Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1832 Step through the iron shoes and find nowhere

Chapter 1832 Step through the iron shoes and find nowhere

Yes, I really can't miss it anymore.

I withdrew my gaze, and then rowed the wooden boat with Li Banxian and slid towards the coastline.

When I put some distance away from Kongming Island and looked back, I found that the surroundings of Kongming Island were still surrounded by white mist, and the sky was indeed covered with dark clouds, with thunder and lightning from time to time. Intimidating.

There were no more twists and turns after that, and Li Banxian and I returned to the pier where we originally landed.

After I came back, I remembered one thing. Damn it, I spent 50 to let that Zhang Degui take the two of us to the vicinity of Kongming Island. After giving him so much money, I bought him a broken boat. Fishing boats, that's all, but this guy wants to kill Lao Li and me.

Not only did they make the boat leaky, but they also specially prepared several buckets of pig blood on the boat, which attracted so many big sharks to attack us. If we were ordinary people or those with poor spiritual practice, they would have been buried in the belly of the fish long ago.

When I first found out that I had been tricked, I wanted to go back and hunt down Zhang Degui. I wanted to ask him where he had offended me, and how he had used such a despicable method to assassinate me.

It's just that Lao Li didn't ask me to chase him at that time. When I finally got there, it was better to do business and settle the accounts with them when I got back.

Now I'm back.

I have offended too many people, and for a while I couldn't tell who was going to attack me, so I had to find Zhang Degui and ask.

One characteristic of me is that I will never be sloppy when I have a grudge.

At the moment, Lao Li and I discussed it, and Lao Li naturally had no objections. Anyway, I am idle, so I might as well do something.

This time when I came back from Kongming Island, I was full of evil fire, and I was worried that I had no place to vent my anger.

Therefore, as soon as Li Banxian and I arrived at the pier, we immediately found some people working on the pier and asked about Zhang Degui. However, after asking, no one knew Zhang Degui, and they also said that there was no one in the nearby fishing villages. His name is Zhang Degui.

I'm going, it's obvious that I was set up by someone, and the other party has planned it for a long time. It's strange to say that few people know that Lao Li and I came to Kongming Island, except for my brothers. , only Wanluo Sect knows about this matter.

But Fatty Jin will never harm me, and I now regard him as a brother.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, when Li Banxian and I came here and asked around about people going to Kongming Island, the other party noticed us, because at that time Lao Li and I asked many fishing boats whether to go to Kongming Island. Everyone shook their heads and did not dare to go to the island. In this way, Lao Li and I spent most of the day looking for it.

For most of the day, Zhang Degui prepared pig blood and broken fishing boats to frame us.

As soon as I thought of the broken fishing boat, I had another idea, so I returned to the dock and asked people about the broken fishing boat. I briefly described it, and someone remembered it and said it was that. The fishing boat belongs to Li Erwa's family in Beijiao Village.

At that moment, Li Banxian and I went to Li Erwa's house. Since it was daytime, when Li Banxian and I arrived at Li Erwa's house in the afternoon, we found that there were people at Li Erwa's house, including his wife and children.

Li Erwa is a middle-aged man in his forties. He looks very honest and honest, and does not seem to have any cultivation.

When I found it, I asked him if he had any fishing boats for sale. I wanted to buy one. As soon as Li Erwa heard that I wanted to buy a fishing boat, he immediately became happy and said, "What's going on in the past few days? Why do people keep asking him to buy fishing boats?" In two days, someone spent 5 yuan to buy a dilapidated fishing boat that was about to be scrapped, and today someone came to buy it again.

So I asked him the name of the person who wanted to buy the fishing boat from him and if he had any contact information.

Li Erwa just said that the man's surname was Zhang, and he didn't know his specific name, so he gave him 5 yuan without leaving any contact information.

This road seems to be deadlocked. If the other party wants to harm me, they will naturally not leave any clues. It seems that Zhang Degui is also cautious enough.

This is enough to show that Zhang Degui is not a local, and no one in the nearby villages knows him.

At first I thought that this person might belong to Gui Yongdao, but when I thought about it carefully, I felt that something was wrong. Gui Yongdao wanted to harm people, and his tricks would not be so feminine. They definitely have the strength to fight me head-on. As soon as Elder Qinglong comes, I will definitely turn around and run away.

There were no clues at all, so Lao Li and I thought about giving up. We walked around several fishing boats and still found nothing, so we drove to the local county seat and planned to rest for a night before leaving.

After running around for the past two days, I was really tired. Not only was I physically tired, I was also extremely haggard mentally.

Nowadays, everything seems to be in a fog, and everything suddenly feels boring.

After arriving at the local county town, I felt very hungry, so I asked Li Banxian to go have a drink and get drunk.

As the saying goes, a drink can solve a thousand worries. After you get drunk, you no longer need to think about so many things in your mind.

So, Lao Li and I found the largest restaurant in the area, walked in directly, found a private room, ordered a table full of dishes, and ordered a few bottles of good wine, and started drinking with Lao Li .

Due to my psychological distress, I drank a lot of alcohol, and whenever I had something on my mind, I would get drunk easily. After drinking two bottles of white wine, I felt a little dizzy, so I greeted Li Banxian and went to the toilet to fill up the water.

Unexpectedly, however, this time he met someone.

That man also drained water from the toilet and was dizzy from drinking. When I noticed him, he didn't notice me and even passed me by.

My memory is very good, and I recognized this man at a glance as one of the men who accompanied Li Banxian and me to Kongming Island with Zhang Degui.

This guy drank a lot of wine and was dizzy. He was still humming a tune and looked very proud.

I was already drunk at first, but as soon as I saw this person, I woke up from the drunkenness. After seeing the person leave the toilet, I followed him immediately. The person walked to a private room, and then opened the door. I ducked in and walked in. The moment he opened the door, I seemed to see Zhang Degui's figure.

Damn it, it’s really hard to find anything even if you wear iron shoes, it takes no effort at all to get it.

It was God's will that allowed me to meet them here.

They are living happily here with the money that harmed me. How can I let them off lightly?

At that moment, I quickly returned to my private room and informed Li Banxian. Li Banxian was also surprised and said that there was such a coincidence, so he came with me to the door of the private room where Zhang Degui was.


(End of this chapter)

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