Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1838 Please enter the urn

Chapter 1838 Please enter the urn
Under the leadership of Mr. Hei, after exiting the back door, we found a car and headed straight to where Su Shanglu lived.

Not long after getting in the car, Heiye called Su Shanglu and said that he had an important matter to report to him in person. After getting Su Shanglu's consent, he hung up the phone.

We just listened while he was on the phone and didn't have any evil intentions.

Su Shanglu lives not in the city, but in another manor near the city, still some distance away from their casino. On the way, Li Banxian asked me how to deal with this guy Su Shanglu.

What we do most often is to lurk secretly and catch the other party by surprise.

But this time, I decided not to do that. I used to lurk secretly because I was not strong enough and there was nothing I could do without a sneak attack. But in the past few years, my cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. I am no longer the little character who can be manipulated by others. I can completely swagger. I walked to Su's house and gave Su Shanglu a hard lesson and made him suffer. With my current cultivation level, even Su Shanglu and the others tied together are no match for me.

If Su Shanglu doesn't come out, it'll be easy. The worst I can do is smash his house to pieces to see if he can come out.

As we talked along the way, we soon arrived near Sushanlu's manor. Hei Ye parked the car at the entrance of the manor and did not drive in.

There were several security guards standing at the door of the manor. Mr. Hei said a few words to the security guards, and then the security guards opened the door and let the three of us in.

Master Hei was very honest. He entered the manor and walked in front, being cautious along the way.

It was already late at night, but there were street lights everywhere in Su Shanglu's manor, which illuminated everything brightly.

This manor is not small, but compared with Wanluo Sect's, it is much inferior.

In terms of strength, the Wanluo Sect is many times stronger than the Cangdong Su family.

The Cangdong Su family is only relatively famous in Cangdong.

Despite this, this yard is not too small. We walked for a long time before we saw a federal-style building in front of us. Hei Ye told us that Su Shanglu lived in the house in front.

Lao Li and I nodded and headed towards the federal-style building. But after arriving here, just a few steps away, Li Banxian suddenly stopped, glanced around, and then quickly took out the compass.

I didn't know why Lao Li stopped suddenly, so I asked him what was wrong.
Li Banxian didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on the compass, and his brows were furrowed. I was curious, so I glanced at the compass. It didn't matter if I didn't look at it. I was shocked when I saw the compass in Li Banxian's hand spinning crazily. indecisive.

Although I don't know much about Li Banxian's business, after all, our family is the inheritance of Qingshan, and I know more or less. The pointer on the compass is turning wildly, indicating that the surrounding magnetic field is extremely unstable, which is a bad omen.

Just after glancing at the compass, Li Banxian gasped and said to me anxiously, "No, we've been ambushed. Let's leave quickly!"

damn it.

I cursed secretly, grabbed Mr. Hei by the collar, and cursed: "How dare you dare to trick me!"

Master Hei's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly waved his hand and said, "Master Jiu... I didn't do this. I didn't do anything. Even if I have eight courages, I don't dare to trick you now."

The expression on Mr. Hei's face didn't seem like he was faking it, but at this moment Li Banxian said: "Stop arguing and leave quickly, maybe it's still too late!"

I agreed, and didn't dare to delay right now, just looking at Li Banxian's expression, I knew that this place must be very dangerous.

At that moment, I grabbed Mr. Hei with one hand and Li Banxian's arm with the other hand, and then moved quickly towards the door with eight steps.

Just after I moved a few times, I suddenly felt that the Qi field around me tightened, as if it was blocked. My body suddenly seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and the method of missing eight steps could no longer be used.

At this time, Li Banxian also sensed this situation and said to me: "Xiaojiu, don't move. The magic circle has been activated. I don't know what magic circle the other party has set up now. If you wander around, I will stop you at any time." Life will be lost."

I stopped in my tracks, let go of Master Hei and Li Banxian, and when I looked around again, I saw that all the surrounding scenery disappeared at once, street lights, buildings, rockery...all disappeared, and the distance It was hazy, as if covered with a layer of mist.

After a while, I saw a faint black mist suddenly rising from the ground all around, rolling and spreading towards the surroundings.

A magic circle was actually arranged here.

In other words, Su Shanglu would have expected that we would find this place to cause trouble for him, so he had arranged the magic circle in advance and waited for us to come and die.

It is very possible that when Lao Li and I went to Kongming Island, the arrangement of this magic circle had already begun.

The other party is asking you to enter the urn.

Thinking about it carefully, I feel more and more something is wrong. Yes, Su Shanglu should know what I am doing now, and what I am capable of. He should also be very aware of my ability to avoid water droplets.

As for the people he instigated, they sank my ship and put pig blood on the ship. They were all covering up. Who I am, Su Shanglu knows best. He just feels that I will not give up. I must You will follow various traces until you find him.

The Cangdong Su family is really insidious.

By the time I figured this out, it was already too late to regret it. We had already fallen into his trap.

It seems that I really underestimated the Cangdong Su family.

But I am also very curious, how could the Cangdong Su family be so bold to kill me? Gui Yongdao said, I am not afraid, so what do the small Cangdong Su family mean?
The three of us stood here for a moment, and the black mist floating from the ground became thicker and thicker.

I was inexplicably panicked, so I asked Li Banxian, "Old Li, have you seen any clues? What kind of formation is this?"

Lao Li frowned, kept scanning, shook his head, and said: "I can't tell for a while, but looking at this battle, it should be very powerful."

At this time, Mr. Hei also panicked and shouted in panic: "Master... I am Lao Wang. I have worked hard for the Su family for decades. You can't kill me too." …”

As he said that, Mr. Hei took a few steps forward. I was afraid that this kid was going to escape, so I wanted to catch him. Unexpectedly, Lao Li grabbed me and told me not to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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