Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1837 You have the heart to kill me

Chapter 1837 You have the heart to kill me

The last time I came to Mr. Hei's place to cause trouble, I captured Mr. Hei alive and forced him to call out Su Shanglu, the eldest of the three heroes of the Su clan. In the end, the old guy didn't call out Su Shanglu, but instead called out Su Shanglu. Su Shanglu's son Su Yiyong came out to deal with us with some Ghost Sect Thirteen or something, and later captured Su Yiyong alive. Ken came forward and told us the whereabouts of Cangdong Branch Helm.

At that time, I promised Lord Hei that I would not kill him as long as he called out the people from the Su family, but I also kept my promise.

I didn't kill him at that time. Today, this old guy still wants to plot against me, which is not very authentic.

Now, we were brought to Master Hei by Chen Zhipeng, and Master Hei's eyes passed directly over Chen Zhipeng and fell on us.

After he glanced at me and Li Banxian, he suddenly said: "Pengzi, who are the two people behind?"

Chen Zhipeng was not panicked at first, but now in front of Master Hei, he was no longer so calm, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Maybe he was too panicked, so Chen Zhipeng reached out and wiped his sweat.I cut off two fingers on his hand. When we were in the car, Lao Li stopped the bleeding. During the whole journey, he also clenched his fists and did not dare to show them to others.

Just when he was wiping his sweat, Master Hei's expression changed, and he said in surprise: "Pengzi, why are you missing two fingers?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Banxian had already closed the door heavily.

And I smiled gloomily and said, "I cut off those two fingers of his."

As I said that, I pulled off the human skin mask on my face and looked at Master Hei. When Master Hei saw my appearance, he was so frightened that he almost flew out of his mind.

The two men standing behind Mr. Hei immediately took out their pistols and pointed them at me and Li Banxian.

"Don't move the hell, if you move I'll kill you!" A man standing behind Mr. Hei shook the gun in his hand and said viciously.

I sneered at the man and said, "The last time someone pointed a gun at me, the grass on their graves grew taller than the person. Can you try firing a shot?"

Those two men probably really didn’t know me. I knew a lot about the people around Mr. Hei. They were usually extremely vicious criminals, their hands were stained with blood, and they were really capable of killing people.

But they are ordinary people, not practitioners, so I am not afraid. Their speed is too slow.

Master Hei has been frightened since he saw my true face. He knows what I do and why I came to find him.

After a while, Mr. Hei took a deep breath and said to the two people around him: "Put down the gun... you are no match for them."

However, the two men were stunned, looked at Master Hei and said: "Master Hei, it's just the two of them, they don't have anything with them. What's there to be afraid of? Let's just kill them."

At this moment, Chen Zhipeng, who had brought us here, suddenly knelt down with a pop and said, "Master Hei... I didn't mean to bring them here. These two were so cruel. They cut off their fingers when they came up." , I couldn’t resist..."

The Heiye ignored Chen Zhipeng, but emphasized his tone and said to the two people around him: "Put down the gun. Are you not willing to listen to what I say?"

The two men had no choice but to glare at us fiercely and put down the guns pointed at us. At this time, I took Li Banxian and walked towards Mr. Hei.

I pulled up a chair and sat across from Master Hei. I smiled and said, "Master Hei, I haven't seen you for several years, but you are still the same."

Master Hei took a deep breath, and said with a little fear: "Master Jiu is braver than before, how dare a young man do anything wrong in front of Master Hei."

This kid is still aware of current affairs. He knows that resisting now is of no use, so he cooperates obediently. I could take him down easily in the past, but in the past few years, I have become very prosperous in the world. He has done a lot of big things, Master Hei must have heard of it. It's okay if he doesn't move, but he will die if he moves.

"Master Hei is serious. I, Wu Jiuyin, am not worth mentioning in your eyes. You dare to find a few minions to do evil to me. If you hadn't found that Chen Zhipeng, I really didn't expect it to be you." Master Hei wants to attack me." I said gloomily.

Master Hei's cold sweat started to flow instantly, and he said in a trembling voice: "Master Jiu...I..."

"Slap!" He couldn't finish his sentence, so I slapped him with a slap, and the nosebleeds of Master Hei flew out from the slap.

As soon as the two men behind Mr. Hei saw their boss being beaten, they immediately raised their guns and were about to fire.

At this time, Li Banxian and I reached out at the same time and grabbed their wrists at a very fast speed. Li Banxian was more gentle and just grabbed the gun from the other person's hand and slapped it away with one palm, while I was not so polite and grabbed While holding the man's wrist, he exerted force in his hand, forcibly changing the curvature of the man's wrist and directly twisting it off.

The man let out a shrill cry, but only halfway through his cry, he was knocked unconscious by my slap.

In an instant, the two extremely vicious guys lost their ability to resist, and Master Hei didn't even dare to move.

Then, the Heiye said: "Jiuye... It was not my idea to touch you, it was the intention of our family head. I am just a subordinate to do things. Please forgive me, Jiuye."

"Is Chen Zhipeng one of yours? After he told you our whereabouts, you must have told that old guy Su Shanglu. This shows that you also have harmful intentions for me. I spared your life last time. What do you think this time? What will I do?" I said gloomily.

That Hei Ye quickly walked around the table, knelt in front of me, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Nine Masters...Nine Masters...I know I was wrong. This matter really wasn't my idea, so just spare me this time." Well... I will take you to the head of the family right now. If you have any grudges, you can settle them face to face. Don’t make it difficult for us, the subordinates."

I'm a soft-spoken person, but I don't take strong advice. Seeing this Black Master being so groveling, I didn't want to make things difficult for him anymore. Taking advantage of Su Shanglu's lack of defense, it would be best for me to go over and cause trouble for him at this time.

This kid is so disgusting. If he stumbles behind his back, he must be punished.

At that moment, we let the black man lead the way. I put on the human skin mask again and slipped out of the casino from behind.

As for the few people in the room, including Chen Zhipeng, they were all knocked unconscious by us and then locked inside the room.

(End of this chapter)

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