Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1863 Pretending to be Yunqing

Chapter 1863 Pretending to be Yunqing
Master Yunqing frowned slightly, and after a while he said: "Not long ago, Master Baohua from Lingxiu Mountain was assassinated. In recent days, my junior brother Yunyi from Chenshan Mountain also suffered from this disaster. However, to this day, we have not even killed the murderer. I don’t even know what he looks like, but he’s so frightened that all the sects in Xiyan Prefecture have closed their gates tightly and don’t even dare to leave. It’s really ridiculous.”

Speaking of this, the Master Yunqing snorted coldly, and then said: "The Taoist sect is authentic, but it is afraid of the assassination of the evil cult demons. It really encourages the arrogance of the evil cult demons. The poor Taoist will be out tomorrow morning." Shanmen, go meet those people for a while and see where they come from." In an instant, everyone present understood what Master Yunqing meant. Master Yunqing wanted to use himself as a bait to attract the other party to take action, and then Catch them all in one fell swoop.

In fact, this is not a bad idea.

But as soon as Master Yunqing finished saying these words, Master Yun Leng stepped forward and said: "Brother, Master, this must never happen. As the saying goes, it is easy to hide with a sword and hard to defend against hidden arrows. If the opponent fights us with a real sword and a real spear, In a fight, I, the disciple of Chenshan, naturally have nothing to fear, but the opponent uses all those weird witchcraft to lower his head. It is really hard to guard against him. Senior Brother Yunyi has such a high level of cultivation and is killed. What if the master teacher If brother makes another mistake, it will be a huge loss for Chenshan, otherwise Pindao will come forward and lure the other party out."

However, Master Yunqing shook his head and said: "Junior brother Yun Leng, if you come out of the mountain, you may not be able to lure the other party out, but Pindao is the leader of Chenshan Mountain, and his goal is larger. Pindao believes that as long as If I step forward, the other side will definitely send people to assassinate me."

"It's necessary... The entire Chen Mountain, with more than a thousand people up and down, needs to be taken care of by Senior Brother. There must be no danger. It would be more appropriate for me to step forward. Although a fly is small, it is still a piece of meat. I don't think the other party may be able to do it. I don’t know how to take action. In any case, Pindao is also the elder of Chaoyang Palace in Chenshan Mountain. He is on the same level as Senior Brother Yunyi in Chenshan Mountain. Since they killed Senior Brother Yunyi, they will definitely take action against me." Master Yun Leng said again. road.

"The matter is settled like this. Pindao has decided to leave. This group of insidious and cunning cult monsters must not be allowed to be so arrogant in the land of Xiyanzhou." Master Yunqing said without any doubt.

However, Master Yun Leng was still a little reluctant. Just as he was about to step forward and say something, I interrupted: "Two old seniors, please stop arguing. I think it would be better for me to step forward. No matter whether it was Gui Yong before Dao is still the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult, and I have fought against them several times. I understand their tricks and can be prepared in advance. Furthermore, both of them are the pillars of Chenshan, and they must not dodge, and this The affairs up and down Chenshan Mountain are so complicated, and the two of you may not be able to get away to deal with the matter, and we have plenty of time and energy to deal with them. To be honest, the two real people, whether it is Gui Yongdao or the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, are with us. They are all mortal enemies, and we want to kill them too.”

After hearing what I said, the two masters looked at each other, and the master Yun Leng said: "Master Wu, if you come forward, the people of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect may not rush to attack you. Your current reputation in the world is... For the first time, there is no difference. Rumor has it that Pontiva, the second-in-command of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, was seriously injured by you when he was in Dancheng Mountain."

"The ones who seriously injured Pontiwa were me and Master Dancheng Mountain's Zhiqing. It was only possible for the two of us to join forces. It is estimated that the outcome between me and Pontiwa is uncertain. As for what Master Yunleng said just now, I think we will find a way to solve the problem."

Having said this, I looked at Xue Xiaoqi and said seriously: "Brother Xiaoqi, I remember you know a master named Pi Ren Zhang who specializes in making human skin masks. Can you make Pi Ren Zhang look like Zhenren Yunqing?" Get a human skin mask, preferably within the next two days, and then I will pretend to be Master Yunqing and come out to attract the other party."

Hearing me talk about this matter, Xue Xiaoqi quickly replied: "There is definitely no problem with this matter. It only takes one phone call to solve it."

I nodded, looked at Master Yunqing again and said, "Master Headmaster, I have offended you, and pretending to be you to come out is a helpless act."

However, Master Yunqing said: "Pindao still feels that it is inappropriate to do this. It would be better for Pindao to come forward in person. After all, this is my Chenshan matter, and Pindao should take action."

I cupped my hands and said, "Master Yunqing, don't say any more, and don't think there's anything wrong with it. Evil cults are for everyone to kill. Master Yunyi was kind to me before, and I will avenge him." It's only natural. Even if I don't cause trouble for them, they will still find trouble for me. It's better for me to take the initiative and destroy them in advance to combat their arrogance. "

Master Yunqing looked solemn, cupped his hands towards me, and said: "That's hard work, but if you encounter any difficulties, you can send a signal in time. By then, Pindao will definitely bring a large number of experts to come back for help. Strive to wipe out all those evil cult monsters."

In this way, the discussion was settled, and everyone once again talked about the specific implementation details of the matter before Yue Qiang took him to a courtyard near Zhenling Pavilion.

At that moment, Yue Qiang ordered a little Taoist boy to prepare dinner for us. Then, Yue Qiang took Xue Xiaoqi out of the magic circle and went to the edge of Chenshan Mountain to call Piren Zhang.

A few of us have the temperament to do what we say and will never be sloppy. This time, nothing can be said to make the people of Gui Yongdao and the Black Water Holy Spirit Sect continue to be arrogant.

Laohua, Li Banxian, and Bai Zhan and I had another discussion in the house. After about half an hour, two little Taoist boys came into the yard and brought us dinner.

There is something else to say about this dinner, which is Chenshan's world-famous Four Wonders of the City.

The first is "Dongtian Tribute Tea", the second is "Ginkgo Stewed Chicken", the third is "Qingcheng Pickles", and the fourth is "Dongtian Rujiu".

In addition, there is a well-prepared longevity banquet. It is said that during the Yangan period of Liuzhou, Fan Changsheng built the Fan Manor here to practice the art of longevity and long-term vision. He collected the essence of mountains, the spirit of water, and the treasures of rare forest herbs and flowers. Cooking, food's original color and original taste can help you enjoy a long life and live a long and prosperous life.Later, Sun Mingshen, the king of medicine, lived in Chenshan Mountain, improved it, and added many medicinal diets.

In addition, there is Houshan old bacon, which has a strong smoke aroma, is fat but not greasy, and has a unique taste.

Since Yue Qiang couldn't bring Xue Xiaoqi back, the rest of us couldn't help but start eating and drinking. We had a good meal first.

(End of this chapter)

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