Chapter 1857
Everyone gets drunk even if they are not drunk, because they are afraid that there will be knots in their hearts that cannot be solved.

It has been a long time since we, brothers, sat together and had a drink in peace like we are now. We have been busy and running around, exhausted, but I found that I was fighting so hard in the world. For a long time, I actually didn’t know why I did this. It was because I wanted to avenge Li Kexin that I got in touch with Liang Zi from Gui Yongdao.

Now that Li Kexin is doing well, I seem to have lost all my goals and don't know where to go.

If you have to find a reason for yourself, it can only be said that you are fighting for justice.

Guiyong Dao has resurrected and is trying to poison the world. The signs are becoming more and more obvious now. They want to destroy Qingcheng and massacre Dancheng. Maybe there will be even bigger moves in the future. Bai Maitreya has already taken advantage of the person who has the destiny of the cauldron. It has been almost two years since the baby came back to life through a corpse. No one knows to what extent it has been integrated with that body now. He has not come out to cause trouble yet, but he has made such a big noise. I really don’t know what will happen when he shows up. One day, what will it be like?

Now I have an arrow on the string and I have to take action. Even if I no longer cause trouble for Gui Yongdao, they will still find me. Moreover, Bai Maitreya is definitely a mortal enemy of our Wu family, and there are unsolvable grievances waiting for him to come out. , the first one to deal with is our old Wu family, which makes me worried all the time.

At this moment, there is one person missing from the wine table, that is Yi Yiyang. This boy is very happy now. He has controlled all the three major forces in Zhouyi District. The Zhou family's business is also booming. He Now I am so busy in Zhouyi District that I don’t know when we can all get together again.

However, I heard from Xue Xiaoqi that his marriage to Zhou Ling'er will be held in more than two months. The wedding will be held in the spring after the new year. The relatives and friends of the Xue family will be present, and Yiyi Yang will definitely come over to join them. For my personal wedding, I can have a good drink again.

Although the Xue family seems to be inconspicuous, the Xue family is very powerful in the world. After all, it is a family of genius doctors. All the sects in the world turn to the Xue family for help. Once anyone suffers from any difficult or complicated disease, , are all asking to come to the Xue family, so we must maintain a good relationship with the Xue family. Whether it is top Taoist sects such as Dancheng Mountain and Qingshan, they must give the Xue family a lot of face. Once Xue Xiaoqi holds a wedding , the scene must be very grand, with experts from all over the world gathered together.

And I also heard that Xue Xiaoqi’s second grandfather, Xue Qiankun, lives in a temple and treats the big guys from the Yan Kingdom, the same big guys who often appear on TV. I won’t tell you, but you are sure Everyone knows who it is, and by then, Xue Qiankun might also be there.

The Xue family is just relatively low-key. In terms of strength and pomp, it is really unmatched by the Zhou Yang family.

Therefore, Zhou Ling'er married Xue Xiaoqi, it was not a loss at all, they are definitely a pair of talent and beauty, a match made in heaven.

I was very happy to see that my good brother was getting married soon.

After drinking this wine for several hours, Zhou Ling'er became a little tipsy. Yang Fan then left with Zhou Ling'er and said that he would cook some hangover soup for us.

As soon as the two girls left, the guys started talking about the current disputes.

Bai Zhan sighed and said: "Just the day before yesterday, Li Zhanfeng and Brother Li called me. We chatted for a few words. Li Zhanfeng told me that Guiyong Road is about to move now. I don't know what conspiracy is being hatched. Some time ago, After something like this happened in Dancheng Mountain, all the sects were so scared that they kept silent. They repaired the mountain gate array one after another and took strict precautions, fearing that they would end up like Dancheng Mountain. However, it was not safe to do so. I heard that some were wandering outside. Many Taoist masters were assassinated and died in extremely miserable conditions. It must have been done by people from Gui Yongdao."

As soon as they heard Bai Zhan talk about this matter, everyone's hearts suddenly became excited. Everyone was very concerned about the affairs in the world.

Li Banxian's face darkened, and then he said: "Oh, this must be troublesome. I guess there should be some clues about Bai Maitreya's resurrection of the dead, otherwise there would not be so many things happening suddenly. Think about it, Even a top Taoist sect like Dan Chengshan, which is basically evenly matched with Qingshan, was almost destroyed by Guiyong Tao. Needless to say, everyone can guess which of the other sects is not afraid. Some clues have come out. Now the official has been suppressing this matter and has not announced the matter of Bai Maitreya to the public. They are afraid that it will cause panic in various sects and everyone will change their expressions. But when the matter has reached this point, it is probably Some of them can’t be suppressed anymore, so it’s better to make it public as soon as possible so that everyone can be prepared. What is supposed to come will eventually come. You can’t hide from it. In fact, when the critical moment comes, the official will not leave the world alone. They must know better than us the truth behind the death of lips and teeth. Once the major sects in the world are destroyed and the practitioners have no support, the Yan Kingdom will lose one of its most important barriers, and the government will definitely not be able to protect it."

Xue Xiaoqi then said: "I asked my second grandfather about this matter. In fact, the officials have not been idle. They have used all means to find the whereabouts of Bai Maitreya. However, they have found nothing in the past two years. If it is really impossible, If the situation is resolved, the officials will definitely send out national-level masters to deal with Bai Miley."

It has always been said that there are official masters at the state-level who can reach the sky and even surpass my great-grandfather. However, such state-level masters are even more low-key than my great-grandfather and will not come out until the critical moment. I really don’t know what kind of existence that is.

Although this is just a legend, I think there must be one. There are so many practitioners in such a huge Yan Kingdom. If the official does not have a top master who can calm the situation, how can they gather so many sects and masters in Yan Kingdom? People are sure There will be, maybe more than one.

For example, the Shenlong Three Swords Maniac on Liusha Island can see this. Their cultivation is very powerful. If someone can suppress the Shenlong Three Sword Maniac and serve as a jailer, then there must be a more powerful master in the officialdom.

The more I understand the circle of cultivators, the more I feel it is unfathomable and there are so many masters. Even though my cultivation level has allowed me to stand alone in the world, I may still be a small fish in the eyes of some people.

Then I asked Bai Zhan: "Xiao Bai, did you hear what Li Zhanfeng said, some masters were assassinated by people from Gui Yong Dao?"

(End of this chapter)

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