Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1842 Phoenix Pannier

Chapter 1842 Phoenix Pannier
This unicorn in the snow is a mythical beast in the ice prison. It was originally an extremely cold thing. However, this is a blue super-large thrush that suddenly appeared. Between waving its wings, it actually turned the unicorn in the snow into ice. They were frozen, and they were frozen instantly. The unicorns in the snow that were running towards us still kept running forward and froze like that. Then they fell to the ground one after another and shattered into pieces. Ice shards on the ground.

When I suddenly saw this blue thrush, I was a little confused. The blue thrush in front of me was indeed my aunt. I have confirmed this with my great-grandfather, but until now , I didn’t even know which kind of aunt it was.

Good guy, those two demon foxes on Zhou Yiyang are also my old aunts, and so is this blue thrush.

None of my aunts and uncles were normal human beings.

Just when I was stunned, Li Banxian suddenly took a breath and blurted out involuntarily: "Ice Bird! That Ice Bird is here again."

As soon as we spoke, the blue thrush opened a path and flew directly to us. It quickly flew around us and froze all the dozens of unicorns around us in the snow. Ice pimples.

Afterwards, it landed on my shoulder, shook the blue feathers on my body, and dropped ice scum on my shoulder, and my figure shrank rapidly, and it felt as big as a slap. Then it said to me: " Good boy, call me grandma, and grandma will take you out right now, what do you think?"

I turned my head and smiled, looked at the blue thrush, and said, "Grandma, you are here to save me again."

"Yes, if grandma doesn't come to save you, won't the old Wu family be extinct?"

As he said that, the blue thrush's eyes suddenly turned, as if he remembered something, and then said: "Oh no, you know who I am?"

"Of course I know, you are my old aunt." I said with a smile.

The blue thrush rolled its eyes at me, then flapped its wings and flew up again, saying to me: "This Jiuming Nether Killing Formation is indeed extraordinary. In order to be able to kill you, the other party must have put a lot of thought into it. But it's not invulnerable. Next, you follow me closely, just keep your head down and rush forward. Never look back. No matter what you hear or see, don't look back. Otherwise, the old lady will have nothing to do. You Do you understand?"

The blue thrush said solemnly, and Li Banxian and I kept nodding.

Now is really not the time to reminisce about the past. In fact, I have a lot of things to ask the old aunt.

After reminding us, the blue thrush said nothing more. Suddenly, a ball of blue light suddenly bloomed from its body, and then the blue light burst into various colors. With a strange sound, it let out With a cry that made people's blood boil, the body of the blue thrush fissured again, and it felt like it had turned into a bird I had never seen before, with a huge body and colorful brilliance surrounding it.

But I don’t know him. Li Banxian seemed to have seen some clues and exclaimed: "Phoenix Nirvana!"

Before I could ask Li Banxian what he meant, the old aunt flew forward. As his beautiful wings flapped, the surrounding black fog suddenly broke through, leaving a path in the middle.

"Let's go!" Two words came anxiously from the big bird's mouth, and then I put the second senior brother in the bag of eight treasures of heaven and earth, flew up with Li Banxian, and passed the frozen Bingtuozi's unicorn chased the old aunt in the snow.

The old aunt just told me that I can only chase its figure without looking back or making any noise.

Although I don't understand the reason behind this, I still do what the old aunt said to avoid risking my life.

With the old aunt guiding us, we just kept our heads down and ran forward.

It didn’t matter if I ran. After running for a few steps, I felt something was not right. I felt like there was a sound of thousands of horses galloping behind me. It was like an overwhelming force, chasing us behind me, and my There seemed to be something tapping me on my back. Although it wasn't heavy, it felt scary. I always wanted to look back and see what was behind me, but I didn't dare after thinking about it.

Not only that, the more you run forward, the louder the movement behind you is. What's even more terrifying is that you feel like the ground around you is shaking constantly, making you dizzy, as if the sky is about to collapse. .

Boundless fear moved closer to me and overwhelmed me. The movement was so scary, and I was filled with panic.

On the contrary, Li Banxian next to me was calmer than me, not affected in any way, and ran slightly faster than me.

What's behind it?
I really wanted to look back. I had this thought several times, but in the end I didn't dare to look back. I was afraid that when I looked back, I would see something I shouldn't have seen and faint from fright.

Just hearing this movement makes me feel terrified for no reason.

Fortunately, this section of the road is not too long. It felt like I had been running away with the old aunt for about four or five minutes. The black fog in front of me disappeared, and then the old aunt who looked like a phoenix turned into a phoenix again. A small blue thrush bird, flapping its wings, beckoned us to go over.

At this moment, Lao Li and I don't know where we are, we should have come out of the Nine Underworld Killing Formation.

The old aunt continued to lead us forward for a while, and came to a place like a garden. Lao Li and I were so frightened that we collapsed and sat on the ground one after another, with cold sweat on our bodies.

When I went to look at the blue thrush again, I saw it squatting on a branch with half-closed eyes, feeling very tired.

Old Li Wu and I took a breath for a while, and Li Banxian quickly got up from the ground, saluted the blue thrush, and said with great respect: "Grandma... you are really capable. With such a fierce magic circle, you He can lead us to escape, which shows that he is very proficient in this magic circle. I am very obsessed with the magic circle. I hope the old man can give me some advice when he has time. I would be very grateful."

Lao Li said very sincerely, and the blue thrush opened his eyes completely at this time, looked at Li Banxian and said: "Your Xiangbei Mayi Shenxiang family has a lot of abilities, and you are no worse than Lao Shen in setting up magic circles. It's just that you haven't figured it out yet, but at your age, it's not bad to have such ability. In ten or eight years, your attainments in this area will not necessarily be worse than mine."

(End of this chapter)

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