Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1845 Become so strong

Chapter 1845 Become so strong

When Mengmeng heard my order, she nodded quickly and said, "Brother Xiaojiu, don't worry, I will definitely surround this place, and no one will run away."

After saying that, Xiao Mengmeng turned into a scarlet evil spirit and flew out towards the distance.

As soon as Xiaomengmeng and Li Banxian left, I climbed onto the courtyard wall again, looked in the direction of the gazebo, and waited patiently for the opportunity.

It would definitely take some time for Li Banxian to set up the magic circle, and the manor is so big, even if it is a quick lap.It would probably take half an hour, and Mengmeng would also need to summon the ghosts from all directions.

Once they were almost ready, I attacked them and caught them off guard.

I leaned on the courtyard wall, used my hidden finger, and waited quietly, so that they would not feel my presence. In fact, I don't need my hidden finger at this moment, and they can't feel me either. Existence, because the qi field of the Nine Nether Nether Killing Formation is too powerful, it can shield the aura of everyone present.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, but heard the sound of talking again from the pavilion, a person said impatiently: "Master Su, are you done? In another two or three hours, the sky will It’s going to light up.”

Su Xiaotian said with some doubts: "It's strange, ordinarily they should have been strangled by the magic circle at this moment. I can't feel their existence in this period of time. Could it be that Li Banxian used some method?" , shielded the breath of the two of them?"

"They haven't escaped yet, have they?" Another person said in horror.

"Impossible! This is a killing formation, it is impossible for anyone to escape, even if they grow wings, they will not be able to fly out." Su Xiaotian said firmly.Afterwards, everyone was silent for a while, and it seemed that everyone was a little bit impatient.

After waiting for another ten minutes or so, Xiao Mengmeng turned back, floated to my side, and said in a low voice: "Brother Xiaojiu, I'm almost ready, just wait for your word, the orphans with a radius of tens of miles All the wild ghosts are coming."

I touched Mengmeng's head and praised: "Good job, let's do it in a while, these people are bad guys, they kill people like hemp, don't be polite to them."

Mengmeng nodded and said no more.

After waiting for a while, I still didn't see Li Banxian come back, so I decided not to wait, lest they would discover any clues during the long night and dreams.

At that moment, I greeted Mengmeng, sneaked into the manor with me, and then quickly approached them from the garden behind the pavilion using eight steps.

In a few breaths, I arrived near the pavilion and saw Su Xiaotian with his back to me. I recognized him at a glance just from his back.

Immediately, without saying a word, I directly sacrificed the sword soul, and slashed at Su Xiaotian's forehead with a sword.

It's just that Su Xiaotian was vigilant enough, he suddenly felt the danger, and with a flick of his body, he dodged to the side, and the sword spirit in my hand directly slashed at the stone table, splitting the table It fell apart and made a roar.

Hearing the noise, the other helmsmen who were looking towards the Nine Netherworld Killing Array reacted and turned around to look at me with horrified expressions.

After the sword was cut, I quickly changed my move again and slashed across at the person closest to me.

What a pity. As soon as the guy turned around after hearing the noise, I handed him my sword. This sword slashed horizontally, cutting off his arms and waist, and cut him in two directly from the middle.

This person is also a good player, otherwise he would not be the helmsman of the party, but it is a pity that he did not have time to do it, so his life was lost.

A person who is cut into two pieces, commonly known as being cut in half, will not die for a while. It may take more than ten minutes to die.

The man let out a scream, and the upper and lower body separated, and he could see his legs and arms scattered on the ground. The despair was hard for ordinary people to understand.

There is no way, I will have to pay it back sooner or later.

When they think about killing me, they should think about being killed by me too.

Seeing me appearing here, Su Xiaotian and the other rudder masters immediately exclaimed, jumped out of the gazebo one after another, immediately revealed all their magic weapons, and surrounded me in the gazebo , and the guy whose waist was cut off by me was howling in fear.

"Wu...Wu Jiuyin...haven't you been trapped in the Nine Nether Killing Formation? You...how did you get out?" Su Xiaotian looked at me in horror, his eyes full of disbelief.

"I just told you, your magic circle can't trap me at all. After I come out, I will cramp your skin and tear you to pieces!" I said coldly.

After the other helmsmen heard that I was Wu Jiuyin, they were all trembling with fear, and some of them had already turned around and were about to run away.

"Don't panic, big guys, hurry up and call over the brothers who maintain the Jiumingyou killing formation. Since Wu Jiuyin has escaped from the magic circle, it is useless to continue to maintain it. If you go together, you will definitely be able to kill this Kid!" Su Xiaotian revealed the magic weapon and shouted loudly.

The other helmsmen looked at each other with panic in their eyes, obviously they didn't dare to take action against me.

But it was just this moment of effort, the people who maintained the Nine Nether Killing Formation over there sensed that the situation here was not right, they stopped their operations one after another, and ran towards me quickly.

As soon as the Jiumingyou killing formation stopped, the black mist that had been rolling over there was quickly pulled by an invisible force and penetrated into the ground. There are at least 200 people in the Jiumingyou killing formation, no wonder Su Xiaotian said that it took a lot of effort.

Seeing that so many of them were coming towards me, and there was only one person on my side, those people immediately became more courageous. First of all, it was Su Xiaotian, with a long sword making a crisp sound, and directly moving towards me. My heart was pierced, and the other rudder masters also gritted their teeth and rushed towards me.

I sneered, and with a flick of the sword soul, I swung Su Xiaotian's sword away. The force was so strong that Su Xiaotian's hand trembled, and the two kites turned over before they fell to the ground and returned to the ground. He staggered a few steps and said in disbelief: "How could it be...how could you become so strong..."

Regardless of that Su Xiaotian, when the other rudder masters came to kill me, I also swept out with a sword, and the sword energy immediately spread, and a dragon's chant resounded through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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