Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1860 Resurrection Pill

Chapter 1860 Resurrection Pill

Xue Xiaoqi immediately agreed, saying that we should rest assured. This time we went to Chenshan to treat illnesses and save lives, and we were not asking him to go there and fight for his life. There was no need to be so nervous. He was not a small character who had just entered the world. , when I didn’t know Laohua and Bai Zhan, he also traveled through the world with me. He had been through all the hell gates, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

After saying this, everyone felt relieved a lot, but I still felt that it was not appropriate enough, so I gave Xue Xiaoqi a golden talisman given to me by Qingshan Master Long Hua, and told him the incantation to activate the golden talisman. As a last resort, you can use it to escape several miles away to escape your life.

Xue Xiaoqi was very happy when he heard that there was such a treasure. He wanted to take it, but he said with some grudge: "This is not possible. This is your way to save your life. It is very precious to you. I used it." It’s such a waste, you should keep it for yourself.”

I said: "It's okay. You can use it first. When you come back from Chenshan this time, you can return this golden talisman to me."

After saying this, Xue Xiaoqi took the golden talisman.

After everyone's discussion was over, when they were about to leave immediately, Yang Fan suddenly chased him out again, saying that he would go with us.

Before I could speak, Bai Zhan was the first to veto: "No, little senior sister, our lives will be in danger if we go out. You should stay here. If you make a mistake, I can't explain it to the third senior uncle." ,Too dangerous."

"Bai Zhan, why can't I go if you can? I'm still your junior sister. Do you think you've become so capable recently that you don't even take me as a junior senior sister in your eyes?" Yang Fan is very fond of Bai Zhan, his junior senior brother. Not polite at all, showing off her status as senior sister.

Saying this made Bai Zhan blush immediately and he didn't know what to say.

Immediately, I coughed dryly and said: "Sister Yang Fan, you can't mess around. You should stay here. It will be inconvenient for us, a bunch of old men, to take you there. Chenshan Mountain is owned by Taoist monks. It's okay for you to go there." Not good, you still have an important task while staying here, which is to protect the Xue family and your sister-in-law, and wait for us to come back."

Yang Fan was still a little unconvinced and said: "How can the Xue family use me to protect them? Uncle Xue and Grandpa Xue are so powerful. Their medical skills and cultivation are much better than mine. It's useless for me to stay here. Otherwise, I'd better go with you." After saying that, Yang Fan came up, hugged my arm, and swung around coquettishly.

"I can't go, there's no discussion on this matter." I said with a straight face.

Hearing my firm tone, although Yang Fan was not happy, he did not force it. In the end, he was pulled away by the sensible Zhou Ling'er, and said with a smile: "Sister Yang Fan... you better not go, they have all left. I’m bored at home alone, so just stay here and spend more time with me, okay?”

After Zhou Ling'er said this, Yang Fan stopped being stubborn.

Afterwards, a group of us left the Xue Family Pharmacy and took a taxi straight to Tiannan City.

The reason why I didn't drive my car was because the target was too big. Maybe the whereabouts of the few of us are being watched closely by people from Guiyong Road, so we didn't dare to be careless at all.

When we arrived at Tiannan City, we split up.

I took Xue Xiaoqi to leave alone, Hua Monk, Lao Li and Bai Zhan formed a group of three. We all left Tiannan City in different ways.

Moreover, they all acted secretly, especially Xue Xiaoqi and I, who left after disguising ourselves.

The train the three of them took was faster than Xue Xiaoqi and I. Xue Xiaoqi and I rented a black car and drove all the way to Jiangdunyan.

By the time we arrived at Jiangdunyan, it was already ten o'clock in the evening the next day. Then I made a phone call to Yue Qiang. He said that Laohua and the others had arrived long ago, and then told me the name of a hotel, and we went directly passed.

Half an hour later, a few of us met in a secret private room in the hotel. We chatted with each other for a while, and then talked about Master Yunyi.

I have a certain understanding of Master Yunyi's cultivation level. When I first dealt with the wandering zombies, Master Yunyi's cultivation level was definitely higher than mine. Even now, it is probably not easy for me to defeat Master Yunyi. Things like this, such a master was seriously injured and was in a coma for several days without waking up. This shows that it is not easy to deal with Master Yunyi.

At that moment, I asked: "Yue Qiang, we are not outsiders. Please tell us, what is the situation of Master Yunyi now?"

Yue Qiang said with a sad expression: "The situation is very bad. My Uncle Yunyi was plotted against by someone when he went down the mountain three days ago. It was discovered by passers-by in a ravine. The dispatch team informed us that we went over and brought the person back. The injury was very serious, the muscles and veins all over the body were severed, and the five internal organs were severely shocked. It seemed that he had been hit by a head drop. The reason why he did not die may be that my uncle was seriously injured. After that, I swallowed a resurrecting pill, which can keep me alive for a few days. This time, I asked Brother Xiao Qi to come over and see if there is any way to save me. If the Xue family can't do anything, no one in the world can save me. Uncle Yunyi."

"Brother Yue Qiang, don't worry. Now that I'm here, I will definitely do my best to rescue. Now let's not delay. It's more important to go to Chenshan to rescue people." Xue Xiaoqi urged.

"Brothers, thank you for your hard work. When you come to Xiyanzhou, I don't have anything to entertain you. I don't even have time to treat you to a meal, so I have to take you up the mountain." Yue Qiang said with some embarrassment.

"What does this mean? We have plenty of time. Let's go quickly. Don't be in a hurry to eat and drink." I urged.

Yue Qiang bowed to the few of us and said seriously: "Thank you so much, big brothers. I can't repay you for your kindness."

"Let's go." Laohua patted Yue Qiang's shoulder, and then Yue Qiang led us outside.

When he walked to the door, Li Banxian glanced around and said, "Yue Qiang, is this place safe? The walls don't have ears, right?"

"Brothers, don't worry. This hotel is our property in Chenshan. It is opened by the lay disciples of Chenshan. There will be no problems." Yue Qiang said sternly.

Everyone was afraid of being tricked, so they were careful wherever they went.

Afterwards, Yue Qiang took us to the backyard. There was an inconspicuous van parked in the backyard. Not to mention that Yue Qiang would use this vehicle to take us directly to Chenshan.

At that moment, everyone got into the car one after another, and Yue Qiang drove the car all the way towards Chenshan Mountain.

 and also

(End of this chapter)

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