Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1874 More and more confusion

Chapter 1874 More and more confusion

I was stunned, looked at Xu Peng, and said with a smile: "Director Xu, your special team is still using our tricks to extract confessions?"

Xu Peng smiled awkwardly and said: "Some people are very tough-mouthed and have to use some special means. I just want to be prepared. I just want to know if you have any extra pills there. Can you give me some? "

The Nine-turn Bone-Guarding Pill I had was given to me by Xue Xiaoqi. It was a pill he prepared himself. Every time I ran out of it, I would go and ask for it from Xue Xiaoqi.

At the moment, I looked at Xue Xiaoqi. Xue Xiaoqi smiled slightly, took out a medicine bottle from his body, handed it to Xu Peng, and said: "This pill is called Jiuzhuan Guagu Dan. Take one and wait." When the effect of the medicine takes effect, it is like a hundred steel knives scraping bones and cutting flesh at the same time. It is unbearable for ordinary people. Over time, people can easily die of pain, so Director Xu should use it with caution."

Xu Peng's eyes suddenly lit up, he stretched out his hand to take the Nine Turns Bone Scraping Pill from Xue Xiaoqi's hand, and said with some excitement: "As expected of the Xue family of Hongye Valley, the whole family is a miracle doctor, and they can actually configure such a miracle doctor. Medicine, I really admire it."

After giving Xu Peng the pills, we all said goodbye, left the place, and went down the hillside. When we reached the bottom, we found our car and found that the car was full of holes made by bullets.

But we tried the car and found that we could still move, so we headed towards Dust Mountain.

When we arrived at the gate of Chenshan Mountain, we found a group of old Taoist priests standing at the gate. The leader was Master Yunqing, the headmaster of Chenshan Mountain, followed by elders from various peaks and veins.

As soon as they met, Master Yunqing came forward and said with a little excitement: "I have just heard about what happened to you at the foot of Chenshan Mountain, and I was about to go over to support you. Xi Yanzhou Director Xu of the special task force informed Pindao that you have returned, so Pindao led everyone to wait for you again. This move is really very satisfying, and Pindao, on behalf of Chenshan, would like to thank you all for your generous action."

With that said, Master Yun Qing bowed to all of us.

Master Yunqing is an elder after all. How dare we accept his great gift? We quickly returned the gift. Then, surrounded by the seniors of Chenshan, the group headed towards the mountain gate.

Along the way, Master Yunqing asked about the situation we encountered before. When he heard about the guys with guns and the black shaman monks who practiced corpse boy, Master Yunqing's face changed several times, and he said with some indignation: "These evil cult monsters are too evil. You don’t follow the rules anymore, firearms are banned in the arena of Yan Kingdom, these people are killing innocent people without restraint, it’s really hateful.”

As we talked along the way, we entered Chenshan's magic circle. Since the plan to lure the snake out of the cave was completed and almost all the people on the other side were annihilated, we no longer need to be secretive.

At that moment, Master Yunqing introduced to me the elders from each peak and lineage of Chenshan Mountain. What surprised me was that there were many great monks in Chenshan Mountain.

After the introduction by Master Yunqing, I realized that there were not only disciples of the Qingcheng lineage in the Cave Heaven Blessed Land of Chenshan Mountain, but there were also several practicing sects, but the name of Chenshan Mountain was too great. Just a few.

There are disciples from Shangqing Palace, Shenyuan Palace, Yuqing Palace... and great monks from Zipu Temple and Shexiang Temple.

The disciples of these sects share the Cave Heaven Paradise, and the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism get along harmoniously. According to Master Yunqing, this situation has been maintained in their Cave Heaven Paradise in Chenshan Mountain for thousands of years.

This is quite interesting, for example, the Dongtianfudi of the major sects absolutely does not allow other sects to get involved, whether it is Dancheng or Qingshan, but Chenshan is really eclectic and does not play cards in secret, which is enough to show At that time, the founder of Chenshan was really generous and generous.

That night, in the paradise of Cave Heaven in Chenshan Mountain, Master Yunqing hosted a banquet for us and the masters from all over Chenshan Mountain. We gathered together and had a lively time. He also introduced us to get to know each other. Now we are almost here. They have been in the world for several years and are somewhat famous. Most of them are very polite to us and want to make friends with us.

After the fun, we all drank a lot, but Xue Xiaoqi did not come. Instead, he took Monk Hua back to the room to help him treat his injuries.

Because Monk Hua was hit by the black witch monk's stone drop, and it took a long time to unravel the head drop technique, which caused some damage to his body, and it may take a while to recover.

After the banquet, a few of us hurried back to the room, found Xue Xiaoqi, and asked about Laohua's condition. After being weak for a while, you should be able to wake up tomorrow.

After getting this result, we feel that we are lucky among misfortunes, as we almost died.

When dealing with these people in the future, we still have to be more careful and vigilant. After all, it is Tongnanzhou's evil magic that we don't know much about. We should try not to have any physical contact with them in the future.

Everyone stayed in the room for a while, and then Yue Qiang arranged them into several adjacent rooms.

In the evening, Li Banxian found me, his face a little gloomy and uncertain, and he seemed to have something to say to me, so I told him to just say it directly without covering it up.

Li Banxian took a deep breath and said seriously: "Xiaojiu, why do I feel that the people who assassinated us today don't look like the people of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult? Do you feel this way?"

I was stunned when I said this. After thinking about it carefully, I also felt that something was not right. Most of the people in the Black Water Holy Spirit Sect were black shaman monks from Shifang and some forces from the Ning Yue Kingdom. We were in Dancheng Mountain before. The same was true for the people we met when we were there, but this time most of the people who assassinated us were from the Khmer side. What puzzled me the most was that the snipers on the other side were all Junhe Youren. It was obvious that They were like professional guards hired from outside. Their marksmanship was very accurate and put a lot of pressure on us.

This is obviously different from the people of the Black Water Holy Spirit Sect we met before.

I looked at Li Banxian and said seriously: "Old Li, who do you think they could be?"

Lao Li shook his head and said, "I'm not sure about this either. I always feel like there's some conspiracy. What happened today makes me a little uneasy. The situation now is getting more and more chaotic." , the forces of all parties are a little ready to move, next, we must be extremely careful."

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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