Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1847 1 life for 1 life

Chapter 1847 One life for another

The Wandering Cloud Startling Dragon is already a very high-level sword move in the Xuantian Sword Technique. I used this move to seriously injure Dilu, the third person of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult in the Stone Kingdom, and then Bai Zhan killed Dilu with one sword. His head was chopped off, and now I am using this trick to deal with Su Xiaotian.

When this move of Wandering Cloud Shocking Dragon was performed, there was still a desolate dragon roar, and then the dragon soul absorbed the power of the earth evil, and a gap suddenly opened on the ground, and it felt like a long dragon moving towards Su Xiaotian Hit it hard.

After the sword struck out, the plum blossom petals surrounding me scattered one after another, falling all over the ground. I must have broken the plum blossom three-step move.

When the petals fell to the ground, I heard a groan, and when I looked towards the source of the sound, I saw that Su Xiaotian had fallen on the ground. Seeing that I was chasing after him, Su Xiaotian hurriedly got up from the ground, spit out a mouthful of old blood, stumbled and ran forward, when he looked back at me, that look in his eyes It was like seeing an evil ghost.

This old boy must have been seriously injured by me, and Li Banxian has set up a dragnet around him. Where can Su Xiaotian escape?

When he was thinking of plotting against me, he should have thought of this day.

At that moment, I followed a few steps and stepped in front of Su Xiaotian, with the horizontal sword blocking his way.

Su Xiaotian paused, took a deep breath, let out a roar, and then slashed at me desperately.

Not to mention his appearance, even if he is good, he will definitely not be my opponent.

The sword he was slashing at me now had no routine. It was just a desperate attack. His body was swaying. After a few moves, he was kicked out by me. Then, I ducked to his side, stepped on his back, and then pressed the sword in my hand firmly against his neck.

"Su Xiaotian, I didn't kill you a few years ago. That's because you were lucky. You could have stayed alone. But if you still want to cause trouble for me and seek death yourself, then you can't blame me."

Su Xiaotian turned around, looked at me with a look of resentment, and said viciously: "Wu Jiuyin, if you want to kill me, kill me. There is so much nonsense. You won't have a good life even if you kill me. My eldest brother Er Brother will definitely take revenge on me."

"My young master is not even afraid of Gui Yong Dao. He is also afraid that you, the little Cangdong Su family, are going to deal with me. Just come over here, but I also respect you as a man. Don't worry, I will give you something." What do you think of a decent way for you to die and leave your body intact?"

Su Xiaotian knew he was about to die, so he didn't say much, just closed his eyes and waited for the death.

The sword in my hand left his neck and was aimed at his back, and I wanted to pierce him with the sword. I promised to leave him a complete body, so I must keep it. When I walk in the world, my integrity comes first. He is also mine. I have seen many men who are not afraid of death.

However, before my sword could stab me, suddenly, a shout came from not far away: "Wu Jiuyin, stop!"

I was stunned for a moment and looked up. I was shocked, but I saw a group of people suddenly walking over from the opposite side. The leader was Su Shanglu, the boss of the Three Great Masters of the Su family. But at this time, Su Shanglu was holding a man in his hand. A person, that person is none other than Li Banxian who is outside.

Li Banxian had a sword on his neck at the moment, and he was being led by Su Shanglu and walked quickly towards me.

"Wu Jiuyin, let my third son go, or I will kill your friend, one life is worth another." Su Shanglu said gloomily.

Behind Su Shanglu followed a dozen people, all dressed in black and with dramatic facial makeup on their faces, looking very ferocious.

I have seen those people before. They seem to be thugs raised by the Cangdong Su family. They specialize in doing underworld work. Their methods are pretty good. They are called the Thirteen Heroes of the Ghost Sect.

But now Li Banxian fell into the hands of Su Shanglu, which surprised me. Li Banxian is very reliable. Although his fighting skills are not good, he still has the ability to protect himself. Even if he cannot be beaten, he can't escape very fast. slow.

But at this moment, Li Banxian unexpectedly fell into the hands of Su Shanglu.

Seeing Li Banxian being captured alive by Su Shanglu, my heart sank, knowing that this matter would not be easy to handle.

Soon, Su Shanglu led Li Banxian to a distance of about seven or eight meters from me, and said viciously: "Wu Jiuyin, let my third brother go quickly, or I will really take action."

But Li Banxian said: "Xiaojiu, don't worry about me, just do whatever you have to do. He doesn't have the guts to kill me. If he really kills me, you will kill his whole family."

Having said that, I really don't dare to do this. Lao Li only has one life, and if it's gone, it's gone.

I will never allow my brother to fall in front of me.

At the moment, I stepped on Su Xiaotian with one foot, raised the sword spirit, pointed it at Su Shanglu, and said gloomily: "Su Shanglu, just try moving. You know my temper, I can't tolerate any sand in my eyes." , if you dare to touch my friend, I will destroy your whole family."

However, Su Shanglu was unafraid and said in a cold voice: "At this old age, I have already lived enough. Don't talk nonsense to me. I'll ask you if you want to change. If not, let's do it together. I'll start counting now." Count, count to three, let’s use the knife together, do you dare?”

When I looked at Su Shanglu, I found that the old guy's eyes were red, and he didn't seem to be joking.

Su Xiaotian is just a dead life, but Li Banxian is very important to me. How can I let Li Banxian trade my life with him?

At that moment, I had an idea and said again: "Wait a minute."

Su Shanglu was stunned for a moment and said, "Wu Jiuyin, what else do you have to say."

"Su Shanglu, do you know what your third brother is doing? Su Xiaotian is from Guiyong Road and is the key criminal arrested by the special task force. As long as he has no connection with the people from Guiyong Road, he will be implicated. Are you sure Do you want to save Su Xiaotian?" I said.

"Don't talk so much to me. I know he is my brother. I don't care what he does. If anyone dares to touch my brother, I will risk my life for him, even the King of Heaven." Su Shanglu said angrily.

At this time, Su Xiaotian, who was stepped on by me, suddenly turned around, looked at me with a sneer and said: "Wu Jiuyin, aren't you quite capable? If you have the guts, just kill me, and you can still do that before you die. It’s actually pretty good as a back-up guy, hahaha…”

Seeing Su Xiaotian's proud face, I became less angry. Immediately, the sword spirit smacked his face, leaving a trail of blood.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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