Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1840 9 Underworld Killing Array

Chapter 1840 Nine Netherworld Killing Array

When Lao Li saw so many blue eyes, he suddenly panicked. He shook his head and said, "I don't know what it was. I might have taken a wrong step just now and touched the eye of the magic circle. causing trouble."

"Then let's go back, okay?" I said in a panic.

Lao Li shook his head and said: "It's too late. Once the magic circle is activated, the way in will be blocked, unless we can break through the magic circle and rush out."

Lao Li's words made me extremely depressed, but there was nothing I could do about it. I immediately sacrificed the sword soul and looked around vigilantly to see what these monsters with blue eyes were. Son.

These monsters came from all directions and surrounded Lao Li and me in a circle.

As they got closer and closer to us, I suddenly felt an unprecedented chill. Even the breath I exhaled turned into white mist, and the breath I inhaled was so cold that it felt like my lungs were about to freeze. up.

At first, those monsters were still some distance away from us, and the surrounding black mist was steaming, so we couldn’t see clearly. From a distance, we didn’t think they were that scary. But when several monsters got closer to us, I finally looked. It's very clear, let me go, the monster is about the size of a calf, with scales all over its body, and a head like a rhino's head, with horns on it, but it has one eye on the top of its head, and there are blue hair all over its body. The hair is colored and the teeth in the mouth are long.

They made a strange noise in their throats and quickly approached us. I stared at them and thought, where did the Cangdong Su family get these monsters from? I was also puzzled.

At this time, Li Banxian trembled all over, as if he remembered something, and said with some horror: "This...these monsters are summoned from the ice prison. This thing has a name called One-horned Snow in the Frost, and the cold is so cold." If a person touches it, he will immediately turn into a lump of ice."

"The unicorn is frost in the snow, or did it come out of the ice prison? Does it have something to do with the second senior brother?" I asked curiously.

"This is natural. Such monsters are not originally found in the human world. They are monsters from the Netherworld. The Ice Hell and the Fire Hell are two adjacent places. Both belong to the mythical beasts of the Netherworld. I also learned from these. Some of the things I learned from the old books passed down from our family seemed to me like myths and legends at first, but since I met your second senior brother, I know that such a thing really exists in this world." Li Banxian said excitedly.

Hell of Fire, Hell of Ice, I was suddenly confused. What kind of magic circle was this? How could the mythical beasts in the Ice Prison come to this place?

At the moment, I had an idea, thinking that to deal with this thing, maybe the second senior brother might have a way.

So, without a moment's hesitation, I directly slipped out the second senior brother who was sleeping soundly in the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, and threw it towards the ground. The second senior brother instantly grew bigger and his whole body was on fire. When the second senior brother suddenly saw these one-horned When the beast of snow in the snow suddenly let out an angry roar, it seemed that these one-horned snow in the snow were full of hostility.

It turns out that the fruits are incompatible, one is of fire attribute and the other is of water attribute. This is the real enemy.

Those unicorns in the snow that were about to approach us were startled when they suddenly saw the second senior brother. Apparently they didn’t expect to see their kind here, they were all monsters crawling out of the Netherworld. .

Under the threat of the second senior brother, those unicorns in the snow did not rush to attack us. The second senior brother roared, and they also roared, as if they were communicating, but unfortunately I couldn't understand.

At this time, I asked Li Banxian: "Old Li, how did these monsters from the Netherworld come up?"

Lao Li took a deep breath and said: "Xiaojiu, we are probably going to be in trouble this time. If I guessed correctly, this array should be called the Jiuming Netherworld Killing Array. When this array is activated, it will become The channel that communicates with the Netherworld, the monsters from the Netherland will continue to flock to this place. What is even more terrifying is that this Nine Netherworld Killing Array is the most dangerous place in the nine selected places in the Netherworld. Just strangulated Heiye's place is also a place in the Netherworld called the Ghost Temple of Death. Once it reaches that place, the strong wind can tear people into pieces of flesh in an instant, and their souls will be wiped out. This Nine Netherworld Killing Formation It is a killing circle. People trapped in the magic circle are almost dead and have no hope of survival. Even if you stay there, there will be dangers that you never know will find you and get close to you. , there is no way to escape death in the end. Places like the Netherworld cover the Hell Gate in all directions to prevent living people from approaching, so now we are in big trouble."

Even Li Banxian, who had always been calm, acted extremely panicked, which immediately made me lose my confidence.

The killing array, this is the killing array.

I asked why the Cangdong Su family dared to deal with me. It turned out that he was [-]% sure that I would not be able to leave this place alive, so there was no need to worry about my crazy protection.

When I think of this, ten thousand alpacas rush past in my heart.

Just when Li Banxian and I were in shock, suddenly, a burst of wanton laughter came from all directions, echoing unconsciously.

When Li Banxian and I looked around, we couldn't find anyone at all.

At this time, after a pause of laughter, someone could be heard saying triumphantly: "As expected of the descendant of Xibei Mai Shenxiang, he is well-informed, and he recognized this as the Nine Netherworld Killing Formation so quickly. I admire him. ...I admire it..."

This voice sounded very ethereal and echoed around. The voice sounded familiar, but I didn't feel like it was that old guy Su Shanglu.

"Who the hell are you? You dare to cheat on me. When I get out, I'm going to have to skin you and cramp you." I said angrily.

The man laughed and said proudly: "Wu Jiuyin, we haven't seen each other for many years since we parted ways in Cangdong. You are so noble and forgetful. Even I can't remember..."

Hearing what the man said, my heart trembled, and I suddenly remembered who this man was. I was quite surprised and said: "You are Su Xiaotian, the third son of the Three Great Masters of the Su family! Did you share the helm in Cangdong back then?" drowned?"

"It seems that you still remember me. Yes, I am Su Xiaotian. When the three of you destroyed Cangdong Branch, I almost fed the fish. I have been holding back for many years without daring to show my face. Just for this day, Wu Jiuyin, you didn't expect it, did you? Hahaha..." Su Xiaotian laughed proudly again.

(End of this chapter)

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