Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1839 The grass man replaces the living

Chapter 1839 The grass man replaces the living
Lao Li held me back because he was afraid that I would accidentally lose my life if I walked around randomly in this formation.

I have a certain understanding of magic circles. When Lao Li and I went to find the baby with the destiny of the cauldron, we encountered Gui Yongdao's magic circle, which trapped Lao Li and me. Been in there for a long time.

For example, the Mountain Gate Formation in Qingshan Mountain, the Mountain Gate Formation in Dancheng Mountain, and the Formation within the Formation in the Forbidden Area are all extremely dangerous places. A little carelessness can lead to a loss of life.

Even ordinary people mostly know about magical formations. For example, Ge Guang during the Liuzhou period used some stones to trap hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, leaving them confused, and in the end they had no choice but to Return without success.

For those who do not understand the magic circle, once you enter the magic circle, as long as you cannot find a way to break the magic circle, there are only two possibilities. One is to be strangled alive by the magic circle, and the other is to be trapped in the magic circle. They starved to death and died of thirst.

In fact, even if Lao Li and I were trapped in the magic circle, we would not starve to death or die of thirst. The inventory in the Eight Treasures Bag of Qiankun was enough for us to survive for several months.

But being trapped here is not an option, we must find a way out.

The Cangdong Su family, he deserves to be damned, he is really good at playing dirty tricks behind his back. No wonder Lao Li asked me to be on guard against them.

I was careless.

At this moment, Mr. Hei was walking further and further away. While holding me back, Lao Li reminded Mr. Hei: "Master Hei, don't run around, or you may lose your life."

However, Mr. Hei seemed to be stimulated. After seeing the magic circle activated, he shouted and walked forward, which meant that he still hoped that his family master could spare his life.

After Lao Li reminded Mr. Hei, he glanced around. He held the compass with the needle in his hand and started counting. He was still mumbling something. I don't know what he was mumbling. .

When I looked towards Mr. Hei, I saw that he was already 30 to [-] meters away from us.

Suddenly, Master Hei's voice stopped, and something terrible happened next. Master Hei didn't know what mystery of the magic circle had been touched, so he just walked forward, and his whole person turned into a pile of minced meat. , splashing out in all directions, and some corpses fell around us.

The blood spurted onto our bodies.

This magic circle was so terrifying. Hei Ye was suddenly strangled by the magic circle. He didn't even have time to scream and had no time to react. He just died like this.

I went and saw Master Hei's tragic death. I was suddenly startled and broke out in a cold sweat. This magic circle was really not that dangerous. Lao Li, a descendant of the lineage of linen gods and a person who was so proficient in the magic circle, couldn't see anything. So come.

It seems that this time, the Cangdong Su family is really planning to kill me.

There was no way, I had offended them too much, maybe it was Su Bingyi from the Southwest Department who instigated the Cangdong Su family to do this.

Although Dan Chengshan and I have settled our differences, the personal grudge between me and Su Bingyi remains unresolved.

Li Banxian glanced at the place where Master Hei died tragically, but didn't express much. He felt that such a thing happened as he expected. Lao Li had reminded him, but if he didn't listen, there was nothing we could do.

But having said that, the people of the Su family are cruel enough to kill their old servants.

Lao Li calculated for a long time, frowned, and said to me: "Xiao Jiu, this magic circle is very evil. I still can't figure out what the magic circle is. I can only try to crack it. You can do it later." Follow me, I take one step and you take one step, don't make a mistake, even so, we may not touch the magic circle and end up like that black man."

Hearing what Lao Li said so solemnly, I felt a little panicked, and now I could only take one step at a time.

Then, Lao Li held the compass and walked forward cautiously. At the same time, he also had a straw man with a yellow paper talisman in his hand. Behind the straw man was a person's name, Wang Jiayi. After taking two steps forward, I heard Lao Li reciting a mantra: "Lingbao Tianzun, comfort the body, the grass is made of human body, and the five internal organs are mysterious, guide the way, fight to change the world, edict!"

After finishing the incantation, Lao Li threw the paper man in his hand forward, and the paper man landed three or four meters in front of him. Instead of falling down, he stood like a human being and moved forward slowly. go.

The direction we were walking was in the southeast. Lao Li did some calculations and must have calculated that it would be advantageous for us to walk in the southeast direction at this time.

Old Li is smart. He is using the straw man to replace a living person to explore the way for us. Once he really touches the eye of the magic circle, the magic circle will definitely kill the straw man.

No matter how powerful the magic circle is, it is just a magic circle, not controlled by the human brain. It is a murderous intention arranged by the eyes of the formation. Once it touches the eyes of the magic circle, the murderous intention will arise and no bones will be left.

The straw man moved very slowly, Lao Li followed the straw man, and I followed Lao Li, moving forward step by step.

In this way, after walking more than ten steps forward, I didn't find anything dangerous. When I looked around, I found that there was rolling black mist in all directions, which had spread to my calves.

But where the straw man walked, the black fog broke through and pointed out a direction for us.

I was a little worried in my heart, and I kept cursing the Cangdong Su family in my heart. They were both influential and shameless. They were capable of fighting me openly and openly, but they used such despicable methods to deal with me.

In this way, the straw man took another seven or eight steps forward. Suddenly, the straw man stopped and turned his head around. The master was a little confused. After staying for half a minute, It took steps and continued to move forward.

At this time, something strange happened. The yellow paper charm stuck in front of the walking straw man first burned, and then burned with a "boom" and turned into a ball of ashes in an instant.

"Oops, we can't go ahead, it's a dead end." Lao Li said to me with a tight look on his face.

However, just after the grass man lit it on his own, I suddenly heard some movement in my ears, and there was a "whirring" sound, as if some wild beast was roaring.

I squinted my eyes, and when I looked around, I found that many pairs of blue eyes suddenly appeared in all directions, shining coldly, piercing through the black fog, and looking towards us.

When Lao Li saw so many pairs of blue eyes, he was also shocked.

"Damn, what the hell?" I exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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