Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1841 The blue figure

Chapter 1841 The blue figure

I don’t know what to say at this moment. When I, Hua Monk and Xue Xiaoqi destroyed the Cangdong branch, they directly destroyed the underground island where the Cangdong branch lived. Taking advantage of the high tide, let The sea water poured in, and the entire Cangdong branch was wiped out. We were able to escape because we had water-avoiding beads. If there were no magical weapons like water-avoiding beads, the three of us would definitely have drowned in it. .

Because the seawater poured in very violently at that time, and the underground island was very large. It would probably take an hour for the seawater to fill up the island. During the time when the seawater poured in, it was impossible for people to go out because of the pressure. It is too big. Even if someone holds his breath in the sea for an hour, it will take a long time to find the exit and swim out. The person would have suffocated to death.

Practitioners are different from ordinary people. Unless they specialize in practicing in the water, my limit is only about half an hour if I can stay longer. It is really hard to imagine how Su Xiaotian escaped from the Cangdong branch. .

Is there any emergency escape exit in Cangdong sub-rudder?

These are not important now. What is important is that Su Xiaotian escaped and he is going to kill me now.

"Su Xiaotian, don't be too happy too soon. Elders Qinglong and Baihu from Guiyong Road didn't kill me. Elder Xuanwu was also killed by me. It's just you, don't be a fool." I retorted. road.

However, Su Xiaotian was very proud and said with a smile: "Wu Jiuyin, you are like a cooked duck with a tough mouth. I have been preparing for this day for several years. This Jiuming Netherworld Killing Formation is specially prepared for you." Yes, it’s okay to tell you the truth. This is a killing formation. There is no way to survive at all. Even if you have wings, you can’t escape. If you don’t believe me, you can try it. Your kid has now become the heart of our Guiyong Dao. Big trouble, I will definitely kill you today."

"You've gone too far with your big words. Although this magic circle is very powerful, it is not invulnerable. Let me deduce it carefully and I will definitely be able to find a way to break it." Li Banxian also said.

Su Xiaotian's voice suddenly changed and he said to Li Banxian: "Li Banxian, the Mai Shenxiang family in Xiangbei, I know that your Mai Shenxiang family is extremely proficient in magic formations, but so what, the killing array is the killing array, I have collected it The magic circle that has been prepared for a long time and several years can be broken by you. Even if you can break it, do you think you still have time?"

After a pause, Su Xiaotian said proudly again: "Li Banxian, it's such a pity. In fact, I don't want to kill you. I have no enmity with you and have no reason to kill you. I blame you and Wu Jiuyin." With this disaster star together, we can only accompany him on the road. However, you still have a chance to survive. If you can kill Wu Jiuyin now, how about I let you live? "

This old boy is so bad. He is still sowing discord at this time. What is the relationship between me and Lao Li? It is a life-and-death friendship. We share life and death. What he said is of no use at all.

Sure enough, Li Banxian then cursed: "Old thief, you are too proud of yourself. After I break the formation, I will arrange a feng shui trap on your ancestral grave, so that your Su family will have no descendants."

"You have no chance." Su Xiaotian said gloomily.

Afterwards, there was no movement from Su Xiaotian.

As soon as it stopped like this, those unicorns in the snow became inexplicably restless, and white frost continued to spurt out from their noses. They also made strange noises in their throats, and at the same time let out a muffled roar, and then headed towards He lowered his head and bumped into us hard.

The second senior brother also roared at the same time, and suddenly bumped into several unicorns in the snow.

At the same time as he was knocked out, the second senior brother also spit out a mouthful of true fire essence.

After all, there are too many unicorns in the snow and frost here, and there are countless monsters crawling out of the Netherworld. I feel that there are a lot more skills in this moment, causing the surrounding air to be very cold. Even though I used my true energy to protect myself, I couldn't help but shiver from the cold.

When the second senior brother took action, I raised the sword spirit and performed the shocking fire dragon move in the Xuantian Sword Art. With a desolate and majestic dragon roar, a purple fire dragon soared into the sky, directly Connected end to end, Li Banxian and I were protected in it. Those unicorns in the snow hit the purple fire dragon, and white smoke suddenly rose, making a sound of molten iron being poured into the water.

Those one-horned snow frosts rushed toward us like crazy, and after several collisions, the purple fire dragon set several one-horned snow frosts on fire, but the purple fire dragon was struck by the cold air. The erosion has also become lighter and lighter.

On the other hand, the second senior brother rushed into the surroundings of the one-horned snow in the snow, ran rampant, covered in flames, knocked over several one-horned snow in the snow, and some were inflicted by its prominent true fire essence power. lit.

Even if the second senior brother is very ferocious and has no fear of these monsters at all, it is only a drop in the bucket and he is unable to resist all the one-horned snow in the ice that keeps crawling out of the ice prison.

And the purple fire dragon I sacrificed probably won't last too long.

It was really a life-threatening moment. Suddenly, I remembered the three golden talismans given to me by Master Long Hua of Qingshan. In fact, I didn’t have three of them anymore, only one was left. When I saved Yang Fan, , I used one.

There are only a few of this treasure's golden talismans, Longhua. They are so precious and will be gone once they are used up. I really don't want to use them.

Once that talisman is used, Li Banxian and I will definitely have no problem escaping.

No matter what, life is still important. We definitely can't break this killing formation, so we can only use another golden talisman.

At that moment, while the golden fire dragon and the second senior brother could resist for a while, I quickly took out one of the golden talismans from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, and quickly called the second senior brother over, and at the same time grabbed it. After grabbing Li Banxian's arm, he would crush the golden talisman, escape several miles away, and then return with his carbine.

However, at this moment, in the haziness, a blue figure quickly flew towards us from mid-air, and then a familiar voice said: "Good boy, follow us quickly." Old aunt, let's go, what kind of breaking formation is this, old aunt will take you out."

I looked up and took a closer look, and I was shocked. Flying over my head was an oversized blue thrush. Wherever it passed, those unicorns that were constantly used were frozen into ice. Tuozi kept moving forward.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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