Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1849 Insidious 3 Brothers

Chapter 1849 The Three Insidious Brothers

At that moment, I took a step back, and once again drew a few void spells and turned them into a strong energy barrier, blocking me in front of me. There were several layers connected. As soon as these several strong energy barriers were generated, the numerous ones were like blades. The petals of the plum blossoms flew towards me in droves, banging the Gang Qi barrier, and the outermost Gang Qi barrier immediately shattered.

Then, Su Shanglu changed his moves again, moving his hands in succession, and the plum blossom petals around him once again formed pink long swords, suspended above his head, and struck me fiercely.

Seeing this, I was shocked.

Only then did he realize that Su Shanglu's cultivation level was not just higher than that of Su Xiaotian.

While being frightened, I quickly retreated again with those Gang Qi barriers, and then pinched a few magic formulas, and activated the fire dragon shocking moves in the Xuantian Sword Techniques. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding space tightened, It suddenly became scorching hot, and then a long purple dragon spurted out from the sword soul, charging fiercely towards the method Su Shanglu had used.

This Fire Dragon Jingtian move is the most advanced sword move in the Xuantian Sword Jue that I have practiced. Once it was used, it was so powerful that it smashed all the plum blossom swords that Su Shanglu had made into pieces. They started to burn one after another, and then the momentum stopped. Minus, he rushed towards Su Shanglu again.

Su Shanglu suddenly saw this purple fire dragon and was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split. He took a few steps back and couldn't remember how to resist. Seeing that the purple fire dragon was about to hit Su Shanglu's body. When he was carrying it, suddenly, several yellow paper talismans suddenly flew over, forming a huge Tai Chi pattern, and sank beside Su Shanglu.

With a loud "boom", the purple fire dragon collided hard with the Tai Chi pattern. The Qi field was ignited and the air tightened again.

Even so, Su Shanglu, who was standing not far away, was also thrown away by this terrifying force. He flew seven or eight meters away before rolling to the ground.

I went, and someone came again. The Cangdong Su family's battle was quite big.

The Tai Chi pattern condensed with the yellow paper talisman just now seemed to be the method of Dan Chengshan, and soon I thought about who was coming.

Sure enough, dozens of people from the special task force suddenly poured in from the gate. They were densely packed, and there were also many special and special people with guns. They quickly approached us, and then there were The loudspeaker shouted loudly: "Everyone, stop, the Southwest Bureau's Special Task Force is coming to handle the case. Everyone put down their weapons, or else we will kill without mercy!"

At the front of these special team members was an old man in Yixian uniform who looked to be in his sixties or seventies. He had a majestic appearance and full official authority. He quickly walked up to Su Shanglu who was lying on the ground and grabbed him. He was helped up.

"Brother...are you okay?" the man said.

The person who came was none other than Su Bingyi, the second eldest son of the Three Great Masters of the Su clan, and the boss of the Southwest General Administration.

I looked at this group of people and couldn't help but sneer.

Okay, the co-author is that the three brothers of the Su family joined forces to kill me. The third brother couldn't set up the formation, so the eldest brother came to save him. But the eldest brother couldn't, and the second brother Su Bingyi, who had official status, appeared again.

Su Bingyi was also quite thick-skinned. On the surface, he was Gui Yong Dao's nemesis and his sworn enemy. Their third brother was indeed from Gui Yong Dao.

After being captured alive by me, he came to the rescue licking his face. This shameless look really made me ashamed.

The whole family is shameless enough.

I don’t know how Su Bingyi got the position of the boss of the Southwest General Administration.

After helping Su Shanglu up, Su Bingyi was surrounded by people from the special team, looking at me eagerly.

Su Bingyi also had a straight face and said gloomily: "Wu Jiuyin, why are you here?"

I went. I didn't know how to answer this question. At that moment, I sneered and said, "Director Su, don't you know why I am here?"

Su Bingyi pretended to be confused and said: "Of course I don't know. I happened to be working on a case in Dongchen and happened to pass by the door of my house, so I came to take a look."

What a shameless guy. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a game arranged by the three brothers for me. There can be no such coincidence in this world. All three brothers gathered here in one night.

And when I wanted to attack the eldest and third eldest son of the Su family, but they couldn't do it to me, Su Bingyi suddenly appeared.

"It's a coincidence that Director Su came here. That's all. I was deceived by a few turtle bastards who joined forces to kill me. In the end, I fought back and broke out of the siege, killing several people." A helmsman from Guiyong Road, and he also captured alive a big shot from Guiyong Road, would Director Su want to take a look?"

Then Su Bingyi pretended to be surprised and said: "Oh, we captured a big shot alive, who is it?"

I took a few steps back, walked to Li Banxian's side, lifted up Su Xiaotian who was being stepped on by the second senior brother, and then said to Su Bingyi: "This is this guy, does Director Su know him? He gathered a few people from Dongchen Guiyong Road. A helmsman arranged a Nine Netherworld Killing Formation and wanted to use the magic circle to strangle me. However, the magic circle was broken by me. The other helmsmen were killed, and only this big fish was left. "

As soon as he saw Su Xiaotian in my hand, Su Bingyi once again pretended to be shocked. After being shocked, he turned into an angry look and said angrily: "Third brother, where have you been all these years? I have warned you a long time ago that if you abandon the dark side and turn to the light, the superiors will definitely punish you again. Unexpectedly, you are still stubborn and continue to collude with Gui Yongdao. Where do you want me to put my old face! I met you here today. You, then I can only choose to kill my relatives out of justice, come here, kidnap Su Xiaotian, the thief from Guiyong Road, and take him to the Southwest General Administration for trial!"

After that, Su Bingyi waved his hand, and several people from the special team came towards me, wanting to take Su Xiaotian away from me.

When he saw this, Su Xiaotian turned his head and smiled triumphantly at me. That smile seemed to be saying to me: "Wu Jiuyin, what can you do to me?"

Haha... They actually used official power to suppress me. The Cangdong Su family is so insidious and cunning, no wonder they are able to thrive, but I, Wu Jiuyin, don't believe in this evil.

Once Su Xiaotian is taken back by Su Bingyi, Su Xiaotian will definitely not die, nor will he be taken to Liusha Island to be imprisoned. Su Bingyi has many ways to let Su Xiaotian escape.

When the time comes, find a place to release Su Xiaotian, and then find a few scapegoats from the special team and punish them. Once the news is over, those scapegoats will be reinstated.

I can't understand Su Bingyi's methods best.

(End of this chapter)

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