Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1846 Don't dare to fight again

Chapter 1846 Don't dare to fight again
As soon as the Dragon Sweeping Thousands Army came out, a purple sword energy swept out. The helmsmen who were about to rush towards me immediately dodged, not daring to touch its edge. Next, I was lost for eight steps, and again I flashed to one of them and struck him with a sword. The man raised his magic weapon to resist, but I knocked him away again with the sword.

A few years ago, it might have been difficult for me to have a helmsman on Guiyong Road, but at this moment, these helmsmen are really too weak for me.

I feel that the gap between us should be that Elder Qinglong is not at the same level as me now.

They can enjoy the benefits of trapping me in the magic circle, but after I escape from the trap, they will lose their lives.

At this time, I really have a grudge and revenge, and no one can escape alive.

While I was fighting with these helmsmen, those Guiyong Dao men who maintained the Nine Netherworld Killing Formation also swarmed towards me.

Without these people to maintain the Nine Netherworld Killing Formation, the formation immediately fell apart. I looked towards that place and found that there was a large open space there. It felt like it was only a space of 200 meters in radius. It was not too big to use. It's really magical that Li Banxian and I were trapped in a small space.

Just when those people from Guiyong Dao who were responsible for maintaining the magic circle were rushing toward me, a scarlet evil energy suddenly blocked their way and swept towards the group of people at the front. Those people were stunned. The evil spirit eroded Meng's body, and more than a dozen of them fell down on the spot, their whole bodies trembling, and scarlet evil energy wandered around their bodies.

However, this was not the end yet. I saw Xiao Mengmeng pinching a few spells on his own, and black whirlwinds suddenly floated up from all around those people. Those black whirlwinds turned into lightning at an extremely fast speed. The appearance of ghost soldiers and generals was huge, with hundreds of people rushing into the siege. In addition, from all directions in the yard, ferocious evil spirits and fierce ghosts were constantly floating in and heading towards those people. After killing them, the scene was tragic.

I have never been afraid of group battles. The old Wu family has never been afraid of group battles. Even without Xiao Mengmeng, I can still turn those corpses into zombies, and the scene will be even more tragic.

All this happened too fast, and the screams of killing could be heard in an instant.

As soon as the helmsmen of Dongchen and Su Xiaotian saw this scene, they knew that the situation was over. They did not dare to fight with me anymore and turned around and fled away.

However, not long after they left, many black whirlwinds appeared in front of them, and then turned into more than a dozen ghost soldiers and generals, blocking their way.

Those people had no choice but to raise their magical weapons and rush to kill them in panic.

It was not that easy to escape. The next moment, I was like a ghost. While the helmsmen were entangled with the ghost soldiers and generals, I suddenly appeared on their side, and then stabbed them with a sword.

These people were completely frightened and stupid. Where have I seen such a scene? When those ghost soldiers and ghost generals suddenly appeared in front of them, they were all in a mess. Within a short time, the two helmsmen of Guiyong Road were killed with their swords.

Among these helmsmen, Su Xiaotian was the one who was relatively calm. With a shake of his hand, he separated the plum blossom petals for the helm, and swept them towards the ghost soldiers and generals in front of him. Those plum blossom petals could disintegrate. Those ghost soldiers and generals were suddenly opened up by him and rushed forward.

While I was dealing with the other two helmsmen, Su Xiaotian had already climbed up the courtyard wall, looked back at me, and said fiercely: "Wu Jiuyin, don't be too happy too soon, I will come back sooner or later. kill you!"

After saying these harsh words, Su Xiaotian turned over and jumped towards the bottom of the courtyard wall.

However, Su Xiaotian jumped forward, and suddenly a golden light flashed in front of him, and an invisible aura blocked Su Xiaotian's way, and directly bounced Su Xiaotian back, rolling to the ground.

When I saw this scene, I suddenly couldn't help but want to laugh. Li Banxian must have set up a magic circle outside, and the magic circle had already worked. It made the surrounding area impregnable and no one could escape. .

After Su Xiaotian was bounced back by Li Banxian's magic circle, he quickly got up from the ground, glanced above his head, and said in panic: "What's going on?"

With that said, Su Xiaotian jumped up again, then jumped down again, but was still bounced back.

At that moment, Su Xiaotian knew that this place had been tampered with, so he gave up, turned around, and headed deeper into the manor.

Taking advantage of this moment, I had already killed the other two helmsmen with my sword, and then chased Su Xiaotian.

Being chased by me holding a long sword, Su Xiaotian's courage was almost frightened by me. He looked back nervously while running away.

I thought he would run to hide in a certain house, or escape through some other secret passage, but he didn't, he just took me in circles in the yard.

I had lost my patience with him, so I immediately took eight steps and stood in front of Su Xiaotian. With one finishing move, a purple beam of light flew towards him. Su Xiaotian didn't dare to force himself. Then, he had no choice but to dodge to the side to avoid this purple beam of light.

Perhaps knowing that he could not escape, Su Xiaotian became furious and suddenly threw the long sword in his hand to the ground. He quickly pinched a few spells with both hands and shouted: "Three Plum Blossoms!"

Then, countless pink plum blossom petals fluttered out from his sleeves, and each plum blossom petal carried the sound of piercing the air, like countless knives, fiercely enveloping me.

This trick of three plum blossoms must be the unique skill of their Cangdong Su family. I didn't dare to be careless. Immediately, I took a few steps back, stretched out my hand to draw a talisman in the air, and condensed several barriers of stellar energy to block in front of me.

Those plum blossoms hit hard, and the strong energy barrier made a thumping sound, while the petals of those plum blossoms came in an endless stream.

Although this trick is cruel, I feel it is a bit like a trick used by women. The fact that an old man has produced so many petals makes people feel very uncomfortable.

I don't want to waste time with Su Xiaotian here, I just want to kill him.

At that moment, he raised the sword soul in his hand again, pinched a few spells, and used the move of "Wandering Clouds and Shocking Dragon" in the Xuantian Sword Art. He slashed hard with the sword, directly breaking his Plum Blossom Sand. Heading towards Su Xiaotian.

(End of this chapter)

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