Chapter 1836
That guy was scared out of his wits by me. He must have learned a lesson this time. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed to us, saying that he would never dare again.

Just like that, we left Zhang Degui here and headed towards Jiaoyou with Chen Zhipeng.

Some time ago, Lao Li told me that I must be careful of the Cangdong Su family trying to get me behind my back. Not long after that, the Cangdong Su family started plotting against me.

Damn it, you are playing dirty tricks, this is the kind of person I hate the most.

This kind of people just need to be dealt with. Just because there are people in the court, do you think you can be lawless?

We haven’t seen each other for several years, but I really want to see that old guy Su Shanglu again.

At that moment, I started the car and headed in the direction of Jiaoyou. I still had some impressions of Su Shanglu's place, after all, I had been there many years ago.

Back then, Xue Xiaoqi, Hua Monk, and I went straight to Earth Dragon, destroyed the entire Cangdong branch, and had a fierce fight with Su Shanglu.

The past is still vivid in my mind, but when we dealt with that old guy Su Shanglu, the three of us brothers joined forces, but this time it is different. It was only Lao Li and me, and Lao Li was still a scholar.

But at this moment, I am fully confident that I can defeat Su Shanglu.

At that time, it was just a fledgling donkey, but now it has changed from what it used to be.

Our place was not far from Jiaocheng District, and we drove there after two or three hours.

At this time, it was already late at night, but we didn't have to worry about finding anyone, because the Su family's casino was the most lively at night.

After arriving at the place, we parked the car some distance away from the casino and lurked all the way there on foot. Halfway there, Lao Li suddenly asked Chen Zhipeng: "Before you left, did you talk to Mr. Hei?" That we escaped alive? And you are already heading this way."

Chen Zhipeng nodded and said, "I said hello to Mr. Hei in advance and talked about your affairs, but Mr. Hei doesn't know that I have fallen into your hands at this moment."

Li Banxian glanced at me and said, "Then Hei Ye may have already prepared himself. What do you think we should do about this? If Chen Zhipeng calls Hei Ye out alone, it will definitely not work."

I nodded, and then took out two human skin masks from the Qiankun Eight Treasures Bag. Li Banxian quickly understood my intention, and we each put one on our faces, and told Chen Zhipeng to take us to find them. Master Hei.

Then Chen Zhipeng looked back at us. In the blink of an eye, Lao Li and I were completely different people, and we were stunned.

But at this moment, he was under our control and did not dare to make any mistakes. He could only lead us obediently towards the casino.

I don’t know if the casino has changed places. What happened many years ago has almost been forgotten. Anyway, this place is not far from the city, like a village in the suburbs, and this place is independent. There are security guards standing guard at the entrance of the large manor.

When Chen Zhipeng led the two of us over, the security guards at the door greeted Chen Zhipeng enthusiastically and called him Brother Peng. They regarded Chen Zhipeng as a respectable person in this place.

The security guards didn't ask anything about the two of us.

However, once we entered the manor, the defense seemed to be quite tight, and there were many people patrolling around with flashlights. As we walked forward, we met several burly men, and they all came up to say hello to Chen Zhipeng. , and then asked who the two of us were.

Chen Zhipeng said that they were two friends from his hometown, both of whom had some skills, and came to introduce them to Master Hei.

The big men on patrol glanced at us, said nothing more, and let Chen Zhipeng take us further into the depths.

Not long after we walked, we passed through at least three or four levels of checkpoints. There were several people guarding each place, and they had to check us. However, Chen Zhipeng seemed to be doing well. After all, he was following the gang. The old man next to me just made a symbolic inspection and let us go.

Then, Chen Zhipeng took us through a small door and went directly to a hall. This hall was luxuriously decorated and magnificent. The people inside were either rich or noble and well-dressed. They all gathered together in groups and kept talking. made a shouting sound.

In the hall, there were many scantily clad women walking back and forth carrying fruit plates, wines and various drinks.

Such a luxurious place is actually hidden in a dark corner. No one has dared to check it out for many years, which shows how powerful the Cangdong Su family is.

There is no way, who will let the second son of their family Su take the lead in the special transfer team? The special transfer team is where the hands and eyes are open, and can control all resources, and all departments must cooperate unconditionally. Who dares to touch their Cangdong Su family? .

It seems that the Cangdong Su family is the emperor of this area.

But just because others don't dare to touch him doesn't mean that I, Wu Jiuyin, don't dare to touch him. If I touch him once, I dare to touch him a second time.

Besides, this time it was the Cangdong Su family who took the initiative to cause trouble for me.

Passing through a hall, the waiters kept saying hello to Chen Zhipeng along the way. Chen Zhipeng had a gloomy face and didn't speak much. He didn't know what was going on in his mind.

The two of us have been following Chen Zhipeng, never leaving, to prevent him from playing any tricks.

Just like that, we passed through the noisy crowd and came to a basement. Then we met another group of people in the corridor and stopped Chen Zhipeng. One of the men with a scar on his face said: "Peng Son, where did the two people behind you come from, and how did they lead them to this place?"

"I introduced him to Mr. Hei. I have said hello to Mr. Hei before. Is Mr. Hei here?" Chen Zhipeng asked.

The man nodded, then looked at the two of us warily, and said, "Here, Mr. Hei is busy in the room, please wait a moment."

Just like that, we waited at the door for a while, and then we heard screams coming from a room next to us. Then a guy covered in blood was dragged out. Those people were dragging people and talking. Li cursed and said: "What the hell, I'll give you three more days. If you don't come up with the money, I'll sink you into the sea and feed the fish."

After the man was dragged out, Chen Zhipeng took the two of us into the room. When we entered, we found that there was a huge desk in the room, and behind the desk sat an old man who was half his age. There were two thug-looking men behind him, with sinister expressions on their faces.

At that moment, I looked up at Master Hei, and Master Hei also looked at us.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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