Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1858 Waiting for an Opportunity

Chapter 1858 Waiting for an Opportunity
Bai Zhan pondered for a while, and said seriously: "There is an elder spirit vulture real person from Heyun Mountain, Bai Kun real person from Yanqing Mountain, Qingluan real person from Wudan Mountain...some people from the Buddhist sect were also killed, Master Baohua from Lingxiu Mountain in Xiyan Prefecture Tai, the Master of Bitter Wisdom from Puluo Mountain in Chacheng District, Master Jiankong from Juding Mountain...these are all eminent monks and virtuous people who are famous in the Jianghu, and their ranks are above the elders. Among them, the Master of Bitter Wisdom is still The abbot of Boluo Mountain has a very strong cultivation base in Buddhism. His cultivation base can be ranked among the top five in Buddhism. He was killed when he went down the mountain to teach the Dharma. No matter who these people are, after they were assassinated , will cause a big sensation in the world, everyone will be in danger, and now people from all sects are so scared that they dare not go out."

I didn't expect that so many masters died at once. When Bai Zhan announced these names, I was shocked. I went to Kongming Island. So many things happened. The look on my face at that moment It became gloomy.

At this time, Li Banxian said again: "These are the ones who can be counted among the world. As for those who can't be counted, there are more. I don't know why Gui Yongdao did this. I think there must be something behind it." Big conspiracy.”

"When did this all happen?" I asked.

"Actually, these things happened one after another after we came back from Dancheng Mountain. Because the dead people were relatively scattered, the news did not reach us. Some people from sects do not want others to know that the masters of their sects have been killed. We wanted to kill him, but we didn’t want to publicize it. The main reason was that Li Zhanfeng was an official and had better information. He called Bai Zhan to remind us to be careful. Maybe people from Gui Yongdao would find us. ." Lao Li said again.

"It's good if they come, but I'm afraid they won't dare to come. We brothers are all here, and we'll beat whoever comes until they can't even recognize them." Monk Hua said with a look of disdain.

Although our brothers are all here, we still can’t be careless about this matter.

Not to mention anything else, an elder Qinglong came over, and none of us were opponents.

I took a deep breath, and then asked: "Is Li Zhanfeng sure that those masters were killed by people from Gui Yong Dao?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone hesitated. At this time, Xue Xiaoqi also said: "I'm not sure about this. These people died in various ways. Some were poisoned by poison, some were knocked down, and some were killed by a palm." Those who were shot to death, and some even had their souls taken away directly, and none of them died in the same way. Therefore, the official is not completely sure that it was Gui Yongdao who acted, but they are the most suspicious."

"In that case, if those people from Guiyong Dao really did something, their main strength is not concentrated together, and I don't think the people from the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult have left the ground of Yan Kingdom, because among these people Some people died by lowering their heads. This head-lowering technique is a method of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult. Although there must be some people under Elder Qinglong who know this head-lowering technique, it may not be able to kill very powerful masters like Yan Guo. Only Peng Peng The black witch monks around Tiwa who know how to lower their heads will have to come forward." I analyzed.

"Brother Xiao Jiu, do you mean that after coming down from Dancheng Mountain, those members of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult did not flee back to Tongnan Continent and continue to stay in Yan Country to cause trouble?" Bai Zhan asked again.

"I think it's very possible. After what happened in Dancheng Mountain, the Yan Kingdom should have stricter management of the routes to Tongnan Continent and the smuggling channels. There are also many people from the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect. There are so many people. If they want to go back, the goal is too big, so they may stay in Yan country temporarily, and they may leave after the storm is over." I said.

"Damn it, these old bastards from the Black Water Holy Spirit Sect can't just stay in their Tongnan Continent and come to Yan Kingdom to cause trouble. They really don't take the practitioners of Yan Kingdom into consideration. Xiaojiu, should we look for their bad luck?" Monk Hua has been free for too long. I didn't take him with me on the trip to Dancheng Mountain and Kongming Island. He had already suppressed his anger and wanted to go out and have sex with others. On board.

The people of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect are indeed hateful, they colluded with Gui Yongdao and killed Dancheng Mountain together. In fact, this is not something that people hate. There is no lower limit for the people of the Water Spirit Sect, and the practitioners of Yan Kingdom can't use guns regardless of the two ways, even the people of the special dispatch team can't use them, but they don't care about these, as long as they can kill people, they will use them for anything Extremely, when I was in Dancheng Mountain, I witnessed with my own eyes that many Taoist priests in Dancheng Mountain fell under their strafing fire, and even used artillery, which made people hate it.

Moreover, the reason why Pontiva from the Black God Holy Spirit Sect cooperates with the people from Guiyong Dao is not only the interest relationship between them, but also partly because of our brothers. Last time we did so much in Tongnan Continent. There was a huge chaos, and he escaped from under the nose of Pontiva, so he wanted to come over and kill me this time, but unfortunately he failed to do so. Later, he was seriously injured by me and Master Zhiqing and escaped.

Since he hasn't left yet, I think there is still room for improvement. It would be best if Pontiva could be killed so that he could never come back.

After a pause, I then asked a few more of them: "The other party has killed so many people. Have the people from the various sects and special teams captured anyone from Gui Yong Dao and the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult?"

They looked at each other, shook their heads, and said no, no one was caught. If they could be caught, they would be sure who did it.

I looked at Lao Li and asked him, "Lao Li, do you think we should take action on this matter?"

Lao Li pondered for a moment and said: "I think for now, it's best for us to wait and see what happens and look for the best opportunity. They are in the dark and we are in the open. We can't find them at all. It's best to Find a way to lure them out. Moreover, the world is in turmoil now, with so many masters dead, but not a single murderer has been caught. We should come forward and kill a few of the other party's people, so that the darkened world can breathe a sigh of relief.

"Opportunity? What opportunity? Lao Li, please don't be so mysterious, can you explain it more clearly?" Monk Hua asked anxiously.

"Opportunity is naturally the best time. We need to wait patiently. I think the opportunity will come soon..." Li Banxian said with a godly expression.

Unexpectedly, this was a complete lie. Just a few days after Lao Li said this, we received a very bad news.

(End of this chapter)

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