Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1848 Give me to play yin

Chapter 1848 Give me to play yin

The three brothers of the Su family are too crazy, one is crazier than the other, and each one is full of hostility towards me. If I let Su Xiaotian go, the three brothers will be even more arrogant and push for every inch in the future, so this time I will not He planned to let Su Xiaotian go.

But the other party took Li Banxian hostage and threatened me, which put me in a dilemma.

Especially Su Xiaotian, who has been trampled under my feet now, and who mocked me so much, thinking that I really didn't dare to kill him, how could I feel so happy, so I struck him with a sword in the face A bloody figure was left on his body, and Su Xiaotian suddenly became more honest and let out a muffled groan.

When the stalemate continued, Su Shanglu lost his patience and said to me again: "Wu Jiuyin, stop dragging your feet and let him go quickly."

With that said, Su Shanglu stabbed the dagger into Li Banxian's neck, and when it touched the skin, blood flowed out.

I took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll swap with you."

After speaking, I stretched out my hand and pulled Su Xiaotian up from the ground, and put the knife on his neck.

Just like that, we were facing each other, staring at each other.

At this time, Su Shanglu said again: "I'll count to three. Let's let go and let them go to us. You'd better not play any tricks."

"I was afraid you were playing tricks." I said.

"Okay then, let's get started."

With that said, Su Shanglu released Li Banxian's hand and put down the dagger. I followed suit and let go of Su Xiaotian.

"One, two, three! Release them!" Su Shanglu and I pushed the hostages in our hands at the same time, and then Li Banxian and Su Shanglu walked towards each other's camp.

Just two steps away from both sides, suddenly, a scarlet evil spirit emerged from the ground and wrapped around Su Shanglu.

That scarlet evil spirit was none other than Xiao Mengmeng. It suddenly appeared and attacked Su Shanglu.

Su Shanglu is also a powerful character. He quickly reacted and cursed: "Wu Jiuyin, you bastard, you are playing tricks on me!"

Actually, I don’t know how Mengmeng suddenly appeared. It’s not that I deliberately wanted to trick Su Shanglu, but since Mengmeng appeared, I must seize the opportunity.

He also said that I was playing dirty tricks, and the Cangdong Su family was the most insidious. I think they had already planned it.

Otherwise, why did Su Shanglu appear here in time to save Su Xiaotian.

If I was killed by the magic circle and Su Shanglu showed up, they would all be happy. But I escaped from the magic circle and Su Shanglu showed up just to save Su Xiaotian.

They are absolutely insidious. Compared with me, they pale into insignificance.

After saying that, Su Shanglu took a step forward, threw out a blue talisman, forced Mengmeng back, and then stabbed Li Banxian in the back of the heart with a sword. However, how could I let him succeed? Using the power of the essence of grass and trees, the grass on the ground rose sharply, and suddenly it entangled Su Shanglu's ankles. The next moment, I ducked and grabbed Su Xiaotian's back, pulled him to the ground, and at the same time, from the Eight Treasure Bag of the Universe The lieutenant general's second senior brother was dragged out and thrown towards the ground.

"Second Senior Brother, keep an eye on me!" I shouted towards Second Senior Brother.

The second senior brother reacted quickly. Before Su Xiaotian, who was dragged to the ground by me, could get up, the second senior brother was covered in flames and stepped on Su Xiaotian's back. With the second senior brother's size, he would definitely step on someone. It was unbearable, and Su Xiaotian let out another miserable groan.

Su Xiaotian was seriously injured by me and had long since lost the ability to fight back, and now he couldn't even break free.

At the same time, Li Banxian had reached my side, stretched out his hand, grabbed it, and threw it to the second senior brother's side, saying: "Look at Su Xiaotian for me, I will take care of this old thing Su Shanglu."

Li Banxian responded, and immediately landed next to the second senior brother, and together with the second senior brother, he took care of Su Xiaotian.

And I picked up the sword in my hand and ran towards Su Shanglu.

Su Shanglu was not only entangled by those wildly growing vegetation, but also entangled by Xiao Mengmeng who appeared in time. Mengmeng, who is a ghost, is very powerful. Su Shanglu may be there in a while. Get away.

Just as I was killing Su Shanglu, the Thirteen Heroes of the Ghost Sect with dramatic facial makeup around him immediately came towards me and entangled me.

However, some of them rushed in the direction of the second senior brother and Li Banxian, trying to rescue Su Xiaotian from the second senior brother's hands. However, the second senior brother's whole body was on fire and he could still spit out the power of true fire essence. Unconsciously, As soon as the guy from Mingli rushed to the side of the second senior brother, he was ignited by the power of the true fire essence spat out by the second senior brother. Fire broke out all over his body and was instantly burned to ashes.

With three or five strokes, I swung away the people who were standing in front of me. I drove straight in with my long sword and killed Su Shanglu who was running away.

This old boy is worse than Su Xiaotian, I must deal with him.

It was just this delay that Su Shanglu broke free from the entangled vegetation and vines on his body, and also hit a few talismans, forcing Xiao Mengmeng to retreat. And the talismans that Su Shanglu hit out, I recognized at a glance, they were exactly The Celestial Master Talisman of Dancheng Mountain is extremely powerful and can best restrain ghosts and spirits. It is very expensive on the black market. The Celestial Master Talisman of Dancheng Mountain collected by Wanluo Sect costs hundreds of thousands. That of Su Shanglu As if they didn't want money, they threw them at Xiao Mengmeng one by one, forcing Xiao Mengmeng to keep dodging.

Seeing that Xiao Mengmeng couldn't help Su Xiaotian, I said to Mengmeng: "Xiao Mengmeng, you go deal with the other people, leave this old guy to me."

After Mengmeng heard what I said, Zhuan'er went over to deal with the people from the Ghost Sect Thirteen Heroes, while I picked up the sword spirit in my hand, approached Su Shanglu, and slashed at him with a fierce sword.

Su Shanglu couldn't avoid it, so he struck hard with me. He was immediately shocked by my powerful sword and was knocked back several steps.

Su Shanglu's cultivation level is much better than that of Su Xiaotian, but there is still a gap between me and me. After being knocked away by my sword, Su Shanglu looked a little surprised. Many years ago, Xue Xiaoqi, Hua Monk and I were three When we united together, Su Shanglu had fought against each other before, but was still somewhat defeated. With today's attack, Su Shanglu felt my strong strength. It would be strange not to be surprised.

At that moment, Su Shanglu was shocked, and quickly took a few steps back. He pinched the spell, muttered something in his mouth, and flicked his hands, and countless plum blossom petals came towards me.

Let me go, it’s this trick again, the Cangdong Su family’s Plum Blossom Sand Set, a girl’s method.

(End of this chapter)

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