wouldn't have let Master Lingyu come to see us off, but those last words made my heart sting again inexplicably.

Don’t come to Kongming Island again… Don’t come to Kongming Island again…

With such determination, does she really never want to see me again?This farewell really became an eternal farewell between the two of us... we will never see each other until we die.

Lao Li sighed, patted my shoulder and said, "Let's go... don't miss me anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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