Chapter 1866
When Xu Peng left, he looked a little unhappy and looked at me with a strange look. He must have sensed something.

I pretended to be Master Yunqing, the headmaster of Chenshan. It would definitely not be a problem to fool ordinary people, but it would be a bit troublesome to fool some people who have a good relationship with Master Yunqing.

Xu Peng looked like he was an old acquaintance with Master Yunqing. He seemed to have a lot to say to Master Yunqing, but I pretended to be inscrutable and imitated Master Yunqing and said, "Uh-huh." Xu Peng agreed, but did not dare to say anything for fear of being overheard. Xu Peng suddenly felt bored, and then left with some displeasure.

This condolence ceremony was very simple. After the representatives of various sects arrived, they were received by people from Yanqing Palace, and then they talked again. I didn’t listen carefully to what they said. So in the afternoon, some fast meals were prepared. After eating something simple, Xue Xiaoqi and I said goodbye and left.

When I was leaving, I specifically told the driver not to take the road, and go wherever it is remote, so that if Gui Yongdao and the people of the Blackwater Holy Spirit want to deal with us, it will be easier to attack us.

And there were not many people in my car, just me, Xue Xiaoqi and a driver.

The car quickly drove out of the city, and nothing unusual happened.

Sitting in the car, I always maintained a high degree of vigilance, using the Qinggang method to control the wood to observe the surrounding trends. After traveling for twenty or thirty kilometers, I arrived in a barren mountain, far away from Chenshan Mountain. It's about an hour away.

I think if those cult monsters want to attack us, this section of the road is the best section.

However, when I used the Wood-Controlling Qinggang Technique to sense the existence around me, I still couldn't feel anything unusual.

In this way, after traveling forward for more than ten minutes, suddenly, there was a loud noise, a "bang", and then a scream from the front.

The car we were riding in followed by a sudden brake and stopped in the middle of the road.

Xue Xiaoqi quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

The driver said in a panic: "There seems to be a car accident ahead. A car hit a cyclist."

"Get out of the car and take a look." I said solemnly.

So, the three of us opened the car door, got out of the car, and walked towards the front.

When we got there and took a look, we saw that a car had deviated from the direction and hit a big tree at the intersection. The hood was bulging from the impact and smoke was still coming out.

On the other side, a bicycle was hit and its wheels were gone, and two people were lying on the side of the road.

There was a middle-aged man and a little boy of twelve or thirteen years old, covered in blood and moaning in pain.

The driver walked to the car and took a look and found that the driver's head was covered in blood and he was lying on the steering wheel and had passed out.

When I saw this scene, I first thought that this might be a trap set by Gui Yongdao, but the scene of the car accident was too real. With such a collision, people could really die.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether this was a trap or a normal accident.

Xue Xiaoqi looked at me, his eyes clearly telling me to be careful.

So, the three of us walked directly towards the father and son lying on the ground.

No matter what, the most important thing is to save people. If this was really an accident and left alone, the father and son would probably lose their lives.

Fortunately, Xue Xiaoqi who was by my side happened to be a doctor. With him around, such a situation would be a piece of cake.

Just when I went to help the child lying on the ground, Xue Xiaoqi suddenly stood in front of me, shook his head at me, and said: "Don't move, just let me do it." .”

I responded and stood next to Xue Xiaoqi. Xue Xiaoqi leaned down, looked down at the child who kept making painful sounds, and frowned.

At this moment, I used the wood-controlling green gang method to feel the movement around me again, which suddenly made my heart skip a beat.

I felt the messages conveyed by the surrounding vegetation. There were people around me, and there were more than one, from all directions.

At that moment, I grabbed Xue Xiaoqi's arm, dodged to the side, and said loudly: "No, there's an ambush!"

It was also a coincidence that just when I reached out to grab Xue Xiaoqi and planned to avoid it, the child who was lying on the ground suddenly stretched out his hand and was about to grab Xue Xiaoqi. If I hadn't reacted in time, then The child's hands will definitely be on Xue Xiaoqi's body.

When I grabbed Xue Xiaoqi and used the Eight Steps to get out of the way, I condensed several void spells with one hand to block us. Those void spells quickly turned into a barrier of Gangqi, condensed on in front of us.

Suddenly, gunshots came from all directions at the same time, and they all came towards us, making the Gang Qi barrier bang.

Sure enough, my trick to lure the snake out of the hole had an effect, and the other party really wanted to attack Master Yunqing.

What I didn't expect even more was that the father and son who had been knocked to the ground stood up from the ground at the same time, and rushed towards us with ferocious faces. When they rushed towards us, their mouths were He chatted on the phone in a chattering voice, looking very ferocious.

The child was not speaking Stone Language, nor was it Ancient Wood Language. Could it be Ning Yue Language? Anyway, I just couldn’t understand it.

The father and son looked completely fearless and rushed towards our condensed Gang Qi barrier.

While rushing over, the bodies of the father and son expanded rapidly, and then burst suddenly. Blood and flesh spattered, very bloody. Most of the flesh and blood fell on the Gang Qi barrier, which made me condense the Gang Qi. The barrier collapsed in an instant. Sadly, the gunshots continued to fire towards us.

At the moment, I didn't dare to delay for a moment, so I led Xue Xiaoqi to dodge with eight steps, and then hid behind a huge rock.

At this time, I suddenly remembered something, where did the driver go?

My heart skipped a beat, and I took a look at the scene and found that the driver had fallen into a pool of blood, with blood all over his head. He might have been hit when the gunfire rang out just now.

A moment later, the sound of braking came from the road we came from. Then I saw Monk Hua, Li Banxian and others jumping out of the car. At that moment, I shouted to them: "Southeast direction. There are more than a dozen people, and there are more than a dozen people in the northwest corner. You go and take care of them, while Xiaoqi and I take care of the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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