Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1871 Presbyopia Can't Die

Chapter 1871 Presbyopia Can't Die

Monk Hua who was talking made some strange moves, and then he let out a scream, and lay down straight. He was frothing at the mouth, his eyes rolled white, and his face was horribly distorted.

"Old Hua..." Several of us exclaimed, and hurried forward to help him up, but at this moment, Xue Xiaoqi suddenly shouted: "Don't touch him! He was hit by a lower head .”

As soon as we heard Xue Xiaoqi's words, several of us quickly stopped our hands and did not dare to touch Monk Hua's body again. We are aware of this head-lowering technique and have seen its horror. This thing can be contagious. It is similar to the art of Gu poison, but the body is more sinister and evil than Gu poison.

After I paused, Xue Xiaoqi stepped forward, squatted down, looked at Monk Hua carefully, and frowned.

"How is it?" I asked with concern.

"It was a piece of stone that fell on the head. It was exactly the same as the one that fell on the head of Master Yunyi. At that time, Master Yunyi used the Resurrection Pill to hang himself for three days, but Monk Hua probably could only hold on for half an hour, and his life was not saved." Xue Xiao Seven sighed.

"Can you solve it?" Bai Zhan asked, covering his chest.

Xue Xiaoqi shook his head and said: "I can't solve it. Only those who descend from this stone can solve it. My two great ancestors may be able to solve it, but I really can't solve it."

Hearing what Xue Xiaoqi said, I immediately became angry and turned to look at the black shaman monk whose hands and feet were broken by Monk Hua.

Needless to say, he was the one who lowered Monk Hua's head just now, because he was the only one who had positive physical contact with Monk Hua.

At that moment, I didn’t dare to touch the black shaman monk, so I just sacrificed the sword soul, put it against his neck, and said loudly: “Hurry up and free my brother, otherwise I will kill him right away. Kill you!"

The black witch monk must have understood what I meant. He just laughed at me a few times, and then babbled again. What he said was neither Stone Language nor Ning Yue. It should be from another place. Man, I can't understand a word.

There were difficulties in communication. Now I was really panicking. I looked at the flower monk lying on the ground. He could lose his life at any time. My heart felt like a knife piercing it. At that moment, without saying a word, I stepped on it. The black wizard monk cut off one of his fingers with a sword, and then shouted angrily again: "Will you surrender my brother or not!?"

The black wizard screamed, but after the scream, he still laughed proudly and crazily at me.

His smile was desperate and cruel, and he was simply not afraid of death.

The more he behaves like this, the more desperate I become.

At this moment, the black wizard monk smiled, his face suddenly swelled up like a balloon, and his eyes bulged out.

At that moment, I understood what this black shaman monk wanted to do. This kid wanted to be exposed to the explosion and die. Before he died, he thought that I would die with him.

Just when I was thinking about reminding everyone to get out of the way quickly, Xue Xiaoqi suddenly said loudly: "Xiaojiu, he can't die, you hit his Zhiyang point, hurry up!"

I was the closest to the black witch monk. Without thinking, I reached out and stabbed the black witch monk in the back.

Xue Xiaoqi, on the other hand, led everyone back quickly.

Once the black witch monk explodes and dies, it will feel like a grenade exploding. The bones and minced meat will turn into sharp blades and penetrate into everyone's bodies. Xue Xiaoqi does not dare to be careless. If it really explodes, the surroundings The people in the circle were either dead or seriously injured.

I poked my finger and mobilized my spiritual power in an instant, and poked it on his Zhiyang point. Practitioners are very familiar with the acupuncture points on the human body. This is the most basic thing. Although I don't know what the use is of hitting his Zhiyang point, I still choose to believe Xue Xiaoqi.

For a moment, I retracted my hand, and then quickly moved out of the way. When I looked back again, I found that the swollen body of the black witch monk who I had hit in his Yang point had quickly recovered. It's normal, but the person has passed out.

Everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and quickly gathered around the black wizard monk, and then looked at Monk Hua who was lying on the ground in great pain. Xue Xiaoqi just said that Monk Hua could only last for half an hour at most, and we We don’t even speak the same language as this black shaman monk, and this guy is not afraid of death at all, and wants to die with us. It is really difficult to get him to relieve Monk Hua of his head.

For a moment, everyone's face was filled with sadness and they didn't know what to do.

"Lao Li, please think of a way. Laohua will definitely not die." I grabbed Li Banxian's arm. Now the only one I can count on is Li Banxian. He is the backbone of all of us.

However, Li Banxian also had a troubled look on his face at this time, and he obviously didn't know what to do.

Finally, I looked at Xue Xiaoqi again, and said excitedly: "Xiaoqi, you must have a solution. You are a miracle doctor. Even if you can't save him, you can control the lowering head in his body first." , let's send it to Hongye Valley, and let those two old men heal it."

However, Xue Xiaoqi still shook his head and said: "Xiaojiu, I have thought of all the ways you can think of, but there is nothing I can do, and I don't want the old lady to die."

"We have a unique elixir in Chenshan, the Resurrection Pill, which can survive serious injuries and dying for three days. However, it takes at least two hours to go to Chenshan and go through the magic circle. There is no way to get it back. ." Yue Qiang also said anxiously.

When everyone was depressed and didn't know what to do, suddenly, a group of people were seen from the bottom of the mountain, walking towards us quickly, and there was also a group of special people clearing the way in front.

I took a closer look, and immediately saw a group of people in Yixian costumes behind the special security, and vaguely saw a familiar person, who seemed to be Director Xu Pengxu of the Xiyan Prefecture Special Investigation Team.

They must have gotten some news and knew that a fierce battle was taking place here, so they came to take a look.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind. We people can't communicate with that black witch monk, but someone in the special investigation team must know what the black witch monk said.

Even if the people in the special team don't understand, they can quickly find someone who understands what the black witch monk is saying.

Thinking of this, I stood on the hillside and shouted at the group of people. The movement on my side quickly aroused the vigilance of those people. Suddenly, more than 20 people wearing Yixian uniforms quickly moved toward us. The others approached, each holding a magic weapon in their hands.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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