Chapter 1872

We all stayed still, waiting anxiously. A few minutes later, Xu Peng led a group of experts from the special team and ran towards us, and surrounded us. There were several people with weapons around us. The man with the gun is watching.

When we met, Xu Peng saw me and a few people around me, and couldn't help but be stunned.

I know what he is wondering about. Not long ago when he was in Yanqing Palace, he found a clue, but he didn't point it out.

"You..." Xu Peng said with a frown.

"It's me." As I said that, I pulled off the human skin mask made of human skin from my face and looked at Xu Peng.

Xu Peng suddenly realized, smiled at me, and said: "I guess it's almost you, ordinary people really can't do this kind of thing."

Elder Zeng Guozhong, who was at the side, was also taken aback, and said happily, "Wu Jiuyin."

At that moment, I stopped greeting them and said straight to the point: "Director Xu, my brother was injured and his head was lowered. He probably won't last half an hour. We will kill the rest." There is only one person left alive. The accent should be from the Khmer or Trigon country, but none of us can understand it. I wonder if Director Xu has any talents in this field?"

Director Xu was stunned for a moment and glanced around. Finally, his eyes fell on Monk Hua who was lying on the ground with his head shot.

He knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately asked a person wearing Yixian clothes beside him: "Do you know if anyone in our Xiyan Prefecture Special Operations Bureau understands Khmer or Gong language?"

The Yixian pretended to think for a moment, shook his head, and said, "We really don't have this special team, but I can contact the relevant departments and give us a call, and we should be able to find someone soon."

"Without further delay, please contact us as soon as possible." Xu Peng ordered.

That Yixian pretended to respond and was about to make a call when he saw another Yixian pretending to take a step forward and said: "Report to Director Xu, when we came just now, I heard that there was a young soldier coming from southern Xinjiang. Come here, at the border with the Khmer country, I think he should be able to understand."

Everyone was happy, and Xu Peng then said: "Call people over quickly."

After a few minutes, a sweaty little soldier was called over by Na Yixian in disguise. The little soldier immediately saluted Xu Peng and said loudly: "Deng Jiang, the second group of the third team of the Xiyanzhou Special Security Corps, is here to report. Please give instructions from the leader.”

Before Xu Peng could speak, I pulled the little soldier over and said excitedly: "This little brother, can you speak Khmer?"

The little soldier glanced at Xu Peng. Xu Peng nodded and said, "If you know a little bit, you can understand."

"That's easy, come here and do me a favor." As I said that, I pulled the little warrior to the side of the black shaman monk who was captured alive. Without saying a word, I took out a dagger from my body and struck it. It pierced the black wizard monk's thigh.

The black wizard monk who had just fainted woke up immediately and let out a piercing scream.

Immediately afterwards, I flicked my hand and sprinkled a handful of Ma Boiling Spirit Powder on the face of the black witch monk.

I was afraid that the black witch monk would want to die with us again, so I removed his spiritual power first so that he would not be able to blow himself up.

Everyone is very worried about the safety of Monk Hua at this moment. If he makes a mistake, all of us present will be blamed and will be hurt for a lifetime. So no matter what, I must save Monk Hua and I will not hesitate to use any means.

The black shaman monk was stabbed by my dagger and screamed in agony. Blood spurted out. The little soldier's face suddenly changed in fright. He probably had never seen someone interrogating a prisoner like this before. He would kill him as soon as he came up. This was completely aimed at death. .

The black shaman monk who was stabbed with a dagger and sprinkled with hemp and boiling spirit powder immediately stared at me and said something in his mouth. Even if I didn't understand what he said, I could still guess it. Give a rough idea.

At this time, I looked at the little soldier and said, "What did he say?"

The little soldier was so frightened that he trembled all over and said in a trembling voice: "Report... report to the leader... he was indeed speaking in Khmer. Just now he was greeting your eighteen generations of ancestors..."

This is what I would do. I picked up a stone from the ground and hit him on the cheek. The black witch monk opened his mouth and spat out a few back molars. Blood flowed to the ground and stopped immediately. down.

"Tell him, let him release my brother. If he doesn't understand, I will torture him for three days and three nights in a hundred ways." I said angrily.

The little soldier responded, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and said a few words to the black shaman monk in Khmer.

However, the black witch monk laughed loudly, and then said something again, his eyes were still vicious, with a hint of madness.

I looked at the little soldier, and the little soldier then translated to me: "He said he didn't want to live for a long time, and he just happened to have a backrest when he was about to die. He would not lower his head for that person, no matter what. It’s a life, just let me handle it.”

"Okay, you are so kind! You are so kind!" I was already gritting my teeth in hatred.

Now more than ten minutes have passed. Monk Hua's condition is getting worse and worse, and his whole body has begun to turn livid. I know that the longer this situation is delayed, the more dangerous it will be. At that moment, I took out the eight treasure bag of Qiankun. A plastic glove was put on both hands. The reason why we wore the gloves was because we were worried that this guy would fall to us again and we would have to guard against it. Monk Hua didn't even know how he fell into the trap.

Then I directly opened the mouth of the black witch monk, and Xue Xiaoqi then took out his secret elixir Nine-Turn Scraping Bone Pill.

Ever since I got Xue Xiaoqi's Nine-turn Bone-Scraping Pill, I have never seen anyone able to last for 10 minutes, because the feeling is absolutely excruciating, and even the toughest guy can't hold it back.

We were forced to use this ruthless move, and Xue Xiaoqi naturally understood my intention.

In full view of everyone, Xue Xiaoqi snapped his fingers, and the black shaman monk began to wail in pain on the ground. The veins all over his body were bulging, and his eyes were blood red. His scream was inhumane, even if it was After suffering from Mabohualingsan, the black witch monk rolled on the ground in pain.

When the people around him saw the black wizard monk in this state, they were so frightened that sweat broke out on their heads, and the people in the special team were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe.We all had dark faces and didn't say a word. Everyone was extremely worried and just looked at the black shaman monk blankly. If the Nine Turns Bone-Scraping Pill doesn't work, then we really have no chance at all. There are no more tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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