Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1862 Stone Flakes Fall

Chapter 1862 Stone Flakes Fall

Yue Qiang stood up and began to introduce us one by one to Master Yunqing.

Master Yunqing nodded at us one by one, with a majestic look on his face, and seemed a little depressed. It was obvious that he still couldn't let go of Master Yunyi's departure.

After Yue Qiang introduced us all, Master Yunqing said: "You are all rising stars in the world, outstanding figures among the younger generation of disciples, elders of your disciples, even poor Taoists know most of you, Ziliangshan Shi Xin, a disciple of Master Huijue, the grandson of Bai Yingjie of the Wuwei sect, Li Banxian from the Mayi Shenxiang family in Xiangbei, the son of the Xue family who has been a miracle doctor in Hongye Valley, and Wu Jiuyin, a descendant of the Wu family who exterminated corpses, all of them are It's not easy. My teacher comes from a famous family. I'm in trouble today. I'm very grateful to you for coming."

"Master Yunqing is over-reputed. We are just juniors. We have stepped out a bit recently. Master Yunqing's Taoism is profound and admirable. It is an honor for us juniors to meet him today. Unfortunately, we are still late. One step..." Li Banxian cupped his hands and said.

"I am extremely grateful to you all for coming. Junior Brother Yunyi has endured for so long. It can be said that life is worse than death. It would be better to leave as soon as possible. You should not worry about this matter."

As he said that, the Master Yunqing's eyes fell on me again, nodded, and said: "Pindao has already heard about what happened in Dancheng Mountain not long ago, Yue Qiang, if it weren't for the son of the Wu family at that time, If you take action, this thousand-year-old sect in Dancheng Mountain will probably be destroyed in one day. As members of the Taoist sect, I should thank you very much. If Dancheng Mountain is really destroyed, the faith of countless Taoist disciples will collapse. What Wu Jiaerlang has done is boundless merit."

"Master Yunqing is overly praised. It just happened to be the right time for me to help. It was not as good as Brother Yue Qiang said. Dancheng Mountain is full of experts and talents, and I can't tolerate too much interference. "I said politely.

However, Master Yunqing waved his hand and said, "You kid, don't be humble. I think you have that kind of strength."

As he spoke, Yue Qiang stood up and walked to the crystal coffin. He took a look inside and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Uncle Yunyi! He...how did he become like this?"

Hearing Yue Qiang's exclamation, a few of us all came over and looked into the crystal coffin. We found that the real Yunyi at this time was really terrifying. He seemed to have sprouts all over his body. Stones, each stone is about a few millimeters thick, densely packed on the body, looking terrifying for no reason.

Let me go, how can a person become like this?

Monk Hua was bold and curious, and reached out to touch the body of Master Yunyi in the coffin. He probably wanted to see if the thing growing on Master Yunyi's body was actually a stone. But as soon as he put his hand in, he was killed by Xue Xiaoqi. He grabbed it.

"Laohua, you don't want to die, do you want to be like Master Yunyi?" Xue Xiaoqi said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong, you can't touch it anymore?" Lao Hua said a little unconvinced.

"Of course you can't touch it. The body of Master Yunyi was poisoned by an evil spell from Tongnan Continent called Shi Piao Jiang. This is an evil method even more insidious than poison. The bones of people infected by Stone Plate Drop are It will be petrified, absorb the energy of flesh and blood, and then break out of the body, and then become what it is now. People who are hit by stone flakes basically have no way to get rid of it except the person who fell. Once stone flakes grow on the body of a person who has fallen victim to stone flakes, it is a form of fallout in itself and is contagious. If you touch him, you will also fall victim to it. You should understand now, right?" Xue Xiaoqi looked serious. road.

No one present did not believe Xue Xiaoqi's words, because he was from a family of miracle doctors and he spoke with the most authority.

At this time, Master Yunqing also came forward, took a look into the coffin, shook his head and sighed: "Not long after Junior Brother Yunyi died, he became like this, with stone flakes growing out of his body. When we first sent him, Pindao tried to save him, hoping that he would wake up for a moment and tell us how the other party did it and who he was. Unfortunately, Junior Brother Yunyi never woke up and only relied on the Resurrection Pill to continue. It lasted for three days."

The Master Yun Leng then said: "Death is the most important thing, so let Senior Brother Yunyi rest in his grave. We, Chenshan, will definitely avenge him."

At this time, Xue Xiaoqi continued: "The body of Master Yunyi cannot be buried yet, it must be burned. The body that has been hit will pollute a large area of ​​land, and within ten years there will be no land left. It is also very likely to cause corpse transformation, and when it breaks out of the ground, innocent people may be injured."

"That's all we can do now." Master Yunqing sighed, and quickly took out a yellow paper talisman from his body, and threw it towards the terrifying body of Master Yunyi. After a while, he heard " With a "boom" sound, the body of Master Yunyi was set on fire, and a ball of fire suddenly burst into flames in the room. However, the fire only lasted for a moment and soon went out. Several of us came over. Upon looking at it, I found that the corpse was intact. Master Yunqing had burned it with a real fire talisman just now, but it was of no use at all.

Right now, the body cannot be taken out or buried. It can only be burned into ashes on the spot.

Master Yunqing glanced at it, and then started to take action again, so I stopped him and said: "Master Yunqing, ordinary talismans may not be able to burn the body of Master Yunyi. I have a flaming unicorn beast here, which may be able to burn it." Come in handy.”

Saying that, I pulled the second senior brother out of the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, threw it on the ground, and informed the second senior brother. The second senior brother opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of true fire essence into the crystal coffin. The power of the true fire essence is the essence of true fire. Even steel can be burned into molten iron in an instant. After the second brother's true fire essence burned through, even the person and the coffin were directly ignited. In a short while, both Master Yunyi and the crystal coffin were reduced to ashes.

Yue Qiang stepped forward quickly, pulled down a curtain from the room, and collected the ashes of Master Yunyi.

Afterwards, under Yun Qing and Master Yun Leng's amazed gazes, I put the second senior brother away, and put it back into the Eight Treasure Bag of Qian Kun.

After all the dust settled, Master Yun Leng suddenly said to Master Yun Qing: "Brother, Senior Brother Yunyi has to avenge himself. At present, there are several people who have dealt with Gui Yong Dao and Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult many times. With all the young people here, we are even more powerful here, so we must find a way to avenge Senior Brother Yunyi."

(End of this chapter)

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