Chapter 1867 Two
Lao Li and Monk Hua had been following me at a very close distance, and now they finally came up from behind.

Those guys were just shooting at me and didn't even notice Monk Hua and the others.

When I shouted, they immediately dispersed quickly to both sides. Monk Hua and Lao Li, Bai Zhan and Yue Qiang, went towards the direction I pointed out to them, but those who were facing us The shooters soon discovered Lao Li and Bai Zhan. The gunshots from my side suddenly became slightly sparser, and some bullets began to sweep towards them.

While crouching next to the boulder, I also activated the wood-controlling green gang method, causing the surrounding trees to bend down and block Xue Xiaoqi and me. From the beginning to now, we are still them The main target of the attack.

Those bullets kept sweeping over, hitting the boulder next to us and flying debris, some of which splashed onto our bodies.

The scene just happened so suddenly, and the other party was obviously very vigilant. Before, I had been using the Wood Control Qinggang method to observe the movements around me, and I was not aware of the existence of those people until Xue Xiaoqi approached the person lying on the ground. When the child was there, they suddenly appeared and shot at us.

They have made two preparations. One is that the father and son lying on the ground use self-explosion, this kind of suicidal attack to deal with us, and the other is that the other party shoots and takes our lives. .

I think the father and son lying on the ground may not only use the method of self-explosion, but also have something like a head drop or Gu poison on their bodies. As long as they touch our bodies, we will be attacked .

The other party is really cruel. In order to kill us, he would not hesitate to sacrifice two living lives.

Or perhaps, the father and son were also resorted to some unknown means.

Hiding behind the stone, I thought a lot. In less than half a minute, the bullets hitting us suddenly became sparse.

I think it must be Laohua and Banxian who have already rushed to those who attacked us, and suddenly launched an attack, which made the opponent a little at a loss and could no longer take care of us.

But just now I used the Wood-Controlling Qinggang Technique to feel that, in addition to those two places, there is a wave of people in the direction of tracing the territory.

After the bullets became sparse, I immediately took Xue Xiaoqi and quickly approached there using the eight-step method.

I have become very good at using the method of "eight steps of confusion". With my body erratic, I can change more than a dozen directions in a few seconds. Although the opponent's bullets are still pouring towards us, they are also harmful to us. Not too much of a threat.

Two or three minutes later, I took Xue Xiaoqi to the hillside in the direction of Suyu, but I saw more than a dozen people lying there, four or five of them were holding sniper rifles, which made me feel very uncomfortable. Surprisingly, those people were all foreigners, some were foreigners and others were foreigners. When I saw those people, I was immediately confused.

Go ahead, what the hell is going on? Guiyong Dao and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect don’t seem to have You Ren or You Ren. What the hell is going on?

As soon as those people saw our figure appeared, the bullets swept towards us again. The opponent's marksmanship was very accurate. I didn't dare to take it lightly. I directly pulled Xue Xiaoqi to hide behind a stone, and just stood firm. At the heel, a few grenades landed beside us. I was so scared that I tensed up, and quickly took Xue Xiaoqi to a place more than ten meters away.

The moment we stepped away, the grenade exploded, and the boulder was blown into pieces.


I cursed secretly, this shameless method indeed seemed like the practice of the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult.

The next moment, I directly sacrificed the sword soul, and with the sound of a dragon chant, a fire dragon spewed out from the sword soul, sweeping towards those who fired.

Under the urging of the dragon soul, the fire dragon flew out of the sword soul, and its figure became bigger and bigger, and it suddenly swept towards the guys who shot. Xue Xiao and I were hiding behind the stone. Qi immediately heard several frightened screams.

"Oh, ma goad!"

Those people spoke Federalese, which I could still understand.

In just a moment, the exclamations turned into screams, and the intensive gunfire stopped abruptly. I stepped out and took a look, but I saw that the guys using the guns were all wrapped in purple flames, and each one of them was covered in purple flames. The ghosts cried and howled and fell to the ground, and soon became silent. They were all burned to death.

However, after this move, some people still escaped with their lives. There were about seven or eight of them, dressed in strange shapes, and some of them looked like black witch monks.

These people don't have guns on them, they should all be practitioners.

The next moment, I took Xue Xiaoqi, followed by several lost steps, and arrived in front of those people. The sword soul in my hand flickered, directly blocking their way.

The seven or eight people paused and looked at me in astonishment.

"We've come here and killed a lot of people. Do you just want to leave like this?" I said in a cold voice.

The people on the other side glanced at me, said something gibberish, and then showed off their magic weapons one after another.

It’s really weird today. I didn’t understand a word these people said. Why don’t they feel like they are from the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult?
At this time, Xue Xiaoqi beside me suddenly said to me: "Xiao Jiu, they should be from the Khmer country, and they are speaking the language of their country. Our family has been treated by people from that place."

"Khmer country, what the hell is this?" I asked in surprise.

Xue Xiaoqi shook his head, and then revealed his locust wood sword.

As soon as he made a move like this, the pagoda tree sword in his hand was full of greenery. At this moment, I realized that Xue Xiaoqi's cultivation had also improved a lot, not as weak as I imagined.

Those guys yelled at me viciously, and then I saw two black witch monks suddenly grabbed something from their backs and threw it in front of me.

I looked down and saw that the two things that fell on the ground were still alive, dark and about the size of a baby, with a mouth full of fangs, blood red eyes, and a shiny forehead.

Xue Xiaoqi glanced at the two little things and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Corpse boy!"

"What is a corpse boy?" I looked back at Xue Xiaoqi and asked.

"A kind of evil magic in Tongnan Continent. This evil thing is very powerful. It is considered to be small in size, very ferocious, can eat people, and is very difficult to deal with!" Xue Xiaoqi said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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