Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1873 Red Medicine Bag

Chapter 1873 Red Medicine Bag
The black wizard screamed like a slaughtered pig for three minutes, his voice became hoarse, and the ground he dug into with his fingernails was covered in blood. Finally he couldn't bear it anymore and said something loudly. .

The eyes of the little soldier next to me suddenly lit up and he said: "Leader... He said he could help that man lower his head. Please stop..."

Hearing what the little soldier said, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Even I was trembling slightly with excitement.

At this time, Xue Xiaoqi snapped his fingers, and the effect of the Nine Turns Bone-Scraping Pill stopped. I approached the black wizard monk and said to the little warrior, "Ask him how to relieve his head."

The little warrior responded and said a few words to the black shaman monk. After a while, the little warrior said: "There is a black bag on his back, with various medicinal powders in it. The red bag What’s inside is the antidote to the falling stone.”

I quickly went around behind the black shaman monk and pulled down the bag. After opening it, I found that there were many small bags in various colors. They were probably various antidotes for lowering the head. At that moment I found the red medicine bag, waved it in front of the black wizard monk, and asked him if it was this.

The black wizard nodded quickly and said a few more words that I couldn't understand.

I specifically looked at the black witch monk. This time, I couldn’t see the almost crazy unruliness in the black witch monk’s eyes. He was completely tortured by the Nine Turns Bone Scraping Pill. It's fear.

In order to make sure it was not poison, I opened the red medicine bag and gave Xue Xiaoqi a look. Xue Xiaoqi put a little of it on his nose and smelled it a few times, then nodded and said: "Don't worry, it's not poison."

Then I took a deep breath, opened Monk Hua's mouth, and poured all the powder into Monk Hua's mouth.

As soon as the medicinal powder was taken into his mouth, Monk Hua's body quickly stopped shaking like a spasm, his eyes returned to normal, and his dark skin began to turn white bit by bit.

It seems that this is the antidote.

Laohua returned to normal, but fell into a coma. This life was finally saved.

I glanced around at these old brothers, and everyone had happy smiles on their faces. Bai Zhan couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off his head. It was obvious that he was very nervous just now, because he was afraid that the black wizard would grit his teeth and not let go. .

After everything settled, Xu Peng stepped forward and said, "Wu Jiuyin, we haven't seen each other for several months since we last said goodbye. I didn't expect to meet on such an occasion."

I cupped my hands and said, "Yes, Director Xu, long time no see. Thank you for arriving in time and saving my friend's life. I am very grateful."

"We are friends from the beginning, and your friend is my friend Xu, so there's no need to be so polite... The real Yunqing who I met in Yanqing Palace not long ago is also you?" Xu Peng asked curiously.

I smiled and said with some embarrassment: "Yes, it was me. I had important things to do at the time, and I wanted to lure out these evil cult monsters who were carrying out assassinations in Xiyan Prefecture, so I neglected Director Xu. Please don’t take it personally.”

Xu Peng laughed and said: "I feel something is not right. Master Yunqing and I are old acquaintances and we get along very well. But when I saw you today, you ignored me. I I thought I had offended Master Yunqing somewhere, but it turned out that Brother Wu was pretending to be one. Could it be that this was a deliberate arrangement between Brother Wu and Master Yunqing?"

I responded and said: "Yes, this is what we have discussed. Taking advantage of the affairs of Yanqing Palace, I pretended to be Master Yunqing to lure the snake out of the hole. Unexpectedly, I actually lured these scum out and killed them all." After all, this is the only one left alive." I pointed at the miserably tortured black witch monk.

"Brother Wu is really brave and resourceful. As a special task force in Xiyan Prefecture, I feel deeply guilty. Recently, people from Guiyong Dao and Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult have been active in Xiyan Prefecture, assassinating Buddhists and Taoists everywhere. The masters of the two sects have also deployed manpower everywhere, but these people are like ghosts, coming and going without a trace, and they can never be found. Now Brother Wu takes action and finally helps the Jianghu in Xiyanzhou. The man let out a bad breath." Xu Peng praised him full of praise.

"Good boy, I was right when I saw you. You are indeed a great person." Mr. Zeng suddenly stepped forward and slapped me hard on the arm.

I quickly bowed to the ground and said sternly: "Mr. Zeng, you're being negligent. Last time I was framed by people from the Southwest Department. Thanks to Mr. Zeng secretly returning the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe to me, I was able to escape safely. I heard You have also been greatly implicated because of this matter, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. It is such a kindness that I will never forget."

But Mr. Zeng waved his hand and said: "It's all in the past, so don't mention it. I'm not in good shape now, haha..."

Mr. Zeng looked very happy.

As he spoke, the sky turned dark unknowingly. Yue Qiang on the side said: "Brother Xiao Jiu, it's getting late. The old woman needs to go back to recuperate in time. If anything happens, let's talk about it when we go back."

I responded, then handed over my hands to Xu Peng and Zeng Lao and said, "Thank you both for arriving in time. My brother is not out of danger yet. I will send him back for recuperation. I will definitely pay him a visit someday."

"Easy to say, easy to say... We came a step too late and couldn't be of much help. The Xiyanzhou special team welcomes Brother Wu to visit at any time." Xu Peng said politely.

I smiled, then took out the dagger from my body, and walked towards the black wizard monk. None of these people were good. I didn't plan to keep him alive. I had something I wanted to ask, but I didn't bother to ask. Yes, just the story about Monk Hua scared me into a cold sweat. I want to avenge Old Hua.

But just when I was about to take action, Xu Peng suddenly stepped forward, grabbed my arm, and said with a smile: "Leave someone under my command, let us handle this person. He is just a survivor, and we still plan to kill him." I asked him something, how many people are deployed in Xiyanzhou."

I nodded and thought, leave these matters to the special task force, but I told Xu Peng that if you ask about anything important, remember to give me a call.

Xu Peng also agreed on the spot. Just as I was leading everyone, carrying Hua Monk on my back and preparing to leave, Xu Peng suddenly came up to me again and said with a smile: "By the way, Brother Wu, what did you just do to that black man?" What on earth did the shaman monk eat? He is so powerful. Can you give me some?"

(End of this chapter)

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