Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1865 Meeting an old friend in Yanqing Palace

Chapter 1865 Meeting an old friend in Yanqing Palace
All plans must be made flawlessly, and all details must be thought out so that there will be no chaos.

By then, instead of avenging Master Yunyi, I was shot in the head by those people. Not only was my death aggrieved, but this man was also greatly humiliated.

However, I am not helpless in dealing with this black gun method.

I myself have a wonderful method, which is the power of the herbal essence absorbed by the thousand-year-old locust tree spirit, and then I improved this technique from the Snake King Su Mo in the jungle on the Cangxi border. He taught me a more magical technique called the Qinggang Method of Controlling Wood, which is a method of communicating with plants and manipulating them.

Since ancient times, Yan Kingdom has believed that all things have spirits, but in fact, this is exactly the case.

Every plant and tree has a soul, but they are not as complete as human beings. Humans have three souls and seven souls, and perhaps plants only have one soul and two souls, or one soul and three souls. A magical way to communicate with and control these plants.

If the people of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect want to shoot me black, they must do it in a sparsely populated wilderness, and the gun has an effective range. They want to shoot me, and the distance is not too far.

And the power of the essence of plants and trees in my body plus the method of controlling wood and green gang can sense the existence of those who sneak up on me through the surrounding plants and trees, and then convey it to my mind, so that I can take precautions in advance .

In this way, I don't have to worry too much about the other party attacking me.

With this support, I felt a lot more relieved and went down the mountain with Xue Xiaoqi after the disguise.

After leaving the magic circle and coming to the foot of the mountain, I activated the power of the essence of grass and trees, and coupled with the Qinggang method of controlling trees to sense the surrounding situation, I didn't find anything abnormal for a while. Then we walked for a while, and there was something there over there. The car prepared by Chenshan took us directly towards Yanqing Palace.

Yanqing Palace is located in the downtown area of ​​​​Xiyanzhou, a quiet place in the bustle. It is known as the first Taoist temple in Yanfu and the first jungle in the southwest. It also has thousands of years of historical heritage. Although it is not a paradise, there are many masters in it. .

This Yanqing Palace has an extraordinary relationship with the government. I heard from the disciple of Chenshan who was driving that many of the people in the Xiyan Prefecture Special Investigation Team were from Yanqing Palace.

The Taoist priest who was assassinated was an elder of the Yanqing Palace. He was invited by a wealthy businessman to go to his villa to see the Feng Shui. On the way back, he was shot in the head. However, the two disciples who accompanied him did not have any problems and directly sent the body of the elder from Yanqing Palace back to the Taoist temple.

The elder of Yanqing Palace is called Dongqing Daoist, and his reputation on the ground in Xiyan Prefecture is not small. He also has some friendship with Yunqing Daoist in Dust Mountain. He has met several times. He is also a director of Xiyan Prefecture Taoist Association , apart from that, there is not much intersection.

The car drove for about two hours. I asked the driver to slow down deliberately and use the Wood Control Qinggang method to feel the movement around us. I could vaguely feel that someone was staring at our car, but Just passed by in a flash.

Two hours later, we arrived at Yanqing Palace, where we saw a solemn atmosphere and a very heavy atmosphere.

Since I am currently the head teacher of Chenshan, I am definitely a leader in the Taoist world in the entire Xiyan Prefecture, so the head teacher of Yanqing Palace brought a few elders to come forward and personally took me into Yanqing Palace .

When I went in, I found that there were still some people from the special dispatch team walking around at the entrance of Yanqing Palace, obviously worried that those cult monsters would come over to make trouble.

I don't know the name of the head teacher of Yanqing Palace, and I didn't have much communication. I just exchanged a few words and expressed my deep pain, and was taken in by the head teacher of Yanqing Palace. In the Taoist temple, I walked all the way for a long time, and came to a place called Xianwang Hall, only to see a coffin lying in the hall, and then went in to salute, and then was arranged to sit, and sat next to the main seat superior.

Due to the great terror caused by Gui Yongdao and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult during this period, not many people came to express condolences to the real person Dongqing, only a few dozen people, and there were no important figures. Some sects sent Several disciples of the younger generation came over, and the elders and leaders didn't dare to go out. Those people were really making a fuss, and people were in panic.

As soon as I settled down, many people rushed to seek friendship with me. Naturally, they were not seeking friendship with me, but came here for the head teacher of Dust Mountain.

Most of them just exchanged simple greetings and never talked in depth. Some came to build relationships, while others seemed indignant and suggested that Master Yunqing take the lead and lead the masters of the Xiyanzhou Taoist Sect to fight against Guiyong Taoism and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult. Some people launched a counterattack, and they can no longer be useless.

I still know the person who said this, that is, when I was dealing with wandering corpses, I met the Yubo real person with a pair of goldfish eyes, who is very good at underwater, and I saved his life back then, so I I talked to him a few more words and told him to rest assured for now. There would be news in the next few days, and we had already started taking action over there in the early morning.

Master Yubo was very excited and asked me when I would take action. He was one of them. Even if he risked his life, he would still have a bad breath.

The real Yubo is definitely a man of temperament. Among the group of people who came, the real Yubo has a relatively large background and has a certain influence in the Taoist sects of Xiyan Prefecture. This situation is dangerous. The real Yubo How brave you are to dare to come here.

I chatted with Master Yubo for a while, and then another person came up. This person was also an old acquaintance. He was Xu Peng, the leader of the Xiyanzhou special team. He was accompanied by another acquaintance, Mr. Zeng Guozhong. , when I saw the two of them, I felt excited, especially Mr. Zeng. Since the last time, I heard that he was greatly implicated because of Li Chao's incident, I have never made time to come and see him. Old man, I didn't expect to meet him here.

It seems that this matter has passed, and Mr. Zeng seems to be doing well now.

But now I can't recognize him. After all, I came out with a mission and I can't reveal my secret.

Xu Peng was very polite to me. It seems that he had a good relationship with Master Yunqing before, and we talked a lot, but I kept responding to each other and seemed a little cold. Afraid of being exposed, Xu Peng looked at me differently. Seeing that I seemed to be indifferent to answering, he was quite interesting, said a few more words, and left alone.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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