Chapter 1859
After we finished chatting about this matter, we spent a few more peaceful days in Xue's drugstore. Yang Fan has been staying in Xue's drugstore for the past few days, cooking for our brothers. I learned it, and I feel like I have gained several kilograms in the past few days.

As the saying goes, those who are soft-spoken and short-handed are those who are greedy for profit. They kept talking about Yang Fan's various benefits in my ears all day long. They praised her as if she was like a fairy descending to the earth. What makes her famous in the hall? He can cook in the kitchen, carry gas tanks, and fight gangsters... I don't know where he learned all these skills.

However, these days of stability will not last too long. I never dare to slack off when it comes to spiritual practice.

Taking advantage of this free time, I often go to the back mountain of Hongye Valley alone to practice the eighth sword style of Xuantian Sword Technique - Dragon Blood Xuanhuang.

It is said that I was taught nearly a hundred years of cultivation by the corpse trapped in the Dantian Mountain, and the power of the corpse demon in the dantian weapon sea has also been digested. The cultivation has definitely doubled several times. This dragon-blooded black-yellow sword The move should be easy to master. However, despite practicing diligently these days, I haven't made much breakthrough. In fact, I am also cautious when practicing. After all, there are people living within dozens of miles around. Once I get here, The color of the sky and the earth has changed, and the dark clouds have shrouded it, which will probably cause panic among many people, so they don't dare to make too big a move.

Or maybe, the cultivation level of the zombie fighter and the power of the corpse demon are too powerful, and my body can't digest them for a while, so it will take some time to settle, and there is no need to rush this matter.

When I ran to the back mountain to practice, part of the reason was to avoid that girl Yang Fan. She was too enthusiastic and I couldn't resist it. Especially the way Monk Hua and Bai Zhan looked at me always made me feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, that girl Yang Fan knew the importance. She didn’t dare to follow me when I was practicing. Firstly, she was afraid of disturbing me, but also because she was afraid that I would misunderstand her secretly learning my practice method. After all, that girl Yang Fan is also a pretty good practitioner. , like Bai Zhan, are disciples of the Wuwei sect. Secretly learning other sects' practices is a taboo in the world, and naturally that girl Yang Fan doesn't dare to go beyond it.

I stayed at the Xue Family Pharmacy for about four or five days when I suddenly received a phone call from Yue Qiang from Chenshan Mountain. He told me some very bad news. His uncle Master Yunyi was seriously injured and his life was in danger. He was hanging by a thread. He didn’t know if he could be saved. He was in Chenshan now and couldn’t move. He asked me if he could go there. It would be best to bring Xue Xiaoqi with him. Go over and take a look to see if he can still be saved. Yue Qiang suspects that the person who seriously injured his uncle Yunyi may be someone from Guiyong Road. He suspects that some people from Guiyong Road are in Xiyanzhou. I hope we can Go over and help get rid of these scourges on Guiyong Road and avenge his uncle Yunyi.

Yue Qiang knows the relationship between our brothers. The reason why Yue Qiang called me at first instead of directly communicating with Xue Xiaoqi was because he felt that I had the most say among our brothers and he might not be able to ask I asked Xue Xiaoqi to take action, but my words were different. Xue Xiaoqi would never delay.

However, Yue Qiang told me that he would also call Xue Xiaoqi later and ask him if he had time to come early in the morning.

Hearing Yue Qiang talk about this matter, I couldn't help but feel a little heavy in my heart. The people Gui Yongdao killed before had nothing to do with me. I could completely turn a blind eye, but this Master Yunyi was different.

I have a relationship with Master Yunyi, but when we were dealing with the zombies in the Kunhe Ghost Coffin, we worked together against the enemy and cooperated very well. And later, when the people from the special task force framed me for killing Li Chao, Master Yunyi was the first one to stand up and lead the masters of Xiyanzhou Dao Sect to prevent the special team from taking me away. Apart from anything else, I also remember this kindness in my heart.

I heard that Master Yunyi was dying, so I felt a little sad. At that moment, I comforted Yue Qiang, don't worry, I will take people to Chenshan soon, and even if they don't go, I will go myself.

Yue Qiang's relationship with me is also extraordinary. If he hadn't stood up to speak for me during our last trip to Dancheng Mountain and cleared away the suspicion of killing Li Chao, I would still be carrying the blame now.

Even if there is this friendship, no matter what, I will definitely go there.

When Yue Qiang called me, I was in the back mountain. I quickly collected the magic weapon and hurried back to Xue's pharmacy.

When I arrived in the yard, everyone was gathered together to discuss the matter of Chenshan. It was obviously Yue Qiang who had called.

Seeing me coming back, everyone came up to me and asked me what I meant.

Nothing else, this matter must be done, I made my attitude clear at that time.

I let go, the rest of the people didn't have any opinions, and the big guys didn't have anything to prepare, so they left as soon as they said.

Xue Xiaoqi also expressed that he had no objection and wanted to go with us.

Regarding Xue Xiaoqi's going to Dust Mountain, I was a little worried. In fact, I didn't want Xue Xiaoqi to go with us. Xue Xiaoqi is a doctor. When we got up, we were already far behind. The few of us often fought together and encountered countless difficulties.When we were fighting outside, we would intentionally or unintentionally avoid Xue Xiaoqi and not let him know, just because we were afraid that he would be in danger with us.

It is estimated that this time will be unpredictable again. I am afraid that if something happens to Xue Xiaoqi, the Xue family and I will not be able to explain it.

In two months, Xue Xiaoqi will get married. There can be no mistakes in this stall.

When Xue Xiaoqi was going, I was a little hesitant, but Xue Xiaoqi saw what I was thinking at once, and immediately smiled and said to me: "Xiaojiu, you don't have to worry about me at all. In the past few years, I have not been idle, and I have made a lot of progress in my cultivation, especially in the field of medical skills. In the past few years, my two great-grandfathers have not less taught me methods. Bao is sure to be fine; moreover, Master Yunyi of Chenshan Mountain is dying, and I can save his life if I go, but it is completely useless if you go, so, this trip, I must go with you."

Even though we said that, we were a little worried about him, so I said to Xue Xiaoqi immediately: "Brother Xiaoqi, you can go with us, but you have to follow me closely when the time comes, and you can't leave me for three Step away."

 Today I try to make up for what I missed in the previous two days.

(End of this chapter)

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