Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1861 One step late

Chapter 1861

The hotel is not far from the foot of Chenshan Mountain. After driving for about 10 minutes, we stopped. Wenchenshan Mountain is famous for its beautiful scenery and delicious scenery. It is known as "the most beautiful city in the world". When I came here last time, I didn’t have time to come and stroll around. This time I finally arrived, and the sky was completely dark again. I only saw a dark shadow, but I could vaguely see the majestic mountains and prominent peaks. It was really a sight. Very good location.

This Chenshan Mountain is also a famous Taoist mountain in the Yan Kingdom. It is one of the birthplaces of the Taoist Sect in the Yan Kingdom. After more than 2000 years since the Chong Dynasty, it has been listed as the fifth cave heaven by the Taoist Sect. This Chenshan Mountain is the ancestral mountain of Tianshi Taoism. Heavenly masters from all over the world come to Chenshan Mountain to worship their ancestors. It can definitely be regarded as one of the top Taoist sects in the Yan Kingdom, and its reputation is not inferior to Qingshan Mountain and Dancheng Mountain.

As soon as we entered the vicinity of Chenshan Mountain, Yue Qiang first took us to a lake. He pulled out a raft from somewhere, and everyone sat on it. Then Yue Qiang personally rowed forward, and the night fog filled the air. I don’t know how long we walked, but we arrived at the foot of a mountain. We didn’t ask any questions or communicate much along the way. We couldn’t interfere with the matters surrounding the mountain gate array, so we just followed along. Especially with the recent turmoil, it is even more impossible to talk about this matter.

Climbing up the mountain road, we walked for more than half an hour. We didn’t know where we came. Anyway, there was no road ahead, but Yue Qiang suddenly took out a stick from his body. I drew a talisman on the mountain wall with my brush, and a magical scene happened. The bare mountain wall suddenly appeared with light, and a door suddenly opened out of thin air.

We all couldn't help but be a little surprised. We all felt that Yue Qiang was like the magic pen Ma Liang at this moment.

Then, Yue Qiang asked us to follow him closely and walked towards the cave.

Seemingly sensing everyone's doubts, Yue Qiang explained to us that this was not the mountain gate formation in Chenshan Mountain, but just a path up the mountain. The talisman he had just painted on the mountain wall was in the mountain gate formation. People can sense it. If they are disciples of our sect, they will naturally open a secret door and let us in. Now the mountain gate array of Chenshan has been sealed. If there is nothing particularly important, disciples are not allowed to go down the mountain privately. , even if you want to go out, you can only use this small door.

We nodded to express our understanding. The current situation is not limited to Chen Shan's family. With the lesson of Dan Chengshan and the death of so many masters recently, which sect dares to let people come out of the mountain casually.

It was this cave. We walked for a long time. It was pitch black all around and we couldn't see anything. We could vaguely feel that there was something terrible hidden in this cave. It seemed like there were countless pairs of eyes staring at us. Himself, it makes people’s hair stand on end.

After walking for a long time, we came out of the cave. As soon as we came out of the cave, there was a white mist in front of us. Yue Qiang began to tell us in detail that this place is a magic circle at the entrance of Chenshan Mountain. The magic circle inside is about There are more than a dozen of them, and we will hold hands and walk in a straight line for a while, and just follow him in.

We did as we were told and sneaked all the way through the white mist, following each other very closely. It was not my first time to visit these caves and blessed places. Everyone present had basically experienced them. Knowing the dangers in these caves and blessed lands, we didn’t dare to There is not the slightest carelessness.

After walking in the magic circle for about twenty minutes, we walked out and our eyes suddenly opened up. As soon as we left the magic circle, we saw an old Taoist priest wearing a gray robe standing at the exit of the magic circle. They were waiting for us anxiously.

As soon as he came out, Yue Qiang rushed forward, and the gray-robed Taoist priest followed closely and took a few steps forward.

"Uncle Yun Leng, how is my uncle Yunyi?" Yue Qiang asked impatiently as soon as they met.

But when Master Yun Leng shook his head helplessly, he sighed and said: "Oh... you guys are still late. Senior brother Yunyi has been dead for an hour. His death is horrible. You will know when you go over and take a look." ”

We were all taken aback when we heard Master Yun Leng say this, it's still too late.

Yue Qiang's body swayed slightly and he said in a trembling voice: "I was still breathing when I walked, why did I go so fast..."

"Stop talking, this is fate. Even if we invite people from the Xue family, it is estimated that Senior Brother Yunyi will not survive. Not only his injuries are so serious, but also the key is that he was hit by the head-lowering technique. He will not survive no matter what. "The master Yun Leng said again.

At this time, several of us juniors quickly stepped forward and saluted Master Yun Leng, and Master Yun Leng also politely returned the salute to us.

Nowadays, the name of our Jiuhua Li Bai is still very loud in the world, and we must show courtesy wherever we go.

Master Yun Leng glanced at me first, and then said: "Are you Wu Jiuyin, the son of the Wu family? I have admired your name for a long time, and when I meet you today, you are indeed extraordinary. Chenshan welcomes you."

"Master Yun Leng is so polite. Yue Qiang is my friend. Master Yunyi is kind to me. I will definitely come over. It's just a pity... we arrived a step too late..." I said with deep apology.

Master Yun Leng took a deep breath and said with a sad look on his face: "Let's put this matter aside for the moment. Brother Headmaster has been waiting for a long time. Come with Pindao."

As he said that, Master Yun Leng waved his hand and led us forward. After walking for nearly half an hour, we came to a place called Zhenling Pavilion. Stopped and continued leading us towards the inside of Zhenling Pavilion. After turning a few turns and passing through several corridors, we stopped in front of a house.

Master Yun Leng knocked on the door and whispered: "Brother Headmaster, Yue Qiang is back."

"Come in." A somewhat depressed voice came from the room.

Immediately afterwards, Master Yun Leng and Yue Qiang walked in first. The few of us looked at each other and followed closely behind.

After entering the house, I felt the cold wind whistling in the house, which was much colder than outside.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw a crystal coffin in the middle of the room. It was transparent, with a dark shadow lying inside. Next to the crystal coffin stood an old man with white beard and white hair, and his eyebrows were also white. It's so long that it can touch your mouth. That person must be Master Yunqing, the headmaster of Chenshan Mountain.

Sure enough, Yue Qiang took two quick steps, knelt down beside the old Taoist, and said sadly: "Master, the disciple is late."

"Get up, it's the same if you come and find it late, your Uncle Yunyi will definitely not be able to save you." Master Yunqing said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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