Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1864 Ascension Ceremony

Chapter 1864 Ascension Ceremony
When we were halfway through eating and drinking, Yue Qiang came back with Xue Xiaoqi. Xue Xiaoqi told us that the matter had been settled, and a photo of Master Yun Qing was passed over there. Start making human skin masks, and someone will be sent to the foot of Chenshan Mountain the day after tomorrow at the latest. Yue Qiang has also arranged for someone to contact the matter.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

I just don’t know if we can lure out those who have returned to the Yongdao by doing this, so we can only give it a try for the time being.

In fact, I really don't understand why Gui Yongdao did this. With their strength, even if they can't destroy Dancheng Mountain, it is still not a problem to destroy some small sects, but they chose to adopt this method. Strategy, fight guerrillas outside, and hunt down individual masters of various sects.

We had discussed this matter before, and Lao Li also found it very strange, but he gave me a guess that all this was probably caused by people from the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult.

Due to the incident of Dancheng Mountain, the special investigation team paid special attention to this matter, and immediately blocked all kinds of illegal immigration to Yan Kingdom. At least 100 masters of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect retreated from Dancheng Mountain Come back.

These people were unable to smuggle back to Tongnan Continent and were temporarily trapped on the ground of Yan Kingdom. Perhaps they wanted to use this method to force Yan Kingdom to give them a way out and let them leave Yan Kingdom. Otherwise, they would By adopting this method, the masters of the various sects of the Yan Kingdom were continuously killed, and everyone in the Jianghu of the Yan Kingdom was in danger and dared not go out.

In this way, the Jianghu of Yan Kingdom will ask the official to come forward to solve this matter. The official will definitely be able to vaguely guess who did these things. It is either witchcraft or head-dropping. Such evil magic is banned in Yan Kingdom. Techniques are evil arts. Generally, if there is a Gu Master, they will be closely monitored. I have never heard of any particularly powerful Gu Masters in the Yan Kingdom. The ones who can do these things must be Elder Qinglong and Black Water Holy Spirit. The group of people who teach.

Everyone thinks that the idea mentioned by Lao Li is quite possible.

The Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect has finished its work and cannot return to Tongnan Continent. It is just trapped here, idle and idle. It must cause something.

During this period of time, they carried out surprise attacks without any disadvantages. After killing so many masters of the Yan Kingdom, it was time for them to suffer a bit.

Afterwards, a group of us waited patiently for two days in a large courtyard of Chenshan Zhenling Pavilion. During these two days, no one except Yue Qiang went out.

Because we came relatively secretly, no one knew that we came to Chenshan except Yue Qiang, Yun Leng and Yun Qing. To be on the safe side, we had no choice but to hold back and not go out or see anyone, just for fear of leaking. Sometimes, we have to be extremely careful. After all, if we are a little negligent, our lives will be in danger.

Over the past few years, we have become more and more careful, because we have suffered too much.

Two days later, Pi Ren Zhang sent someone to deliver the human skin mask directly to the foot of Chenshan Mountain, and then Yue Qiang brought him in directly. When he got it back, he found that Pi Ren Zhang had made two human skin masks. , one is taught by Yun Qing, and the other is a strange young face, I don't know what this means.

Xue Xiaoqi smiled and said to us that the other human skin mask was prepared for him. When the time comes, he will dress up as a little Taoist boy and follow me out of the mountain together. He is afraid that we will not agree, so Xue Xiaoqi took matters into his own hands and asked the skin man Zhang Duo to make a human skin mask.

No one knew what Xue Xiaoqi meant by doing this, but Xue Xiaoqi soon gave us a reason. He said that the medical skills his family learned were the most orthodox wood medicine. The medical skills learned in a place called Gwamuzhai on the border. In fact, the Xue family is the most familiar with evil arts such as witchcraft and bewitching. If the other party gives us a poison or lowers the head, he can tell it at a glance.

In the past, when I fought against the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, Elder Qinglong and others, I did it with open swords and spears. Even if I lowered my head under the gu, it was all on the surface. In that case, I could find a way to avoid it, but this time It was different this time. They were directly assassinating me. If they bewitched me or lowered my head, I had to remain calm. If Xue Xiaoqi was not around, I would not know how I was hit. Therefore, Xue Xiaoqi did it in advance. Ready.

Although I still felt that there were many things wrong, Xue Xiaoqi insisted on joining me, so I had no choice but to nod and agree.

During the two days we stayed in the paradise of Chenshan Cave, Yue Qiang brought us another piece of bad news, saying that a Taoist priest from Yanqing Palace in Xiyan Prefecture had been killed again. The second death was even more unexpected. He was shot in the head by a man. Blood spattered five steps and he died on the spot.

I find that these people are becoming more and more shameless. In the past, they were just using witchcraft to lower their heads. At least they could see people. Now, they can kill people with guns without even showing their faces. This is unnecessary. The facial method must be something only the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult can do.

It seems that Lao Li's guess is correct. The people of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect are blocked here and cannot get out, so they go around assassinating masters of the Yan Kingdom's Buddhism and Taoism in order to put pressure on the officials.

However, after the Taoist priest from Yanqing Palace was assassinated, it gave us an excuse to go down the mountain. Immediately, Lao Li proposed to attend the ascension ceremony of the Taoist priest from Yanqing Palace and leak the news.

It is no small matter for the head teacher of Chenshan to come forward, and the news should spread quickly.

Then, Xue Xiaoqi and I can come forward and go straight away with a big swagger.

Presumably, as a result, the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult and Taoist Guiyong will take action. When the time comes, we will act on our own initiative.

So we set out early the next morning.

I put on a human skin mask and a wig. The craftsmanship of this skin man Zhang is incredible. Even if I were standing next to Master Yunqing, if I were not a very familiar person, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference at all, so I brought Xue Xiaoqi, who had put on a human skin mask like me, but Xue Xiaoqi became my little Taoist boy, who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, and followed me. We set off early in the morning. .

As soon as we left, Monk Hua, Li Banxian, and Bai Zhan also dressed up in disguise. After us, they also came out of Dust Mountain, dressed as tourists, and followed us not far or near, so that if something happened, they would be in time. Show up and help us.

In fact, what I'm most worried about is the opponent's use of a gun. Even if I accidentally get a bullet, the game will definitely be over.

(End of this chapter)

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